ActionScript 2.0 :: Attack Mc Along A Motion Path?

Jan 25, 2007

I have a heart graphic that is moving along a motion path. how would i script it to make it look like little sparkles are falling from the heart can hand animate it but that is going to take way to long.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Enemy Attack - Make The Enemy Pause When It Reaches The Character, Then Choose An Attack To Use?

Mar 18, 2006

I am currently making a game, similar to StreetFighter,where enemies will come on from the side and you fight them. Now i have the character movement and attacks fully scripted, and have made an enemy, and i make it move towards the character using:

movethy = 7;
scale = _xscale;[code].....

Now this works quite well and the enemy stops when it hits the character, but the problem is, it wont complete a full attack, instead it plays a few frames of the attack MC. Now i have every attack in a different MC (Frames 2-5) inside the Enemy MC. How can i make the enemy pause when it reaches the character, then choose an attack to use? From there i'll be on my way and can script the hittest and so forth.

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Draw A Motion Path?

Jul 24, 2011

Any way which allow me to draw an arbitrary line with the pencil tool for instance, and then tell to flash to use this path as a motion path for an object on the stage by creating a motion tween. I know that this can be achieved by classic tween, but I look for a way to achieve the same effect but by using the new animation model of motion tween.

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Professional :: Can't Always See The Path Of A Motion Tween?

Jan 12, 2010

after I create a motion tween, why is it that I don't always see the path of that tween? It seems that I've got to shuffle stuff around a bit before I actually see the colored path. Is there some trick to this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Set Dynamic Motion Path

Jan 24, 2006

Played Zuma? How the motion path was set. I would assume that it was not timeline animation but I could be wrong. My thoughts are that pretty much any simplistic shape can be represented mathematically so it shouldn't be too hard to set up some formula to represent XY over time. My other thought was that the XY coords for the path are setup in a XML or database that the balls basically move through coordinates linearly speaking.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AttachMovie To A Custom Motion Path?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a custom motion path and a symbol. I want to use attachmovie to put the symbol on the page and go on that patch.

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Professional :: Trace The Path Of A Motion Tween?

Dec 27, 2011

Is it possible to trace the path a symbol takes and create a shape(or shapes that appear as a tracing)? Very Simple example: The letter C, without serifs. Basically an arc. I would like the C to be "drawn" in the animation. I hope to simply motion tween along the C and trace it's path. I did a shape tween, and wasn't happy with the results. Plus complex paths would be very hard to shape tween.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Circular Motion Path?

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I'm trying to make a circular motion path using Senocular's tutorial here.What I want is a box to move around a circle motion path that is created in AS when the user presses a button. However I'm having trouble decifering all of Sencular's code because there is a lot of advanced stuff that he puts in that I don't want and I'm having trouble getting started.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Motion Tween Object Along Path?

Apr 29, 2010

Im trying to make a ball move to the position of a crosshair (not the mouse, but another object on the stage) which stops after 15 seconds (if you can imagine a penalty shoot out game).

So the ball is still to begin, but on an onClipEvent(enterFrame)command it should move to the target (the crosshair)

Getting the ball to move along a line at a specified speed is no problem, but I want the ball to actually go to and stop wherever the crosshair is on the stage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Motion Guide / Path

Sep 6, 2010

So I am dynamically drawing lines. Pretend you run your flash movie, and click your mouse down, and move it around on the screen. It might have a curve, it might do anything, and once you release, the line is completely drawn. That part I can do no problem. I now want say, press a button and to have an MC appear on that dynamic line I drew, just like a motion path or guide, and then follow it until it comes to the end.

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Dec 1, 2004

I am trying to create something like the rollovers on this site [URL]. Is there a way that I can have a motion path and then have a mc duplicate itself around that path.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Irregular Circle Rotation - Motion Path?

Oct 1, 2009

I have a circle: Width 530 and height 800. I want an object to follow this circle using a motion path, but you cant do that in pure actionscript, so I tried rotating the circle with the object attached, but warping the circle at the same time... so width becomes 530 and height becomes 800... but because the circle has rotated at the same time, it looks like it hasn't moved - except for the object attached.

ActionScript Code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
var Tween1:Tween = new Tween(circle,"width",None.easeNone,800,530,2,true);
var Tween2:Tween = new Tween(circle,"height",None.easeNone,530,800,2,true);
var myTween:Tween = new Tween(circle,"rotation",None.easeNone,0,180,2,true);

This was the closest... but it still dances around the page before anything happens.... and it isn't reading the sizes properly? 530 isn't 530, but something bigger, and 800 is actually smaller?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Motion Path Relative To Mouse Position

Nov 10, 2007

im using MX 2004 although i do have Flash 9 atm if anyone has an example in that
Anyway, im trying to slow down and speed up an orbit of an mc relative to where the mouse position is. So basically i need some sort of radial "field" where when the mouse gets close to the outside of the orbit the movie clip stops and when it is farther away the movie clip speeds up.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Moving A MovieClip Along A Motion Path

Jan 24, 2011

I need to have a MovieClip/Sprite move along a path (which will likely be a Shape object) which is drawn dynamically and is going to be segments of straight-lines that bounces off the walls/edges of the stage. I now that Flash CS4 itself allows tween animation along a path, but I haven't been able to find an example of doing similar things in code. Most of the examples I see just deal with the x/y values directly. Is there no way to animate a MovieClip along an existing path object?

