ActionScript 2.0 :: Accordion Code That Uses XML For The Buttons

Mar 10, 2010

I am using an accordion code that uses XML for the buttons. Here's an example of one of the buttons:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accordion Code Not Working?

Jan 2, 2011

I am trying to put together a little accordion animation for a site. I am using code from this site:


I only need 3 panels instead of 4 so I took the code and changed it to this:

* Accordion Menu


You would think that SOMETHING would happen now. Even if its just a strange movement of some kind. But nothing does happen. Not even an error message of any sort. I started messing with that X and Y value but nadda thing. All of my movie clips are named correctly. card1, card2 and card3. Maybe it has something to do with the packages? I have never used components before like tweenlite. I took the files and just placed them in the folder with my flash movie.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Accordion Component - Populating The Accordion With The Data?

Jul 10, 2009

I have an accordion component on my stage and I really do not even know where to start to do .I found this code on the Adobe help pages and it causes the movement of the accordion to bounce... which is great... but my problem is populating the accordion with the data.


import mx.core.View;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
top_acc.createChild(View, "first", {label:"FIRST", icon: vt[i]});[code]........

My accordion is called "top_acc".I have three(3) labels... (FIRST,SECOND, and THIRD) Within there i would like arrays to be displayed for the select label.My arrays are defined and when i trace them i get exactly what i am looking for... the format of the code to add an array to my accordion...then upon selecting the item in the array displayed i would to be able to display that same array value in a text box called "my_selection" ....also the amount of items in the array are not static and change day to day..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create An Accordion Menu With Out Using The Accordion Component?

Mar 6, 2007

how to create an accordion menu with out using the accordion component.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Accordion Style Interface - Flash Masked Buttons / MovieClips

Jan 16, 2005

Having some strange problems with masks in FMX 04: We're developing an accordion style interface. The problem is that buttons and images/mcs that are outside the "masked area" of each module are somehow clickable, or are "invisibly" pushing other content up/down. So basically the buttons/mcs are hidden, but Flash is still seeing them somehow. Is this normal mask behavior? Is there a solution besides setting the button to _visible = false? This is effecting my interface in other ways as well.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Xml Accordion Menu That Has Main Menus / Sub Menus Buttons With A Mask

Feb 3, 2009

I'm trying to create an xml accordion menu that has main menus and a sub menus buttons (movieClips) revealed with a mask. Simple question, How do I stop the mask area which reveals the sub menus catching mouseEvents on the submenus?The main menu button is a movieClip, it has the mask sprite attached to it as a property so it can scale dynamically to reveal the subMenus. They are set as children of the main menu button container. In my code I've set mainMenu.mouseChildern = true. But when the mainMenu is clicked I change mouseEnabeled = false to help prevent the main menu receiving events. This helps on rollOver rollOut events, but when I click or mouseDown on the subMenu the mask catches the event also and activates the main menu again. I've tried the obvious mask.mouseEnabled = false; mask.mouseChildern = false; mask.hitArea = null; and even setting mask.alpha = 0 but this has no effect at all.

I don't understand why the mask has to extend the hitArea property of the mainMenu and why this can't be set to null. It also seems crazy that when mouseChildren = true the parent clip also has to receive notice of the event.

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Add A GetURL Code To The Buttons?

Jul 27, 2009

I have a pre built flash navigation menu. I am trying to add a getURL code to the buttons. The code looks like this:

function butnClick(event:MouseEvent):void {
if ( == 0) { // For the 1st button:
// Add your button click actions here[code]............

Im getting syntax errors and I know its wrong but thats the only way I know how to write it so far.

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Sep 4, 2009

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When you rollover the button I would like it to alpha IN, and then when you rollout I'd like it to alpha OUT. Lastly, onPress I'd like to go to a different keyframe in the scene.[code]...

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Sep 13, 2011

the current code I have on the timeline now (where the buttons reside) is:

function playLifeboy(event:MouseEvent):void


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Flex :: Declaring Buttons In Code?

Dec 23, 2010

How to declare the buttons in the following AS code What is the library that needs to be included

public class caml extends Sprite


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Next / Previous Buttons Code

Mar 27, 2010

Im trying to make a slide show with a next and previous button. I have name these two buttons next_button and previous_button.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The Line Of Code To Run Without And Buttons?

Jun 1, 2005

We all know that you can make a frame lable in a movie clip and call it on press,rollOver ect...

_root.some_mc.gotoAndPlay("scene1") - won't play
on (press){
_root.some_mc.gotoAndPlay("scene1") - will play

My question is how to get the line of code to run without and buttons. I have made a few sites and never had to do this. I have tried making a function. But to no avail. I just want it to load when the frame reads the code..

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IDE :: Buttons Inside Mc Affecting The Code?

Oct 27, 2009

I have this code that makes a menu with two buttons appear following the mouse when the mouse rolls over a movieClip:

var imgOptions:menuMC = new menuMC();
//Makes the image options follow the mouse
function showImgOptions (e:Event):void


The problem is that the buttons are children of imgOptions, and when the mouse is over these two buttons, the movie reacts like the mouse is not over the imgOptions movieclip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Baffled - Buttons Will And Will Not Work Using Same Code?

May 11, 2010

im using the following code:
function l1top(l1:Event)

The first two buttons (btn_arrow_TL and btn_arrow_RL) work... but btn_Home will not work.... it shows up just a few frames later in the timeline, but why would this have any effect on it working or not???  The ActionScript runs the whole length..

