ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Fps In Runtime?

Oct 27, 2003

Is possible to change fps in runtime ?

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Professional :: Possible To Change Fps During Runtime?

Mar 16, 2010

I was wondering if there is a way to change fps(Frames Per Second) during run time using there? if so is it recommended? or is there a way to slow down the execution of the code(like adding a pause?)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Attribute Name At Runtime?

Jun 29, 2010

How can we change the attribute name ows_Attachments to Attachments in runtime ??

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<row ows_Attachments="0" ows_LinkTitle="1" ows_productNo="1" ows_purchaseDate="2010-06-09 00:00:00" xmlns="#RowsetSchema"/>


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I have a cube with depth = 0 that acts as a double sided plane.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Color Of A Button In Runtime?

Feb 28, 2011

I have about 10 buttons in my flash game. (just SimpleButtons), and i want to change their colors in runtime.How can I do this? I need to change the color of the button rectangle, and the color of the text in the button. I can do this i think by converting all the parts of the buttons into movieclips and then refrencing those moviecips.tansform.colorTransform, but then i have to make a seperate movieclip for all 3 of the button states (normal, hover over, and click), right?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Appearance Of Selected Object At Runtime?

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I created a little application that allow the user to dragsome objectsarond the movie rea.But I cannot find a way to change the appearance of theselected objectwhile dragging it and resetting his appearance to defaultonce the objectis released.What can I do to achieve something similar?It could be enough to change the alpha properties (aplha 30)by using thesetproperty command, but even if I can change it whiledragging, once Idrop the object (stopdrag) the alpha is not changed todefault (100).

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Flash :: Change Shape Border Stroke Runtime In It?

Sep 28, 2010

I've got a complicated shape in a MovieClip.Runtime i want to change the stroke width of this Shape depending on a size ratio.

How can I change this property without redrawing the entire Shape with the drawing API (almost impossible, is a map with very detailed borders) ?

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Actionscript 3 :: Change BorderColor In Spark Button In Runtime?

Mar 31, 2011

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for each (var prop:XML in option.elements()){
var but:spark.components.Button = new spark.components.Button();


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Actionscript 3 :: Change The Label Text At Runtime In Flex?

Oct 17, 2011

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addElement (myGroup )
myGroup.addElement ( button 1 )
myGroup.addElement ( label )
myGroup.addElement ( button 2 )

now when i click on one button 2 i can get event.currentTarget.

How can i change the text of label using this event.currentTarget. How can i target the label

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Motion Tween Endpoint At Runtime

Sep 1, 2009

I've created a symbol and motion tween and given an instance name to the tween (lets call it mt1) on Layer 1, frame 1 - frame 10. On layer 2, frame 1 I create a button and stop and add the MouseEvent hander and function. Can I, from the function on layer 2, alter the end point of the motion tween on layer 1 via the function? I've tried, but unsuccessfully. Can't seem to access the tween properly. Or I am way off base. Here's the Actionscript frame 1, layer 2:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Flash Movie Size During Runtime?

Sep 5, 2006

I have seen this on some site, so there must be a way of doing this. How do you dynamically change a flash movies dimension during runtime? For example, the forum nugget is working on I noticed that the height of the flash forum dynamically grows as the thread getslonger...because I can see my browser scroll bars appear. How can this be achieved?? his seems mind buggling to me, because you have to set a flash movies stage dimensions before publishing and the html has the flash dimesions too, so I don't get how this is being done

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Mar 29, 2008

change a cube's materialList at runtime in Papervision 3d?

I have a cube already drawn up with two different images on the front and back. When it's clicked, I want to change the image texture on the back and then spin it to show the recently loaded image's side. Spinning's fine, I'm just unsure how to change the cube's materialist.

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Flex :: Change The Style Property - TextInputStyleName Of A Combobox At Runtime?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a prompt string to be displayed in my combobox - this needs to be displayed in italics. When user makes any selection from the list - i need to change the style of the displayed content.

My css file:

fontStyle: italic;[code].....

I am able to see the style change happening because the color changes; but the change specific to textInputStyleName does not get applied.

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Oct 26, 2011

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IDE :: Create A Drop Down List Of The Fonts Where Anyone Could Select - Change (runtime) The FONT TYPE By Clicking The Name?

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Feb 23, 2010

I've seen the Loom project, but are there any alternatives that are more mature (and actively developed)? I am looking for something that would allow load-time weaving of pointcuts into existing binary code at runtime with the AVM2 runtime.

Has any work been done in this area?

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Mar 22, 2011

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Difference Between The Flash Player Runtime And Adobe AIR Runtime?

Nov 16, 2009

I've been into coding for about 5 years now, but I'm a recent convert to Flash development. One of the questions I have at the moment is, considering that SWF files can be run by either Adobe Flash Player OR Adobe AIR, what's the real difference between the two runtime environments? What API's and Objects exist in one environment, but not the other?

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Oct 9, 2009

Whenever I link a set of movieclips together with the bone tool which are inside a containing movieclip, and also set the type to "runtime" instead of "authortime", I get this error when published.

"Runtime symbols with skewed matrices should be wrapped in a movie clip" What does it mean? I need the type to be set to runtime so I can use scripting with it..

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Actionscript 3 :: Change A Flash Context Menu That Is Already Personalized -- Can't Find It To Change?

Dec 16, 2009

Is there any way to change a context menu that already has been personalized. I have an small application that I purchased to learn with and also to save some time. When I right click the context menu appears with the other person's information in it. I want to change that information if it is possible to do so. I tried

var my_menu:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
contextMenu = my_menu;

and added my info but the menu will not change from the person I got the app from. Is this considered unethical or illegal? I put so much work into this, I don't want the person to get credit for it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cant Get Shape To Refresh And Change / When Change Its Variable Using Text Field

Dec 3, 2010

Im really new to as3, and im just trying out some stuff, but i cant get a shape to refresh and change when i change its variable using a text field.If i change the text fields text before i test it, it works, but while its running it doesnt change it again.Btw, trying to change the stroke size.[code]i just want is so that when i change the strokeSize_txt text box, it will change the stroke for the shape.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Sine Wave And Its Speed Will Change Depends On Change In Freequency And Wavelength

Jun 3, 2011

i want to create a sine wave and its speed will change depends on change in freequency and wavelength . and stop the wave movement when we click stop button.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Nav Button Image On Page Navigation Change?

May 26, 2010

i have my nave bar as my main swf then i load each page as an external swf in a mc container. each button should be marked when you navigate to the respective page. how would i load a current pages icon over the generic one when i navigate to that page then unload it when i navigate to another page?

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