Flash :: Iterating Through Movieclips That Are Not In The First Frame?

Sep 8, 2011

I need to loop through all the child inside a .fla file, and I can reach only the first frame movieclips when I loop through the childs, I found a "solution" that consists in copy all the movieclips to the first frame.Is there a way to loop to every movieclip, even if those are located in, let say, frame 120 in the timeline?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Runtime Ignores Alpha Values When Iterating Over Points In A Line

Apr 15, 2011

I have a large-ish array of points.

The graphics object I am using has it's alpha value set to 0.1.

When these points are plotted iteratively, and the line being drawn overlaps another line drawn earlier, there is no visible change in the colour at the intersection.

If I draw the line differently, not using an array of points, the alpha is not ignored.

ActionScript Code:
public function render(e:Event):void
if (segmentsCollection.length > 0)


This all occurs on each ENTER_FRAME event until the array is emptied.

I have tried loads of options but the alpha is always ignored.

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Flash :: Manage Multi-frame MovieClips With Classes?

Apr 15, 2012

After switching to AS3, I've been having a hell of a time figuring out the best way to manage MovieClips that have UI elements spread across multiple frames with a single class. An example that I am working on now is a simple email form. I have a MovieClip with two frames:

the 1st frame has the form elements (text inputs, submit button) the 2nd frame has a "you" message and a button to go back to the first frame (to send another email) In the library I have linked the MovieClip to a custom class (Emailer). My immediate problem is how do I assign a MouseEvent.CLICK event to the button on the 2nd frame? I should note at this point that I am trying to avoid putting code on the timeline (except for stop() calls). This is how I am 'solving' the problem now:

Emailer registers an event listener for a frame change ( addEventListener("frame 2", onFrameChange) )On the 2nd frame of the MovieClip I am calling dispatchEvent(new Event("frame 2")); (I would prefer to not have this code on the frame, but I don't know what else to do)

My two complaints with this method are that, first I have calls to addEventListener spread out across different class methods (I would rather have all UI event listeners registered in one method), and second that I have to dispatch those custom "onFrameChange" events. The second complaint grows exponentially for MovieClips that have more than just 2 frames.

My so called solution feels makes me feel dirty and makes my brain hurt. I am looking for any advice on what to do differently. Perhaps there's a design pattern I should be looking at? Should I swallow my pride and write timeline code even though the rest of my application is written in class files (and I abhor the Flash IDE code editor)?

I absolutely LOVE the event system, and have no problem coding applications with it, but I feel like I'm stuck thinking in terms of AS2 when working with mutl-frame movieclips and code.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Movieclips Aware Of What Frame Open Another Movieclip To The Same Frame?

Jan 4, 2011

I was having trouble even knowing quite what to search for so I figured asking a question in a forum would be the best way to go. Currently I am making an application where I have multiple movieclips of equal duration on multiple frames. For example, movieclip_1 is on frame 1 and is 40 frames long. There is currently a scrub bar that scrubs through the 40 frames of movieclip_1. On frame 1 of the Scene there are also buttons with the actions to gotoAndStop on frame 2, frame 3, and frame 4. Frame 2 contains movieclip_2, frame 3 contains movieclip_3, and so on. The functionality of this is that it shows medical conditions progressing from different angles and when a button is clicked the display shows a close up of just that one angle. As expected, without any actions on the movieclips navigating from one frame to the next brings up the proper new movieclip but they always begin at frame 1. What I would like to be able to do is somehow have my movieclips know what frame they are on so when a button is clicked the application would go to that frame and open that movie clip to the same frame as the previous one that was just navigated from.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Listeners Or Other MovieClips Except Those In The Current Frame Are Ignored From Flash Player?

Dec 25, 2011

If I have 5 frames and each contanins a MovieClip on stage that includes it's class, listeners, functions etc.If I go from one frame to another,should I clean everything up? I mean remove listeners, remove childs etc etc.Or other MovieClips except those in the current frame are ignored from flash player.

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Flash - 2 Movieclips Not Playing Simultaneously Located On The Same Frame Nested Withing A Movieclip?

