ActionScript 2.0 :: Add External Image To Content Which Is Under Movieclip

Jul 14, 2006

I am so happy that ive found this site to know everything about flash/xml/php. It really helps me a lot. I was so happy ive finally found a very simple MovieClip Scrollbar. Anyway, what I want to add to this script is how to add an external image to the content which is under the movieclip "contentMain".I was thinking to add this script that I also learn from this site but I dont know how to pass the variable to the content of the scrollbar. [code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Empty Movieclip (content) That Loads An External Swf?

Dec 11, 2006

I'm trying to make an empty movieclip (content) that loads an external swf move above some other movieclips after is is fully loaded, and another movieclip (stage_mc) hits frame 25. It needs to load behind and the stage_mc, then move above it when stage_mc hits frame25. I tried this code on the main timeline, and the main timeline is one frame.


and it's not working. I've also tried it without the this.onEnterFrame, and another variation on the content mc.None of these things are working.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading Content - Empty Movieclip That Loads The External Swf

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ActionScript 1/2 :: External Image / Once The Site Loads If Go To The "Contact Us" Page The Content Doesn't Load Correctly

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[URL] Above is a link to view the project I'm working on. Once the site loads if you go to the "Contact Us" page the content doesn't load correctly. I'm using an extrnal .xml and .css files for the content. I'm also embedding the fonts dynamicly. If I test the file locally on my computer is works fine the image loads as it's supposed to and content looks correct. However when I post the files to the server (which work exactly the same way) I get the white box when you can see from the link above. I'm at a complete loss as to how to to fix this.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Loading External Content On Top Of Main Content?

Jan 28, 2011

I'm loading one SWF into another but the internal one is coming over the main content and that can't is the part of my code where the external content is being loaded anyone hason what I can do to fix this? here is my code:

var loadAnimBox:Loader = new Loader();
var vid_mc:MovieClip;


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IDE :: Cache A Movieclip That Contains An External Image?

Apr 2, 2009

I'm having trouble trying to cache a movieclip that contains an external image that I have successfully loaded. My problem is that the fade function that is running when after the image is duplicated doesn't appear to be affecting the mc that contains the cached image.Is there a handler that I can use to ensure that the bitmap is attached inside the movie clip before I run my fade in, or do I have to beware of a timing issue and delay running the setInterval for the fade in?

bmppopulatedClip.onLoadInit = functiontoRun; or something?

Here's my code that doesn't work:

Stage.scaleMode = 'noScale';
Stage.align = 'TL';
import flash.display.*;[code].....

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Flash :: Load An External Image In A Movieclip?

Dec 30, 2010

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mcName.loadMovie( imageName )

trying to set the mc-size via

mcName._width = 100
mcName._height = 100

nothing changes. furthermore - any possibilities to zoom or stretch the image to get the size provided from the mc?

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Professional :: External Image Loading Into MovieClip On Stage

Oct 18, 2010

I am trying to load an external .swf (actually it is only an image that I published as a swf file, not a complicated movie) but I get errors. I am trying to load the .swf into a movieclip and the movieclip appears on the stage. I have put the code in frame 1 where the image should appear (in the movieclip). The code that I used is below and works fine with a .jpg and when I load it directly on the stage, that is to say, when I put the code in a frame on the stage. Why does it not 'work' right now?

I have added 'parent' in ' = 200;' in the first frame of the movieclip timeline, to make sure that it will appear on the (main)stage. The error that i get is this one:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at galerie2010_fla::mcBallon1_11/frame1()

This is the code in frame 1 in mcBallon1:
var imageRequest1a:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images/SWFoverig/ballon1_702x368.swf");
var imageLoader1a:Loader = new Loader();
imageLoader1a.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete1a);
function onComplete1a(event:Event):void{ = 200; = 205;}

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Content To MC Content Box?

Oct 8, 2003

how to load external swfs into the an MC content box using movies with embedded buttons?the problem i'm running into is this: i have animated buttons within movie clips. i also have a main_content MC in my scene into which i'm trying to load background images from another file. this other file has 3 frames, each with a different image.i don't know what the action script would be for a movie/button to load my external swf frames into the main_content MC.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Load External Image To Fla Library As MovieClip Symbol Using It?

Mar 10, 2011

I have been working on code updation project wherein initially we had an image and text as movieclips in fla library. The image and the text are read by the actionscript program which then creates an animation.[code]...

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The problem i am facing is not been able to figure out how can i change the image (after fetching its URL) to a movieclip and then load it in the library?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Swf Could Not Use Loaded Content

Aug 23, 2010

I have main preloader that loading external swf into it. external swf call method load picture from url. when event complete picture does not appear. but if external swf is the main swf it will appear nomally. I tried to use init but it still not working When I debug loader.contentLoaderInfo.content that call from external is gone.

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Jan 25, 2007

I'm having a problem preloading xml loaded content. I'm using the usual this.getbytesloaded at the start of my timeline. The problem is this is getting the total bytes for the container swf before the xml has loaded up all the images and content so my preloader is running short.

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Jan 27, 2010

So I know how to load external images via XML, but don't know how to make it so that it can load both movies and images. Right now I can just load images such as .jpg, .gif, and .png.I want to also be able to load movies such as .swf (.avi would be cool if possible but if not, its not a big deal).So basically how do I change the below code so I can also load a movie if I wanted to, instead of the image.Here is my code:

XML code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Nov 16, 2011

I am importing an SWF as library at runtime


private function loadDeck(str:String)
var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(str);


Then I can access all SWF linkages directly, as I added the SWF library to the app-domain.But...! When I instantiate a new object from the SWF library, the compiler does not know the new Class, and tells me it is not a known object, obviously.I fixed this problem deselecting "Strict Mode" from the FLA publish settings, but which is the best way to declare the exhistance of a certain class of an external SWF before it is loaded?

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Jul 19, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Content Under Background Image

Dec 18, 2011

I downloaded a file for full screen re-sizable background flash. I'm new to Flash. I started to make site from there, but when I draw anything, & compile it. my drawing goes behind this background.

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Flash - Loading External Content (in CD) Address

Jun 14, 2009

I have a CD and have all my files in it and I want to load them into my flash file, how can I do it?

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Professional :: Using External Interface On Local Content?

Jul 17, 2007

We're using External Interface for interfacing between Flash and JavaScript on the HTML page. All works fine online. When we
try to localize the pages though (so that a Salesperson can have a CD full of demos), none of them seem to work.Is this an over-sensitive Flash security issue? We already have allowscriptaccess='always' and swliveconnect=true in the object/embed tags.

What can we do that doesn't require changes on each individual machine to set trust paths or any other kind of browser configuration? Not only do we want to have this content working on the machine of a salesperson, we may get clients that want to deploy content offline (kiosks, machines without any network access).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External .swf Content Using A Button In CS5?

Aug 3, 2011

My project has about 400 independent files. It was originally created in AS2 using the following script.
on (release){loadMovie("A_002.swf", _root);}
This same script is used every time I need to load the following .swf movie.I would like to use a similar (equivalent) script using AS3. (Please note that the objective is not to load dynamic content into a particular file as when creating a "Gallery". My objective is for the new loaded movie to applear in its own screen. At the same time the file on scree shall unload completely or disappear.

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Jul 12, 2011

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var flashMovie:Sprite = this.content as Sprite;
for (var i:int = 0; i < flashMovie.numChildren; i++) {
But when I create my swf file using Illustrator it return nothing. How can can I access the content and change the color of an Illustrator SWF

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