ActionScript 2.0 :: Add A Shuffle Method To The Array Class

Apr 29, 2005

I got a class extending the array. np there when I instantiate a new object from the class I call it myArray (var myArray:NewArray = new NewArray(); ) now what's the fastest way to fill the new object? All I could find is


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a,b,c,d,g,,e,f (here after the g it goes wrong)
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Say I have an array:

myList:Array = new Array();
myList = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];

myRandomList:Array = new Array();[code].............

However, is there a way to rewrite this as a function?

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Jun 10, 2010

i used the Fader class to build a fade in-out slideshow and wanted to make it shuffle. While the slideshow works fine by its own, i just can�t figure the way to make it switch the images randomly. Here�s the code:

ActionScript Code:
import com.utils.Fader.*;
import com.utils.Fader.FaderItems;
import com.utils.Fader.Events.*;


Im not sure the list of added elements (all mc) on _faderItems works as an array.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving Array From Keyframe To Txt File And Shuffle

Nov 6, 2004

I have an array in a keyframe - but i want to have it in a textfile instead ( so that others can edit it for themselves. But i am having difficulty doing it. At the moment I have this on a button


What I'd like to know is how to change the above array so that it would work in a text file (which would be easier for others to edit you see). I think i could divide the letters by : and then use some code to break the array apart at ':'. But I am not really sure. Can anyone give me some pointers? Also - if u have time to shuffle the array so letters appear in different boxes each time?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving Array From Keyframe To Txt File And Shuffle?

Nov 6, 2004

I have an array in a keyframe - but i want to have it in a textfile instead ( so that others can edit it for themselves. But i am having difficulty doing it.At the moment I have this on a button

letters = new Array ();
letters.push ("Y");
letters.push ("d");


What I'd like to know is how to change the above array so that it would work in a text file (which would be easier for others to edit you see).I think i could divide the letters by : and then use some code to break the array apart at ':'.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using A "shuffle" Function To Randomize An Array?

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when the line of code "koan.shuffle();" is commented out swfs called "koan_1.swf" or "koan_2.swf" etc are loaded properly into a "koan_loader_mc" on the stage, albeit not randomized. (Each "koan_#.swf" has code in its last frame to both advance the "shuffle" array in the action script in the first frame of the stage and to load the next koan swf.) Why does "koan.shuffle();" not only fail to randomize the array, but, break the entire loading process? Frame on main stage:
// creates function called at the end of koan_#.swfs
function shuffle(a:Array) {
for (var ivar = a.length-1; ivar>=0; ivar--) {
var p = Math.floor(Math.random())(ivar+1);


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Actionscript 3 :: Calling A Method, Which Is Defined In Another Class, From Main Class Gives Error 1120?

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I have two classes. The Main class calls a function, which is defined in a Second class.I'm getting the following error:Error 1120: Access of undefined property myFunctionBasically, I am creating buttons in the Main class that will add a corresponding Child to an Object in the Second class (if you click one button, child x1 will be added, if you click another button, child x2 will be added, and so forth).Here's the relevant code for the file:

import flash.display.MovieClip;


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import com.poptent.SubClassOne;
import com.poptent.SubClassTwo;


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I have tried everything and nothing seems to work. How do I do this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delete Instance Of Class From Class' Method?

Dec 28, 2005

I have a class called Unit. When I use this class in a .fla file, I create it by saying:

var unit00:Unit = new Unit(...);

So then it creates a gfx representation of the screen for me. I would like to have a method like this:

PHP Code:


So how do I get this to work? I know that delete this will not work when defined inside the class. How do I target the .fla's instance name when I don't know what it will be called?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Overpass Array In Method

Mar 28, 2011

I am working on some kind of framework, and trying not to "hard code" anything. My idea is to have few screens with background movieclips and messages. Every screen will have messages, but some screens will not have movieclips. So far my code look something like this and it works fine:

ActionScript Code:
var mySuperMsg:Array = new Array();
mySuperMsg[0] = new SuperMessage("Lorem ipsum ", new Point(100, 100), 1, 10, 1);
mySuperMsg[1] = new SuperMessage("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", new Point(100, 200), 2, 10, 1);
mySuperMsg[2] = new SuperMessage("Lorem ipsum dolor ", new Point(100, 300), 3, 10, 1);
myMsgScreen2 = new MsgScreen(680, 500, new Point(0,0), myBackgroundMc, mySuperMsg);

As you can see, MsgScreen have 5 parameters like width, height, location, background movieclip, and array for messages. SuperMessage class have it's text, location, and some textformat parameters. This works as I expected. Problem is that msgScreen3 will have some movieclips in it, and iIwant them to be in array also. with their locations and so on...I cant set default value to array, so I cant get with putting 6th (default) parameter and only putting 5 when I don't need it. How to overpass it.

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Flash :: Add Method To As3 Class

Apr 2, 2011

There is a Point (flash.geom.Point) class in as3.I want to add method to class Point (e.g. convertToStagePointMyMethod()) and I'd like to call this method by using [code]What should I do in order to add this method to class Point? Is it possible without inheritance. I'd like to use it like "partial" classes in .NET

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Array Method - How To Effect Variables

Apr 10, 2009

I understand the Array Method:
arrayname = new Array();
arrayname [0] = "Text"
arrayame [1] = " Text2"

And have it randomly pick one via a clicked button or what have you, but how do I have these effect variables? We have randomly selected from one in the array, how do I make it so once it selects one of those, it effects one variable, and if it goes to another one effecting another variable + - or what have you, without using if statements?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Does The ForEach Method Modify The Array

Oct 5, 2009

Does the forEach method modify the array

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Method For Swapping Items In An Array?

Jan 21, 2010

Anyone have a method for swapping items in an array?

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Shuffle The Alphabet In A Text?

May 9, 2009

I have a text field for example "house", I want to shuffle the alphabet in this word, for e.g hseou, seouh, euohs ......everytime it enters the frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Do Re-shuffle Animation

Jul 28, 2011

I created one cardHolder in that total 13 cards.Can you please tell me how to do re-shuffle animation?[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing A Method From Another Class?

Aug 22, 2010

this is a massively simplified version of what I need to do but using the following classes, what do I need to put in the second class to call the function from the first? This class contains what I want to call:

package code
public class myClass1


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling Method From Another Class

Jan 10, 2011

I have two classes, in one (the Start class) I want to run a function I created in another (the Brown class). I commented in Start where I want to call the "addBrownListen" method. I tried doing it with the line:
But that didnt work.

Here are the two classes:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Brown extends Rebounders {
[Code] ......

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Jan 31, 2010

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