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Professional :: How To Access A Buttons State With Code

Jul 28, 2011

I already made some buttons that I was planning on using as a menu for difficulty, easy,medium, hard. The buttons are already made with all the states and graphics, so I wanted to add an event listener so  that when you click a button for example easy, if the medium button was at its hit state I would revert it back to up, eg:easyButton.addEventListenere(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:event) { mediumButton.gotoAndStop("up") or mediumButton.up
but then I realized there is no propertie or function in the simpleButton class to change the state of the button,  I know I can make a movieclip, and do gotoAndStop at the up frame, but is there a way to make it work as a button???

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Code A Menu With Buttons That Can Go Back ?

Apr 5, 2012

I have a project I've been working on that, when properly coded, has a "main menu" with 4 "doors" (buttons). When the corresponding buttons to these "doors" are clicked, it should go to and play an external .swf file.If that doesn't make sense, think of a DVD menu. You click play movie, it plays the movie. When the movie is over, there's two buttons on that swf file to either play the movie over or go back the main menu, which is an external .swf file (Remember, we go to the movie from the menu, which is a seperate file). So far, the buttons work. The menu works. However, from the movie, at the conclusion, when I click the button to go back to the main menu, it displays the movie clip and the buttons, but none of the buttons work. I'm starting to think it has to do with the fact the main menu was written in AS3 and the movie was made in AS2. If anyone can assist me in being to able to keep both files and still navigate between the two, being able to bring up the menu from the movie and be able to play the movie again, and so on and so on. Here's the code for main menu, which I guess acts as the parent file, and the movie. If I get this to work, I essentially would duplicate the same actions for the other 4 doors, once I complete the environments for them.

Main.Fla/Swf (written in AS3)

(This is the action on the first frame, that has all the buttons. For this question, I'm just trying to properly code for 'Door4', which is the "door" to the movie.)

import flash.display.Loader;
 var myLoader1:Loader=new Loader ();[code].....

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Flash 9 :: CS3 - Attach Simple Code To Buttons

Sep 8, 2008

Say I have a symbol MyButton, as a button with the 4 special frames. When you mouse-over/mouse-out an instance, I'd like another object to be affected... text in some text box changing, or the item becoming visible, or similar. I know AS3 but I'm a real noob at CS3. I don't really get how actions work in CS3.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Previous/Next Buttons - Write Code?

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Is it possible to write code that so when you hit a "next" button, it tells a movie clip to move so far each time it is hit? Same as with the "prev" button moving the opposite way.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Code Generates Buttons (MC's Actually) Which Get A Name And A Url From A XML File?

Apr 16, 2010

This code generates buttons (MC's actually) which get a name and a url from a XML file. The problem is that the url assigned to the buttons is the same for all buttons, namely the last entry of the XML file. I can't seem to figure it out.Here's the XML file:

<button title="Google"></button>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Code Advanced Buttons Property

Jul 26, 2006

I have a navigation bar with a series of buttons on it. When you rollover any other these buttons there is and action on them saying :

on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {


Now I want to create some AS that when a button is click and disabled and then the user clicks on another button all buttons will reset themselves and play "out" if they were previously clicked (enabled=false)So in the end I am just looking to say "Hey flash if a button 1 is clicked and disbaled and then button 2 is click then button 1 needs to enabled itself and play "out".

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IDE :: Get Code To Use Buttons To Stop The XML Working While Going To Another Frame?

Jan 12, 2009

Now I'm working on a Website which contains a XML Carousel Gallery, with the coding below.Now this all happens on the homepage. I would like to stop the xml on other frames though. Is there any coding I can use on my Buttons, to stop the XML working while going to another frame?

var folder:String = "thumbnails/";// a folder for thumbnail files + an XML file
var total:Number;
var radiusX:Number =180;
var radiusY:Number = 10;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash 2 Buttons Wrong Code

May 6, 2011

Im currently trying to code the Login and Register buttons on the main screen of an app prototype to lead to certain frames.The code im using is below, i know this will be an easy fix for most of you,a compile error stating that it expects 2 arguments is coming up.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Code To Link Webpages With Specific Buttons?

Feb 15, 2010

What I need is a code that sends the user to a speacific page, everytime that button is clicked. The way I have been trying to do this (which may be wrong) is to set up each page on a different keyframe in the timeline (with stop actions on each one) - surely its now just a matter of adding an action to link each button to their page?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Code Snippets Buttons - Syntax Error

Sep 19, 2011

Hi, whenever I click on my code snippets button in Flash Pro, the output panel gives me a message about a missing bracket at the end of an argument list. In addition, none of the code snippets work. How might I correct it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Code To Support Swf Player With Control Buttons?

Oct 20, 2011

i need code for swf player.the player consists of play, pause ,stop, next and previous with seek bar and time control.i had try my code which not support my swf ......the code is

function swfLoadedHandler(e:Event):void {
trace("swf loaded");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Code On Buttons Works While On Movieclips It Doesn't

Dec 4, 2009

I've got several buttons in a tween (graphic) and a few movieclips in two of the buttons. They all have the same code


but this code works only on buttons, not on movieclips.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Code To Support Swf Player With Control Buttons

Oct 20, 2011

i need code for swf player.the player consists of play, pause ,stop, next and previous with seek bar and time control.i had try my code which not support my swf.[code]

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