ActionScript 2.0 :: Advanced HitTests With Any Of The "mc1" , "mc2" Etc?
Jun 9, 2008
I currently have a file that pulls out instances of a movieclip from the library and has them move across the screen. It names them "mc1" , "mc2" , etc, and the number is controlled by a variable. I also an on click event which attaches a movieclip to the stage in the same manner. this clip then moves down the stage. Each time the user clicks, it checks that there are less than the max of that movieclip, and if so it then sends down another instance. I want these movieclips to be able to hitTest with any of the "mc1" , "mc2" etc, but i can't seem to get it right. Also, i want it to reset the variable, b, which is used to name the movie clip the moves down the stage.
This is how i attach the bomb movieclip.
if (b<=bombs) {
attachMovie("bomb", "bomb"+b, (i+b));
bomb = _root["bomb"+b];
b += 1;
Now, how can I make each bomb able to hitTest with any of the "mc1", "mc2" etc that it may encounter, and what is a good way to reset b so that i keep the instance names "bomb1" , "bomb2" etc. I thought of just using a hitTest for each bomb instance, but I wanted to be able to add bombs at a later point if i wanted by simply changing the bombs variable.
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Jul 26, 2004
I have two HTML pages, each with a .swf movie on them. The first page has the splash .swf intro movie on it. I want to add a preloader to splash.swf that loads main.swf which is on main.html which loads when you click ENTER. I don't know if this is possible or not. The reason I have 2 seperate .swf's on seperate pages is because I need a different background color for each page. If this can't be done then I would be interested in just loading the main.swf into the user's cache as soon as they open the first page so that it acts as a preloader. I uploaded it to [URL]. The .swf's might not load correctly on mac's for some reason, but should be fine on a PC (no clue why).
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Im currently building a site for a FIJI Sailing Tour....[URL]As you can see in the above URL, I have 2 photos colour tweening in the timeline from one to the other, in a loop, easy, but. How do I create that exact same effect with Actionscript? Without animating the photos in the timeline?
My second question is:I was hoping to loop maybe 5-10 different photos using the above transition, ..but the file size is too large already when I'm only using 2 photos!!� How can I tell the swf to only preload one image at a time? So that all the photos dont have to load before it begins the loop?
- quickly preload the 1st photo then colour fade in,
- stall for 10 seconds,
- then start preloading the next photo,
- then colour fade out, and so on.....
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