I am writing this code on a bunch of buttons and was wondering if there was a way I could apply some sort of generic thing like move the button 2spaces away. ? Instead of defining exactly where they go on x and y.
I have a show I'm trying to create, I need to put the navigation buttons on different places on each frame due to content.
Code: on (release) { prevFrame(); } or Code: on (release) { nextFrame(); } and Code: on (release){ gotoAndplay("Scene1")}
I can get the symbols that I'm using as buttons to work in the first and second frame, but they will not work after that. Each frame has a Code: stop (); Action applied to it.
I have tried: copy and pasting the same symbol into multiple frames, dragging new symbols into multiple frames, creating folders for each frame and dragging new symbols into those folders then onto a frame, and I'm still not having luck. This presentation is set up to run in Flash 9 with Bottom up loading order and ASP2
Instead of applying it to just one button I want to apply it to many on the stage, how do i add the names of the buttons to the function? I tried separating with commas but no luck
I have this function that I want to apply to 10 different MovieClips that are on the stage by using an array. I wrote the array, I just need to know how I can apply the array to the function. [code]...
I am creating a 50 state map. You can see the swf right here - URL... am trying to quickly make it so each state fades to 50% opacity on rollover. But I haven't been able to make it work.[code]
I have five buttons on the stage Each of them is entirely different looking button icons..What i need is, I want to apply the same effect to different looking buttons.Swaping does not give me the desired effect.. How can this be done programatically..?
completing the code to get a return value from JavaScript to flash, but all the code was in a frame. My issue is I need to apply this code to multiple buttons, and then have them navigate to the appropriate frame. I thought I could put some of the code on the buttons themselves, or possibly I could call each button and keep all the code in frame one.....the external interface call function and the button functions....btn1, btn2; etc......I am not to verse in code and need to know what and how the best way to do this would be.
I'm working on a number of pages that load external text files with buttons.That part works fine and I had the text marked up with basic html but would rather use css....I'm trying to figure out how to apply the css to the text:
I'm working on a little flash project to show a card game being played out. Its just playing out a set of moves - no actual logic for actually playing the game.Anyhow, what i would like to be able to do is create a tween (hope thats the right term) where a card will appear in the center of the table, and then slide over to the players hands and at the same time shrink down so i can fit a few hands on the screen. So basically i need a tween that takes an object (the card), places it on the center of the screen, and then slides over and shrinks down to a specific point. So in whatever action script calls this tween, i guess i would need to feed it two values - which card it starts with, and where the card should end up.
I have a Flex ActionScript component. How can I apply CSS to this component? I'm hoping to be able to apply styles from an external CSS file.CSS Selector in file 'global.css':
I want a xml text loaded in a normal textfield. I want to embedd the font to the textfield (so not in the xml file). I also want to add links to the xml text and change the look of the link with css. I just want a text file with links in it in Flash and want it to be possible to change it outside of flash so in a XML or text or html file i dont care. As long as I can make links in the text file without the ugly link stripe under the text (so it should be changeable with CSS).
What is the advantage of using a Delegate class in as2? I realize that it's old news for as3 guys. But Ive got a medium sized as2 project and Im going through my code and wondering why Im using Delegate.create sometimes. What's wrong with "apply"?I admit that I must have jumped on the Delegate bandwagon without thinking anything more than "dhuu...thats what the pros must be using".Am I right in saying that there is nothing at all wrong with simply saying "function_name.apply( this, args )"? Or am I missing something? Is it a matter of memory management? I've done a lot of research on delegation and read all kinds of blogs and scripts from little tweeks to the official.. to >200 lines. Yikes! At the end of the day I wrote my own little delegate class that worked for me (just a rewrite of Proxy without loops). But now that I go though my code I see that I might as well have just used apply because that's all Im doing with it!
Id like to be a better programmer. What am I missing and why shouldn't I do a find and replace here. Why is it better to wrap up "apply"? Will I be better readied to learn other languages?I just don't understand why I was so convinced that I needed the delegate class when I had "apply" out of the box.
After searching for how to do this i discovered the Get/Set functions of as.3. The only problem is that i am not experienced enough with this kind of statement to get it working, so i have come here to seek from the wise and masterful members Here is some more info:Inside a fla called "Main" i have 2 MovieClips. The first is called Main and has a class linking to the com/Main.as file which has this code:
I am using action script 3 and need to know how to apply more than 1 action to a frame label, ie; I have 5 pages of images and have actions coded as follows:
btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,play1); function play1(event:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("1Lrg");
I was wondering if theres a way to apply ease in and ease out both to a single tween..as i want the tween to start slowly than gain normal speed and then again stop smoothly.
i would like to have a dynamic text that loads text from a *.txt file. This i know how is done, but the problem appears when i want the text-field to roll over the screen, as a motion tween. To be more specific it must be used for an infoboard, and people shold be able to change the "guests_today.txt" and then the guest list should roll over the display, over and over again.
I'm working with duplicating a bunch of movie clips, attempting to recreate a waterfall affect. For each drop I apply a overlay filter progmatically, and I want to set the alpha to a value of ten or so. So the script I used to do this was:
I've tried to put some text with a TextEvent.Link inside a TextField. But, when I put this in TextField.htmltext at runtime using a for statment from 0 to 10, just the last seven get the Event. Can anyone help me?
how to apply style to components? I already have components on the stage (so not generating them new from classes in ActionScript). Specifically, I need to designate the display text for both the checkbox and the radiobutton.
how can I apply an action to a button. I am using the Flash CS3 and I know that I can only apply actions to instances but I still can't make it work. It's a very simple file, I have 2 frames and I want a button on the first frame (with the instance name "hdg") that on release goes to frame 2 and stop.
I can't make it work:
my_btn.onRelease = function () { trace ("onRelease called"); };
I also want the movie to stop on the first frame, so that it does go straight to frame 2 but with the action of the instance there's an error.
I want to apply an action to my button so that it plays a mc on frame 2 of the mc, but in the actions palette in the window to add an action it says: Current selection cannot have actions applied to it. This thing is definitely a button but I will say that I have a mc and text box in each of the 4 frames of the button. But why should that cause an issue? With the button on the stage, I can view the up/over/down states by going: control --> enable simple buttons, so it is acting as a button.
Flash CS4 has a feature where a tween can have more than two keyframes. If a tween has three keyframes, then changing keyframe 2 will affect the motion from keyframes 1 to 2 as well as the motion from keyframes 2 to 3. This is a very cool feature.
But there's one problem: I can only figure out how to apply an ease to the entire tween, not to the motion between two keyframes. Do you know how I can apply one ease to the motion between keyframes 1 and 2, and a different ease (or the same one a second time) to the motion between keyframes 2 and 3?
I've had two ideas so far for getting the same result:
1) Make a custom ease that includes all the eases I want. I find this too cumbersome and imprecise, unless there's a way to copy an existing curve into the space between two keyframes of a second curve (without replacing the whole second curve).
2) Split the tween at each keyframe. But then every time I want to adjust keyframe 2 I have to do it twice, and sometimes the break ends up jerking slightly. I'd really rather keep keyframe 2 a shared keyframe.
this is my code I've been looking all over for an example of setting a mask using AS2I have a container MovieClip I create dynamically I've tried to attach a movieclip to the container then set mask before loading the swfI would like to know how to dynamically generate a mask or use a symbol from the library or stage if need be whatever works.This is my code.
var container:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip("container", 3);var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); mcLoader.addListener(this);mcLoader.loadClip("slideshow.swf", container);