ActionScript 2.0 :: Classes - If I Change The Atrribute Instead Of Being Dynamic, To Be Static, It Does Work?

Jul 26, 2006

i'm trying to learn about clases, and i tried to make an easy XML loader, but i gotta a problem with the attributes that doen't take the value i provide with the att variable. it shows me on the trace statement like undefined, and for example if i change the atrribute instead of being dynamic, to be static, it does work.

class XMLS {
function XMLS(Path:String, textfield:TextField, att:String, n:Number) {
var miXML:XML = new XML();[code].....

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Xml :: Structure Classes To Avoid Using Static Functions?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Static Variable To Create External Classes?

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Changing The Static Field Doesn't Work?

Oct 18, 2010

Here's a simple test:

1) create a new AS3 project.

2) add a dynamic text field to the stage, give it an instance of "txt" or something and make it render html text

3) on frame 1 add this code:


txt.htmlText="<b>bold</b> <i>ital</i> <u>underline</u>";

if you test the movie, it looks fine.

4) add another text field to the stage, this one should be a static text field; put some text in it and test the movie again.

5) if you delete the static field and add another dynamic field, all is well again. Simply changing the static field doesn't work. It needs to be deleted and re-added.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Static Class To Change TextField?

Jan 19, 2012

I'm trying to make a static class that will change the text written in a TextField inside a SWF file.
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Certainly that I'm forgetting something obvious, I get the correct trace messages, but the textfield disappears. The initial text is "Start" and I want to change that to "OK". For now I just want to change the text, but after I want to be able to change the text format.
So far I have this:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class ChangeTextField extends MovieClip


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Jan 21, 2009

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Mix Static And Dynamic Text?

Apr 24, 2009

How do you mix static and dynamic text in one sentence?I want to display This audio is ::totaltime:: minutes long.Where ::totaltime:: is a variable determined in the ActionScript 2 codeCan I do this in a text box on the stage or does it need to be done in ActionScript 2? (I'm not using AS3, even though I'm in CS3.)If it's in AS2, I'm not used to outputting text from there, so how do I specify that the text be embedded Helvetica, 12pt, black, and starting at x:0, y:65 ?

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Data Integration :: Static Vs. Dynamic XML?

Sep 28, 2006

I have created a Flash Map that functions properly with a static XML file but when I try to load a dynamic XML generated my ColdFusion I get no results. The example can be found at: http:[url]...The one that does not work is at http:[url]....

This map should load the different states that are in the XML file but instead it does not load any of them. The two different XML files can be found at: http:[url]....and http:[url].....An interesting note: Firefox does not recognize the cfm file as a XML file but IE does. This may be based on the file extension.

The Action Script is exactly the same except that it references adifferent file. The Flash works when published for Flash Player 6 but when I try to publish for Player 8 even the
static XML does not work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Fonts Don't Work... But Arial And Verdana Work?

Mar 19, 2012

I am trying to defeat my psychological block with dynamically loaded fonts in AS3, and I have an annoying problem. I am creating a clock with a textfield and I am loading fonts from a SWF library: the available classes/linkages are "Arial", "ArialBold", "MyriadPro", "MyriadProBold" and "Verdana".This is the line where I get the class from the SWF, and it extracts the class correctly

clock = new Clock( { fontClass: assetsLoader.getFontClass("skin", "Arial") } );
The constructor...


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How Dose Extending Classes Work

Mar 10, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: The Classes Bounded To An Fla, Doesn't Work?

Sep 28, 2011

i have flash cs5 professional and adobe flash builder, SDK flex builder 4.0, publish with flash 10, and find that a simple "hello world" doesn't work. Dont output some message of error.What i do is create a new flash proyect save the fla file and then create a class where in the constructor i put the trace function with the message "hello world".I follow the instruction, and concepts, and understand everything, im not a new programmer i have experience with several lenguages.

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Flash :: Creating A .swc - Don't Interfaces Work, When Classes?

Sep 26, 2010

I'm making a game which loads map .swfs at runtime. The maps will contain graphics and code, which can both vary from map to map. I've decided to make all the maps implement an interface, so they can all be used in the same way by the game. I'm using a .swc to contain the interface, like in this page.

I can get classes to work in the .swc, but not interfaces!

I'm using Flash cs5, and flashdevelop for editing, in AS3. Here's how I've been doing it:

1- create map.fla with a symbol called Map, and a


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loaders Work Only In Movieclips Classes?

Mar 16, 2009

I'm surprised that a XML loader works only if it is embed in a MovieClip class and not any external class.

I have my XMLLoader class and the loader didn't work.

I've added "extends MovieClip" and it worked.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Classes CS4 - Movie Does Not Work

Jul 14, 2009

I have a movie that reads class files located in folder called 'src' and has been working once I changed the path to absolute. for some reason now my movie has decided not to work.

this is how I create the path:

Go to porperties and click 'Edit' then clicking the AS3 'settings'. I then go to the 'Source path' tab and click 'browse folder' icon to the folder of the classes. having done all this my movie still does not work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash8] Tween Classes Just Won't Work

Dec 18, 2009

I can't make the tween to work. I've tried hundreds of tutorials and such (and they are all basically the same), I even followed the troubleshooting section of this tut with no results.If I download any file with that same script it works, if I copypaste it and do the exact same thing it doesn't. Maybe is something very simple that I just can't see but this is driving me nuts.

Partial code from flash tutorials:

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
new Tween(ball_mc, "_x", Elastic.easeOut, 0, 300, 3, true);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Classes > OnEnterFrame Doesn't Work

May 7, 2005

I made a class named "fo" :

class fo {
function onEnterFrame(){

the swf file calling this file had:

var tr:fo = new fo();

Now when i run this swf ... it traces nothing ... ?( The as file is named and is in the same foledr as the swf file )

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Actionscript 3 :: Possible To Change Anti-alias Setting Of Static Text Through Code?

Dec 7, 2010

I'm working with swf's generated by InDesign CS5, which will apparently only export text as staticText objects. Is it possible to alter the anti-alias of staticText? I want to make it for readability, but it defaults to animation with no apparent way of changing it. I recently got help for textFields, but I can't seem to get it to work on staticText.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Combining Dynamic And Static Text?

Apr 14, 2011

I'm trying to display a score in CS4 using AS2.0. The score is out of 14, so the display should read "1/14", "2/14" etc. I've got some code that scores correctly, but would like the text box to incorporate the "/14" which is static text. If I sit a static text box next to the dynamic text box, it doesn't align properly. I've anti-aliased the text (Bitstream Vera Sans Bold), but the alignment is still not reliable, even checking type spacing, correct Y position on page etc. The code I have currently is:

var score:Number = 0;
function addScore() {
scoreBoard.variable = score;

I thought by altering the last line to

scoreBoard.variable = score + "/14";

but this doesn't work, the "/14" does not display.I've also tried scoreBoard.text = score + "/14"; In this instance, the "/14" is not displayed when the score is zero, then displays "1/14" when the score is 1, but then displays "a/14" when the score increases.

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