ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The Depth Of Multiple Symbols?
Nov 13, 2006
this is a simple one. on Frame XX i want to have symbols on layers 1,2,3 (for sake of argument) at differnt depths. thats the tag to change the depth of multiple symbols?
I have been trying to change the depth of an object. I have only just started learning AS3, so I haven't looked into this yet.So far I have been using a trial-&-error method to try to get this piece of code to work which I found on a site, but I have not succeeded:
I am putting this code in it's class, and I tried replacing the word example with 'this'. Can someone please help me? When I test the swf it comes up with this in output:
ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller. at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/setChildIndex() at Foreground/enterFrame()
Im trying to change the depth or index of a movieclip when its click. And bring it to the top of everything. The problem is that the movie clip is not added by addChild, but nested in a frame.
so if i try and use any of these:
anyMC.parent.setChildIndex(anyMC, anyMC.parent.numChildren-1); or public function bringMCToFront($mc:MovieClip){ $mc.parent.setChildIndex($mc, $mc.parent.numChildren-1);}
by it gives me this error: Error #1065: Variable setChildIndex is not defined.
i want when user rollover on any movieclip it comes on top after rollout it goes it's original position but, this code is showing error.ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
private function pan3D():void{ excelmc=thumbswork.excel
the question is a bit more involed. I have a dynamic text box, which I've put inside a movieclip. I hae a number of movieclips that I bring in using attachMovie, but my movieclip which contains my text box is underneath all the other movieclips.
I would like to know how I can tell my movie to display above all the other?
right now I have some balls being generated like addChildAt(ball, 0);However what if I wanted to change the order of one specific ball?So make one ball 2 and add a alpha layer inbetween so the other balls cant be clicked.
I have multiple instances of the same symbol on different keyframes on the same layer on the timeline.Is there a way to swap all of them at once, or do I have to click on each one individually and swap them one at a time?
I get how to set depth in as3 - but with as2 i could begin multiple 'depth points' using numbers - where in as3 all i can seem to do is set this object to a higher/lower depth than that object. The problem is (when dealing with a stack of isometric boxes, which can be placed by the user on a grid in any order) i don't want to deal with the added complexity of having every element know where every other element is, then adjust appropriately.
What I'm trying to do is set up 6 total depth numbers/positions, one for each column in a 6 x 6 grid. So anything in column 1 will begin it's depth placement at say 500, anything in column 2 will begin its depth at 1000, column 3 would be 1500 and so on.
That way, the second i place an object on a particular column, it would tuck itself under, or place itself above all surrounding items in other columns, this to me is much much easier than somehow figuring out where 15 different sized boxes are, how they relate to one another, then figure out what depth order they need to go in. as3 seems to have removed the ability to set a depth to a specific number.
Obasically I have the codes I need to make my project work but the problem is when I put my drag and drop code with my swap depth on hittest code my drag code stops working heeres the codes:
----------------- function spiral(centerX, centerY, radius, sides, coils, rotation){ with(this){ moveTo(centerX, centerY); var awayStep = radius/sides; var aroundStep = coils/sides;// 0 to 1 based. var aroundRadians = aroundStep * 2 * Math.PI; rotation *= 2 * Math.PI; for(var i=1; i<=sides; i++){ var away = i * awayStep; var around = i *
and I want some movie clips to appear infront as well as behind it, but right now it always appears on the bottom layer. Is there a way to attach the drawing to a movie clip or something so I can change it's depth?
I am trying to change the depth of MCs that are already positioned on the stage. However, there doesn't seem to be a property such as _depth. So can I even change the depth of an MC during the game and if so how would I do it?
Is there a way to change the depth (index number) of a movieClip when I click on it to drag. Example:Say I have three circles. Each circle has a MOUSE_UP and MOUSE_DOWN eventListener. When one is clicked It will bring it to the front so when I drag it will be above the two other circles.
Im having a dynamic textfield in on the main timeline which loads an external text file. Im also using addChild on the main timeline to display a mc. The problem is that the textfield is always behind the mc!! how can i change the depth of the textfield?
I am trying to change the depth of MCs that are already positioned on the stage. However, there doesn't seem to be a property such as _depth. So can I even change the depth of an MC during the game and if so how would I do it?
I have a symbol on my stage(call it A), in A there are 2 other symbols (B&C).These symbols are tweened and are moving across A(both not starting at frame one but later on).In B and C are textboxes and both have an actionscript at frame 1.In this script is a certain calculation.For this calculation is a random generated numer necessary, however in both symbols these need to be equal. So somewhere in my little program needs to be a link between symbol B and C (or B and C using a variable from A or the stage).Because of the tween, things like A.B.myTextbox_txt.text is not possible (or other combinations).
ttest to work. I tried to do a for loop that went through each of the pellets by number i.e.pellet[i] in a for loop with each pellet being number pellet1 pellet2 pellet3 so on... I tried putting it in the first frame of the fla both in an enter frame function and just by itself.
Code: with (_root) { for (i=0; i>=3; i++) { if (pacman.hitTest(ball[i])) { ball[i]._x =
Is there a way for 1 class to have multiple symbols, (not individual instances but symbols) Or should I just make a major Class with minor classes extending that one class?
I've got a looping slideshow. I'd like to place a sliding menu at the bottom of the screen. The problem is I've created the slideshow dynamically, and the images being loaded all inherit a depth greater than 0.
how I can place the sliding menu at the very top of the presentation when it's already on the stage?
Is there anyway that Actionscript allows multiple symbols to be linked to the same class? This is because the symbols' are diff. in appearance but the same in functionality. It seems a bit redundant to create a new class everytime.
Basically I am followinga book to learn flash animation for the first time. I am o'animating objects that change size' chapter. Here are the isntructions and tutorials for me to do:
1 create a new Flash Document
2. On the stage, ceate a new object in Frame 1.
3. With Frame 1 selected, choose Insert > Create Motion tween. (Flash turns your object into a symbol) There are more steps, but the reason why I stopped here is because whenever I create a motion tween from the insert menu, the object that is on the stage ends up not able to move and I get the following message: The current selection in layer 'layer 1' is a tween span which does not support drawing I don't have a clue what this means,
I have a logo that I'd like to animate for a class presentation. The logo can be seen here: [URL]. I would like only the word LEAF to fade in, and then the blue portion to wind its way around (Starting at the gap at the top, going clockwise and finishing by revealing to two shorter lines in the center). At first I tried to mask the blue portion in segments, but couldn't figure out how to link multiple symbols together to mask the same image.
I have followed the guide at this link to create a matrix code effect. The matrix code font file is available to download from this site also (mCode15). Once I get this file up and running and understand how it works, I'm going to tweak it somewhat to suit my needs.
Iam, however, experiencing some problems getting it to work as described in the tutorial. I have followed the tutorial to the letter, but when the flash movie file runs, only the glyph symbol that I used to create the_one and one_pod movie symbols is displayed in the code that scrolls down screen. I have embedded the font the way it describes and even added it to the library and set it to export for actionscript using the linkage option. But the matrix code that rains down is still only one symbol which never changes.
how to move an object built from multiple symbols (including movie clips with interactivity) in a timeline other than the root? I tried putting them all in another symbol, but then the interactivity was lost.
On a boad scope, what I'm trying to do is animate a "digital multimeter" out of the way when not in use, and vise versa.