ActionScript 3.0 :: Loaders Work Only In Movieclips Classes?

Mar 16, 2009

I'm surprised that a XML loader works only if it is embed in a MovieClip class and not any external class.

I have my XMLLoader class and the loader didn't work.

I've added "extends MovieClip" and it worked.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple SWF Load - Keeping A Reference To The Loader And The Classes Holding The Loaders

Jul 31, 2009

I'm loading a bunch of SWFs at the same time. I'm using a custom class to do the loading. Most of the time they all load OK, however occasionally one or two will be unloaded (I can see that in the console) before we get to the Event.COMPLETE. The ProgressEvents are all fine - I can see them loading, but then boom - they're unloaded.

I've done a bit of digging around and discovered that this may be a bug in the Loader class where if you are using multiple instances of the class then sometimes one or more will be Garbage Collected before they finish loading and are therefore unloaded. I've tried keeping a reference to the loader and the classes holding the loaders and I'm still having the problem. The solution is to queue the loads and load each swf in order which isn't a problem, just a bit irritating.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Loaders From Different Movieclips?

Nov 19, 2009

I have a movieclip, let's call it MC1. Inside the actions timeline of MC1, I create a loader and when a button in MC1 is clicked, the loader is added to the stage with an image.

On my maintimeline, you can click a button to bring a second movieclip onto the stage, let's call it MC2. MC2 has the same set up as MC1 where you click a button within MC2 and it adds its own loader with an image to the stage.

The problem is, when I click on MC2, MC1's loader is still on the stage, and I'm having trouble getting rid of it! I tried removeChild(loaderfromMC1) within the actions panel of MC2 but it can't reference variables created in MC1? and I tried removeChild(loaderfromMC1) when the button on the maintimeline is clicked, but it seems that I still cannot reference the MC1 defined variable.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Library Movieclips With Classes?

Jan 15, 2010

I've created a carousel class which takes one parameter, an array of menu item names, these will then be displayed on the carousel. I've then created  two movieclips for the left and right controls, added them to the library and given them classes of their own.Within the carousel class I instantiate instances of the two control classes which then enables me to add event listeners for rollover and rollout.

What I'd like to know is, is this the best way to do this short of creating the controls using pure actionscript?I'd like to not have to add the class properties for the left and right controls and have a situation where I could just give them the right name and they would work or maybe pass them in as parameters and use them that way.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Classes And Movieclips?

Nov 14, 2011

multiple classes and then register each movieclip from the library to a different class? It isnt working for me. I created two different classes and created two entire different movieClips and registered each movie clips to a different class. However, I can only use on movieClip at a time, when I use the duplicateMovieClip. command to create copies of the movieclip, i find that only those movieclips, whose class i declared first, appear on stage

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How do I use/call (say... modify the y coordinate) of a MovieClip that is placed on the stage, in a parent class of the Document class?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Declare Multiple Classes And Movieclips?

Jul 17, 2004

Can you declare multiple classes and then register each movieclip from the library to a different class? It isnt working for me.

I created two different classes and created two entire different movieClips and registered each movie clips to a different class.

However, I can only use on movieClip at a time, when I use the duplicateMovieClip... command to create copies of the movieclip, i find that only those movieclips, whose class i declared first, appear on stage.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Classes With Respect To A Movieclips 'As 2.0 Class'?

Nov 20, 2006

I am having some trouble with Classes with respect to a movieclips 'As 2.0 class' in the linkage settings.After an attachMovie i am expecting my Class members to exist but they are not

OK, This is what i was doing...I create a MovieClip called Class1_mc and another called Class2_mc, original eh.i then stick an instance of class2_mc INSIDE of Class1_mc, call it clipinner

ok so i assign Class1 to Class1_mc and Class2 to Class2_mc via the linkage settings.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Reference Movieclips Between Classes?

Jun 6, 2010

am trying to get a movieclip in one class to stay at the same x and y value of a movieclip in another class. the arm is meant to stay on the player's mc in .here is the code.

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Work With Classes

Jan 21, 2009

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Flash :: Manage Multi-frame MovieClips With Classes?