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IDE :: CS4 Motion Tween: Move Forward And Then Backward Along The Same Path

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Nov 17, 2004

Hopefully someone can give me a hand with this.I'm trying to create motion using scripting instead of a guide path or tweening event which should occur like this:Stage default size (550x400)Instance of a ball (in a movie)Ball starts on top left corner of stage then travels to top right, then travels to lower right, then travels to lower left, then travels to top left, then repeats.Basically the ball should just travel clockwise around the inside border of the stage.The script I'm trying to setup is based on three frames.

First frame:



After this I seem to just run into problems. Each time I try and set the logic for the ball to change direction and head back to the left once it reaches the bottom of the stage it either just stops, or bounces slightly back and forth in the lower right hand corner.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Duration Of A Motion Tween Along Custom Path?

May 3, 2011

I have motion tween made on the stage that follows a custom path. It's a bus going along its route. instead of dragging out the frames to get it to be the right length ( i have multiple bus tweens running) is there a way to export the tween for actionscript or xml and adjust the total duration of the tween as one would a normal tween created in actionscript?

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Make A Simple Ball Follow An Oval Motion Path?

Oct 23, 2009

how to make a simple ball follow an oval motion path? Think of a molecule spinning (and looping) around a nucleus. This was five seconds work in previous versions where you could draw the motion guide then simply attach an object to it and say "orient to path"  but I can't seem to find how to do it in CS4.

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Professional :: Motion Tween Path On Stage For Keyframe Display

Mar 21, 2011

I have motion tween of 100 frames. The motion tween path on the stage shows me Keyframes at every 5 frames i.e. it shows keyframe of 5,10,15,20 and so on till 100. No issues with that at all. But when trying to motion tween the duration to 99 frame or even lesser the entire motion tween path shows me each and every Keyframe on the stage which becomes so cumbersome to handle as then I have to manage all the keyframes on the stage. Whereas, when it is 100(just a frame more) it starts showing a different display. How can I have to same display if I were to reduce the motion tween to 99 or less, in that instance it is much easier to ease the frames in my animation. Is there any setting which controls this? I am using Flash Professional CS5.0

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Professional :: Motion Path Using 3D - OK In Main Timeline Broken In Symbol

Jan 4, 2012

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So when I convert the FLA that contains a motion path with 3D, the object moves away from the path in the symbol (the 1st frame remains in place, but everything else is off the path), even though it remains correct in the main timeline.
And once I start editing the object in the symbol, the object returns to the path ok, as if it had been some strange display issue, but the 3D is all wrong - the vanishing point relative to the object has changed. The same thing happens whether I create the 3D path using "global" or "local" tool settings.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set Motion Path For Movie Clip And To Have Speed Of Tween Set As Variable

Oct 22, 2006

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Actionscript 3 :: Make A Visual Object In Flex 4 Move Along A Circular Motion Path?

Sep 7, 2010

I can't seem to figure out how to accomplish a fairly simple task: I have a simple graphic and I'd like to apply an "orbiting" effect to it - so that the graphic moves in a circle around an arbitrary point (without rotating around its own center).[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Draw Motion Guide/path For A Mouse Position Based Movement?

Mar 22, 2011

Is it possible to draw motion guide/path for a mouse position based movement?

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Professional :: Remove The "motion Path" From Flash Avi Export

Aug 28, 2011

I create in CS5 a flash film using some motion-tween elements. This works fine in the flash-player. If I export it to an avi-video there are the motion path shown in the Film. How can I remove this. The move format is not a solution, the motion path is not shown, but there is a strong jerking in the replay

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Camera ("style") Motion Along A Path

Nov 17, 2005

Anyone willing to show me how (or point me in the right direction) to create a flying/floating camera style motion which follows a particular path (defined by actionscript). perhaps this example storyboard can help to explain further - the darker grey areas are the "stage" or atleast what is shown to the user. - the lighter grey areas are the "stage" in motion (along the path) - the bezier curved line is the path which the "stage" travels along from point A to point B would is be at all possible to control this with AS?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Make Character Attack In Game

Jun 8, 2011

I want to know how to make a character attack in a game. I've made a platformer game in which a character moves and jumps and collects the score balls, but the only thing I can't do is make him hit enemies.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating An Opponent And Attack On Certain Angle Only?

Nov 22, 2011

I'm a design base student and planning to make some interactive game, but I'm still quite a novice when comes to programming...Hopefully can get some suggestion on how to programme an enemy with some artificial intelligence as shown below:
I'm tring to make a still enemy(char) which will throw random items(star with  "R" ) on stage....and the character I'm controlling need to dodge the random items that throw towards him. The programming process went on quite well, but I just realize I can't figure out how to throw the items randomly within the given angle (90 degrees)
So far I'm only alble to shoot items in 1 direction only but not in random directions (like those classic jet fighter game). I try google for the solutions but all require complex math equation which include sin, cos, tan. Which I do not understand at all. Is there a simpler solution which do not involve complex calculation, or workaround method ? 

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Single Button Combo Attack?

Apr 27, 2010

so I'm still pretty new to AS3, but I'm making a game for my final project in school. I have to make a side scrolling beat em up game, where you hit the X button to do three different attack animations. I want the next attack to not start until the last ends, and I want the attack animations to reset if you wait too long between X presses.What I've gotten so far works, but is very clunky and I already see reasons down the road for why it's not gunna work well.

ActionScript Code:
var attackTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000);
var attacks:Array = new Array();


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Making Character Attack If SPACE Is Pressed

Sep 30, 2011

Im trying to make my character attack, the attack animation is inside the character movie clip on frame 4. But i dont understand how to do it? I want him to attack once, if SPACE is pressed. I have tried this:


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