Jan 30, 2012

I have two movieclips on the same frame but on different layers located within the movieclip. The first movieclip plays just fine. However, the second one isn't going ahead even a single frame. The code that I have mentioned below is located withing the second movieclip containing background image. And I think this code is causing the issue because when I remove this it plays perfectly fine. The function of this code is to automatically re-size background image with the browser dimensions. The whole code just worked fine on the main timeline.However, when I shifted it inside a movieclip its causing an issue.

//set stage for FBF
stage.align = "TL";
stage.scaleMode = "noScale";


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Get Xml Tag Name When Iterating Through A XMLList In Script?

Apr 6, 2011

What I want to do is loop through an xml file, and assign the contents of each node to a static variable with the same name. [code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Iterating Through Arrays?

Aug 4, 2004

i've got a loop which creates a movie clip for each day of the month and lines them up. so, depending on how many days are in the current month, the counter var for the loop is 28, 30, or 31.

for(var j:Number=1; j <= lastDay; j++){
// Create the Empty Movie Clip
var dateClip:MovieClip = _root["dateClip"+j];

within this very same loop i am also using the same counter var (j) to iterate thru an array that is created from parsing my xml file.

now....i don't have 28, 30, or 31 dates in my xml file -- just about 4 or 5. so if i trace out this array i'll get values for the first 4 or 5 positions but then a series of 'undefineds' for the rest. that's normal, right?


the problem comes when i try to target the movie clip instances based on the "dateClip" and the "ArrDate". here it comes up totally undefined in all circumstances and i can't figure out why.


i can trace out dateClip and i can trace out the ArrDate (even though it returns only 4 values and the rest undefineds).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Iterating Through Multidimentional ArrayCollections?

Jun 10, 2009

I am trying to make a class that would convert an arrayCollection to XML. I want to make it useful for all ArrayCollections.

My arraycollection looks like this....
newsDB.addItem( {
title: titleText.label,
clickURL: clickURL.text,
info: itemInfo.text,


I can access the AC with a for loop and arrayCollection.length, but how to I go deeper into the AC while making it work for any ArrayCollection? I could easily do dataSource[i].title but want to make this work for any arrayCollection passed into the class.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Iterating Through Objects On Stage

Nov 2, 2010

I have an application that I need to fade out all of the visible objects on stage and replace with a different set.How can one iterate through (or perhaps do all at once) all visible objects on stage and then fade out.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Iterating Through Stage Instances?

Feb 26, 2011

Is there any way to iterate through instances placed manually on the stage in Flash IDE? For example I have 3 "Dog" class instances placed on the stage and I'd like to access them all from document class without giving them instance names.

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Iterating Through An Array And Selectively Deleting Items

Dec 30, 2010

I'm making a very short text adventure, not one that will be all that fun, but just so I can learn a little as3. So I was designing a system that splits the persons input into an array of words, and then goes through and takes out unimportant words like "on." To test this out, I quickly (and messily) coded it up, and the only thing you can do is sit on a box. but it doesn't seem to be working. if you type "sit box" it works, but "sit on box" does not.


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Actionscript 3 :: Remove An Item While Iterating Over Collection?

Nov 23, 2010

I would like to use the AS "for each" syntax to loop over a collection of items. Within the loop I sometimes need to remove an item from the collection I am iterating over.

Using a "for" loop, I would code this like (note the "--" operator to move the index back):

for (var n:int=0; n<ac.length; n++) {
var s:String = ac.getItemAt(n) as String;
if (s == 'c')

Is it also possible to do something similar using a "for each" construct?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: For Loop Iterating Instance Names?

May 10, 2010

I have a few MCs named fruit1, fruit2, fruit3, all instanced off a MC...I would like to loop to shorten my code and just loop through and stop all of them at once... My Code:

for (var i:Number=1; i<=7;i++){

I get an 1120: Access of undefined property fruit.I want the result of my loop to do:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Iterating Through Items Gathered In Array

Jun 11, 2011

I have a small problem with iterating over array. I would like to iterate through items gathered in my array in a way of "one at a time" in each muse click event but whenever I'm using a simple loop it just takes all my elements to process. Is there a way to make a single iteration in each click and still increment the index value in loop?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Multiple Images By Iterating Through A For Loop?