Apr 15, 2012

After switching to AS3, I've been having a hell of a time figuring out the best way to manage MovieClips that have UI elements spread across multiple frames with a single class. An example that I am working on now is a simple email form. I have a MovieClip with two frames:

the 1st frame has the form elements (text inputs, submit button) the 2nd frame has a "you" message and a button to go back to the first frame (to send another email) In the library I have linked the MovieClip to a custom class (Emailer). My immediate problem is how do I assign a MouseEvent.CLICK event to the button on the 2nd frame? I should note at this point that I am trying to avoid putting code on the timeline (except for stop() calls). This is how I am 'solving' the problem now:

Emailer registers an event listener for a frame change ( addEventListener("frame 2", onFrameChange) )On the 2nd frame of the MovieClip I am calling dispatchEvent(new Event("frame 2")); (I would prefer to not have this code on the frame, but I don't know what else to do)

My two complaints with this method are that, first I have calls to addEventListener spread out across different class methods (I would rather have all UI event listeners registered in one method), and second that I have to dispatch those custom "onFrameChange" events. The second complaint grows exponentially for MovieClips that have more than just 2 frames.

My so called solution feels makes me feel dirty and makes my brain hurt. I am looking for any advice on what to do differently. Perhaps there's a design pattern I should be looking at? Should I swallow my pride and write timeline code even though the rest of my application is written in class files (and I abhor the Flash IDE code editor)?

I absolutely LOVE the event system, and have no problem coding applications with it, but I feel like I'm stuck thinking in terms of AS2 when working with mutl-frame movieclips and code.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating MovieClips (and Other Symbols) Without Custom Classes

Oct 24, 2009

I have a designer who has created a set of movie clips that I want to create instances of using ActionScript, but all I have is the name of the MovieClip as it's stated in the library (not the instance name).

Is there any way to create instances of the MovieClips using just their name? Or do I have to create separate classes for each?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Easiest Way To Play Movieclips Is Using Pure AS In Classes

May 24, 2009

what the easiest way to play movieclips is using pure AS in classes. Basically, I have a MC instance on the stage with 25 frames and simply want to play it once. Using the play() method causes it to play infinitely, and I can't find any other methods which let me choose the frames i want to play between.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Importing Classes / MovieClips - Spawning Instances Of A Symbol

Jul 6, 2009

i'm creating an application using AS3.0 and class files. in this application i have a MovieClip in the library i'm using that contains several symbols and configurable textfields and have already defined the functionality for these symbols. my question is, if i'm creating an application and through actionscript and i'm spawning instances of a symbol, do i have to define the functionality and initialize this symbol in the main application class?

specifics: i'm creating a panorama app with markers that are papervision3d planes. they use a movieClip texture that i've created and i want to configure textfields and display pictures that describe the info in the marker. i created a class file that configures the panorama. but i also have a class that defines the symbol's behavior. this movieclip has symbols in it it's stage that i've defined (ie: name_textfield, description_textfield, etc..) when i compile the project, the compiler errors saying that the variables/identified internal symbols are missing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How Dose Extending Classes Work

Mar 10, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: The Classes Bounded To An Fla, Doesn't Work?

Sep 28, 2011

i have flash cs5 professional and adobe flash builder, SDK flex builder 4.0, publish with flash 10, and find that a simple "hello world" doesn't work. Dont output some message of error.What i do is create a new flash proyect save the fla file and then create a class where in the constructor i put the trace function with the message "hello world".I follow the instruction, and concepts, and understand everything, im not a new programmer i have experience with several lenguages.

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Flash :: Creating A .swc - Don't Interfaces Work, When Classes?

Sep 26, 2010

I'm making a game which loads map .swfs at runtime. The maps will contain graphics and code, which can both vary from map to map. I've decided to make all the maps implement an interface, so they can all be used in the same way by the game. I'm using a .swc to contain the interface, like in this page.

I can get classes to work in the .swc, but not interfaces!

I'm using Flash cs5, and flashdevelop for editing, in AS3. Here's how I've been doing it:

1- create map.fla with a symbol called Map, and a


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Classes CS4 - Movie Does Not Work

Jul 14, 2009

I have a movie that reads class files located in folder called 'src' and has been working once I changed the path to absolute. for some reason now my movie has decided not to work.

this is how I create the path:

Go to porperties and click 'Edit' then clicking the AS3 'settings'. I then go to the 'Source path' tab and click 'browse folder' icon to the folder of the classes. having done all this my movie still does not work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash8] Tween Classes Just Won't Work

Dec 18, 2009

I can't make the tween to work. I've tried hundreds of tutorials and such (and they are all basically the same), I even followed the troubleshooting section of this tut with no results.If I download any file with that same script it works, if I copypaste it and do the exact same thing it doesn't. Maybe is something very simple that I just can't see but this is driving me nuts.

Partial code from flash tutorials:

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
new Tween(ball_mc, "_x", Elastic.easeOut, 0, 300, 3, true);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Classes > OnEnterFrame Doesn't Work

May 7, 2005

I made a class named "fo" :

class fo {
function onEnterFrame(){

the swf file calling this file had:

var tr:fo = new fo();

Now when i run this swf ... it traces nothing ... ?( The as file is named and is in the same foledr as the swf file )

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Actionscript 3 :: Convert An Array Of Strings To Classes To Call Movieclips From Library?

