Flash :: Manage Multi-frame MovieClips With Classes?

Apr 15, 2012

After switching to AS3, I've been having a hell of a time figuring out the best way to manage MovieClips that have UI elements spread across multiple frames with a single class. An example that I am working on now is a simple email form. I have a MovieClip with two frames:

the 1st frame has the form elements (text inputs, submit button) the 2nd frame has a "you" message and a button to go back to the first frame (to send another email) In the library I have linked the MovieClip to a custom class (Emailer). My immediate problem is how do I assign a MouseEvent.CLICK event to the button on the 2nd frame? I should note at this point that I am trying to avoid putting code on the timeline (except for stop() calls). This is how I am 'solving' the problem now:

Emailer registers an event listener for a frame change ( addEventListener("frame 2", onFrameChange) )On the 2nd frame of the MovieClip I am calling dispatchEvent(new Event("frame 2")); (I would prefer to not have this code on the frame, but I don't know what else to do)

My two complaints with this method are that, first I have calls to addEventListener spread out across different class methods (I would rather have all UI event listeners registered in one method), and second that I have to dispatch those custom "onFrameChange" events. The second complaint grows exponentially for MovieClips that have more than just 2 frames.

My so called solution feels makes me feel dirty and makes my brain hurt. I am looking for any advice on what to do differently. Perhaps there's a design pattern I should be looking at? Should I swallow my pride and write timeline code even though the rest of my application is written in class files (and I abhor the Flash IDE code editor)?

I absolutely LOVE the event system, and have no problem coding applications with it, but I feel like I'm stuck thinking in terms of AS2 when working with mutl-frame movieclips and code.

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Oct 24, 2009

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Is there any way to create instances of the MovieClips using just their name? Or do I have to create separate classes for each?

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i'm creating an application using AS3.0 and class files. in this application i have a MovieClip in the library i'm using that contains several symbols and configurable textfields and have already defined the functionality for these symbols. my question is, if i'm creating an application and through actionscript and i'm spawning instances of a symbol, do i have to define the functionality and initialize this symbol in the main application class?

specifics: i'm creating a panorama app with markers that are papervision3d planes. they use a movieClip texture that i've created and i want to configure textfields and display pictures that describe the info in the marker. i created a panoApp.as class file that configures the panorama. but i also have a marker.as class that defines the symbol's behavior. this movieclip has symbols in it it's stage that i've defined (ie: name_textfield, description_textfield, etc..) when i compile the project, the compiler errors saying that the variables/identified internal symbols are missing.

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Jan 30, 2012

I have two movieclips on the same frame but on different layers located within the movieclip. The first movieclip plays just fine. However, the second one isn't going ahead even a single frame. The code that I have mentioned below is located withing the second movieclip containing background image. And I think this code is causing the issue because when I remove this it plays perfectly fine. The function of this code is to automatically re-size background image with the browser dimensions. The whole code just worked fine on the main timeline.However, when I shifted it inside a movieclip its causing an issue.

//set stage for FBF
stage.align = "TL";
stage.scaleMode = "noScale";


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