Mar 1, 2010

I am trying to load multiple images by iterating through a for loop. For each image I instantiate a loader and send a loader request. I want to stop the iteration of the loop and cancel all loader requests sent, in case a user navigates out of the screen. How can I do this?

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Flex :: Iterating Over ArrayCollection While Adding And Removing Items

May 24, 2011

I want to iterate over an ArrayCollection in Flex while there can be items added and removed.

Since i didn't find a way to use a "classic" Iterator like in Java, which would do the job. I tried the Cursor. But it doesn't really work the way i want it to be ;) So how do I do it nicely ?

var cursor:IViewCursor = workingStack.createCursor();
while (!cursor.afterLast)


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Actionscript 3 :: Iterating Through Array Of Objects, Populating BarChart, And Saving Each As Image?

Jan 9, 2012

I am creating an option in my application to create a PDF report based on the results from the application.The results are represented as an ArrayCollection of XMLList objects, which I am using to populate a BarChart.To create a screenshot of each result (as a PNG), I am loading the Results Window (a Title Window) and hiding it (visible = false). I am using AlivePDF to add the capture to a PDF report.

I have been using a Timer to iterate through the results, load each result to the chart, create a delay, and then capture the image and add it to the report.

UPDATE.Currently, I am able to iterate through the results (using the Timer), but the chart does not refresh properly before capturing the screenshot and saving as PNG.Essentially,I am trying to see if there is any other possible solutions for iterating through the results and creating a delay so that I may be able to load a result to the chart, capture the screenshot, and add it to a PDF.Is there any other way to do this in Flex?Initially, I was thinking of iterating through the results array using a for loop,but this was not working due to the fact that the results were not loading in time before capturing the screenshot of the chart.

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Actionscript 3 :: Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object Reference When Iterating Over Array?

Nov 8, 2011

i have this method:

private function findConnectedNodes(node:Node):Array{
var test_node:Node;
var surrounding_nodes:Array = [];


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Export MovieClips In A Different Frame CS3?

Mar 19, 2011

I am making a game with movie clips that spawn, and I have a preloaders so I have to uncheck all of the export in first frames. But now they don't export at all. Any hints? I would like to make the movieclips export in frame 3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclips RemoveChild From Different Frame?

Apr 11, 2009

I have a set of buttons on the main timeline that gotoandplays movieclips that reside in different frames. These movieclips are on the stage by using addChild statements. As I click a button and it takes me to that specific frame, I am having hard time removing these movieclips using conditionals when I click on one of the buttons...

I tried to replicate my problem in the attached source file... so it may be easier for someone to understand my specific question. *Again, I have to use addChild statements for these movieclips on each frame... I know this would be no issue if it were just timeline object based...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClips With Buttons - GotoAndPlay Frame

Mar 30, 2009

I have my main stage upon which I have 4 movieclips with buttons over the top of them. The movieclips are essentially boxes and are all on the left hand side of the stage. I am making a presentation of various projects I have been working on and the idea is that when I click on a button, the movieclip below moves slightly to the right (clear of the other buttons) and gets larger to fill the rest of the space on the stage. My project is then displayed in that box.

When I click on the button the movieclip underneath it is told to goto frame 2 and play. For this example lets call it MC1. Once the button is clicked it goes to frame 2 of MC1 and plays a shape tween (basically the box moves and gets larger). I disable all other buttons on the page. Once it has finished I have added a button in the top right to basically do the reverse (i.e move the box back to its orginal size and location. I then enable all of the buttons.

This works fine in principal because I can view all of the movieclips individually but just have to close them before I can look at the next one. The only reason I disable all of the buttons is because if I don't do that and happen to click on one of the other buttons they do the same thing as the first MC1, but MC1 stays in place and doesn't return to its original size. Is there actionscript to basically do the following:

1) I click on MC1 - it opens and shows my project.
2) I then happen to click on MC3 and it will close MC1 and then open MC3.

However, the order in which I press the buttons could be completely random so I could go from MC2 to MC4, MC 2 to MC1 etc. I know that I cant just add code that says on(release) of a button gotoAndPlay the frame that makes the Movieclip back to its original size, for all of the movieclips simply because not all of the movieclips are open it is just one of them. Is there some sort of script that remembers the last button or movieclip that was used? I am sure there must be some 'If' ''Then' statements involved but again I am stabbing in the dark.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cycling Between Movieclips To Check The Frame They're On?