Jan 10, 2012

I have an array of ingredients for soup as strings. These ingredients are also movieclips in my library, all linked with an identifier. I want to add the movieclips to the stage dynamically.

I tried getDefinitionByName but I keep getting an error that the variable "appel" (veg[0] in this case) is undefined. And basically, I only have a general idea what I'm doing here, so I would be grateful if someone could explain it to me or link me to a helpful tutorial.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Classes / No Errors Code Doesn't Work

Aug 12, 2011

Basically I have a class called The symbol "Player" is the only linkage it has.[code]It is trying to make the player, a movieclip onscreen, with an instance name "Player", move with the arrow keys. Sadly it doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Classes - If I Change The Atrribute Instead Of Being Dynamic, To Be Static, It Does Work?

Jul 26, 2006

i'm trying to learn about clases, and i tried to make an easy XML loader, but i gotta a problem with the attributes that doen't take the value i provide with the att variable. it shows me on the trace statement like undefined, and for example if i change the atrribute instead of being dynamic, to be static, it does work.

class XMLS {
function XMLS(Path:String, textfield:TextField, att:String, n:Number) {
var miXML:XML = new XML();[code].....

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Flash - Making Starling FrameWork To Work With Classes That Uses Native DisplayObject?

Dec 6, 2011

I'm trying to use Greensock LoaderMax on a Starling Framework project, but since Starling have a lots of its own class, how I can make it work with other classes that is using the native class?


import flash.display.Sprite;


will return the error:

Error: Implicit coercion of a value of type com.greensock.loading.display:ContentDisplay to an unrelated type starling.display:DisplayObject.

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Professional :: Buttons Do Not Work When In MovieClips?

May 8, 2010

I'm trying to create a portfolio site and I'm running into some problems. I've built my main site on the timeline and all my buttons work fine the AS is very simple:
function goForward(event:MouseEvent):void {
if(currentFrame == totalFrames) {
} else {
}} next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goForward);

But when I make Movie clips of a scenes with buttons in them (children?) to try and simplify the site, AS doesn't seem to recognize the instance name for the button in the Movie Clip. I get an error message:
1120: Access of undefined property next_btn.

I've put an invisible button over the mc and given it the next_btn instance name and it works although I would like to fix the buttons in the MC properly. Is it better to condense a site into movie clips and single frames or should I just have a long linear timeline that spans many frames?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Movieclips To Turn On Or Off Won't Work?

Jul 17, 2009

I would like to use variables and arrays for the following scenario regarding a project I'm doing, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I've attached the fla file too as it's more self-explanatory.

Basically when you click on the little squares/pixels, they expand. If you click one of the movieclip-buttons, it pops up all the relevant pixels to make a desired pre-set shape. However if you start clicking the pixels after that and click on another button, the roles of the clicked pixels reverse and the negative happens. What I thought about doing was creating a variable on the pixel_mc movieclip (that way all instances would follow suit). When it has been clicked a variable is set to 1, from that I can decided whether or not to turn pixels that are on, to off, or off, to on. This would be decided with an IF statement, all which I can not do.

I would like to use functions and arrays to control most of this as there are 234 instances of one movieclip to control. Again I'm so not sure how to go about this.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Get Tween To Work Between Three MovieClips

Oct 15, 2010

I am fairly new to AS3 and I have a page on my site that navigates between 3 different movie clips using frame based navigation. I have action script on each of the 3 frames to move between the movie clips and that works just fine but i can't seem to get the tween to work on more than just one movie clip. Here's the code from the first frame:

Select all//load page
page2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
function clickSection(evtObj:MouseEvent) {
//go to the frame clicked on...
//animate between pages
new Tween(page2_mc, "x", Regular.easeOut, 0,260,1, true);
new Tween(page1_mc, "x", Regular.easeOut, 0,260,1, true);
new Tween(page3_mc, "x", Regular.easeOut, 0,260,1, true);
Whatever movie clip I put in the first tween will animate but the other two won't.

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Error #1009 - Dynamic MovieClips Don't Work

Jul 13, 2009

im practicing on how to do websites in flash cs4 using AS3.0, so im doin a basic dynamic test website, all the codes seem to be fine because i dont get any compilers errors. but one Error that is driving me nuts is the Error #1009 which says.


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Buttons Inside A Movieclips Won't Work?

Dec 8, 2009

I have a movieclip that has several buttons inside it. When I use this code:

mc.onRollOver = function()
// do stuff


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