May 4, 2010

I'm having a little trouble thinking this out and would appreciate some insight from more experienced AS3 users:I have 6 instances of a dice movieclip all named "DiceOne", "DiceTwo", etc. that each have multiple frames (with the appropriate graphic) labelled "empty", "disabled", "One", "Two", etc.What I'm trying to achieve is a way to cycle through each dice instance and check what frame it is on. If it is NOT on frame labelled "disabled", do something. If it is, do nothing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save State Of All Movieclips On Frame

Oct 2, 2011

How can I simply use an array or something to save the current frame of all the child movieclips so when I change the frame and then go back, they don't start on the first frame again? It is a very simple question, but I have a feeling that it is going to be super hard to implement.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A One Frame Website Using Movieclips?

Jan 28, 2009

I was wondering if there is a tutorial on how to create a one frame website using movieclips as my pages instead of the seperate movies. In other words, I read this tutorial on this site :[URL]..

but i want my pages to be movieclips instead of seperate flash movies. Is there a tutorial for that? or can someone help me with the code to do that? The code for the tutorial is well-commented but I'm still a little lost...

This is a great tutorial for all Flash web designers/developers and good to have under your belt, so guys, let's figure this out together to be great actionscripters..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Targeting MovieClips As Vars From Main Frame?

Nov 4, 2011

I have the MovieClip named dessin, which loads another MovieClip named dessin (dessin.dessin). Now, there is a MovieClip named displayPlane, in the new MovieClip (dessin.dessin), in the MovieClip named displayPlane, there is a variable, which goes as follows:

Actionscript Code:
var _loc3 = displayPlane.attachMovie("displayNode", "displayNode_" + projectCount, projectCount);

inside that clip, there are multiple MovieClips in vars, I am trying to specifically target one var, the following:

Actionscript Code:
var _loc8 = this.attachMovie("closeBtn", "closeBtn", 5);

I have tried this code to target that specific MovieClip with no success.

Actionscript Code:

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Play A Frame In Timeline From Inside 2 Movieclips?

Nov 26, 2010

I have tried everything but it just isn't working.On my main timeline I have a MC called "rainbow." Inside "rainbow" I have a MC called "greenbow."Inside "greenbow" I have a MC called "meetbtn2" I want it to play frame 134 on the main timeline when you click "meetbtn2."my code inside greenbow is as follows:
meetbtn2.onRelease = function () {
however it doesn't work! is it because i am inside two MC's?I have also tried 
_root.rainbow.greenbow.meetbtn2.onRelease = function () {

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Actionscript3 :: Jump To A Specific Frame Avoiding Others Movieclips?

Feb 4, 2012

I have a problem regarding flash, actionscript3 and movieclips.

I have 2 videos(inserted as movieclips, each one in different frames 100 and 102). I want to gotoAndPlay the one on frame 102, but the other in frame 100 always starts at the same time. How do I play just the specific movieclip of frame 102?

P.S. If I order to reproduce the movieclip on 100, it starts as it should.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Text To Appear When 4 MovieClips Are Each Stopped On A Specific Frame

Dec 8, 2009

Basically I'm making a demonstration of a puzzle for class.

Each MovieClip is a bit of the puzzle, and users can move forward a frame or back a frame using the keyboard using the on(keyPress) function.

When the puzzle is complete, I want text to appear (or another MovieClip, ideally) letting the user know they've completed it.

So I'd want the text to appear when the following conditions are fulfilled:

round_mc is at frame 53
square_mc is at frame 2
triangle_mc is at frame 19
rectangle_mc is at frame 80

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Targetting Attached Movieclips / Play A Certain Frame

Oct 14, 2007

I did a search on the forums and found 2 threads that were relevant but didn't quite get what i wanted out of them.I've loaded a movieclip using attachMovie(); and ive put it into an empty movie clip (as you would with external MC's)My question is how i will go about targetting the loaded movieclip and having it play a certain frame.[code]

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