ActionScript 2.0 :: Classes With Respect To A Movieclips 'As 2.0 Class'?
Nov 20, 2006
I am having some trouble with Classes with respect to a movieclips 'As 2.0 class' in the linkage settings.After an attachMovie i am expecting my Class members to exist but they are not
OK, This is what i was doing...I create a MovieClip called Class1_mc and another called Class2_mc, original eh.i then stick an instance of class2_mc INSIDE of Class1_mc, call it clipinner
ok so i assign Class1 to Class1_mc and Class2 to Class2_mc via the linkage settings.
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Dec 5, 2007
Okay picture an mc embedded in an unknow amount of parent mcs. With the code put on the mc, I tried this:
trace( _root.stageX(this) );
where it is defined on the main timeline as:
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Nov 19, 2008
mc1 is placed on the stage. There are several key framesinside of it. On the first key frame is mc2. The subsequent keyframes have copies of mc2 which have been tweaked individually byway of transform tool etc. Run the play head manually and you sell the frames like you meant.But when the movie is tested only the original mc2 (as on keyframe 1) shows up on all the frames. And it is evident that thescript is moving the playhead as images placed in key frames onanother layer in mc1 appear correctly. I have heard its called 'puppeting' but my question remains:
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May 7, 2010
I made a particle generator that spawns bubbles... the particle spawner is a movieclip and all particles are children to it... this spawner is then loaded to stage with some more instances of it and they're arranged so that they produce enough bubbles to cover pretty much the whole screen...
So far so good... the trouble is that this project is meant to be projected into a hologram, and needs to be positioned, rotated and distorted to fit the irregular projection space...
My idea is to just leave the particle generating swf as it is and load it into another swf, then do all the positioning and rotationing as if it were a movieclip... My knowledge of Flash and the way movieclips have they own local spaces tells me that this has no reason to not work... but apparently, loaded swf's have a mind of their own...
I'm loading the swf using the UILoader component, which seemed to me the easiest way to get it working, since it doesn't need to be dynamic or anything... I just want to position it once, save it at that, and leave it be...
the trouble is that once loaded, the particle generating swf spawns it's emmiters (there are 5) in relation to stage space, and not loader space... so it doesn't respect it's boundaries or orientation...
I've tried all possible settings of the UILoader parameters... none seem to work with an swf that is creating movieclips at runtime...
Does anyone know why this is? I'm probably missing something stupid here... I'm feeling rather dumb today... yesterday I created the whole particle emmiter and bubble physics in 2 hours, but today it seems my head doesn't want to go and I'm stuck with this rather silly problem...
I tried placing the UILoader into another movieclip, so that any loaded content would be inside that movieclip's space, but it just doesn't respect any orientation... btw, I'm not rotating it by code... yet... I was trying to get it working using the editor, which would indeed be much faster and simpler.
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Oct 14, 2011
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Jan 15, 2010
I've created a carousel class which takes one parameter, an array of menu item names, these will then be displayed on the carousel. I've then created two movieclips for the left and right controls, added them to the library and given them classes of their own.Within the carousel class I instantiate instances of the two control classes which then enables me to add event listeners for rollover and rollout.
What I'd like to know is, is this the best way to do this short of creating the controls using pure actionscript?I'd like to not have to add the class properties for the left and right controls and have a situation where I could just give them the right name and they would work or maybe pass them in as parameters and use them that way.
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Nov 14, 2011
multiple classes and then register each movieclip from the library to a different class? It isnt working for me. I created two different classes and created two entire different movieClips and registered each movie clips to a different class. However, I can only use on movieClip at a time, when I use the duplicateMovieClip. command to create copies of the movieclip, i find that only those movieclips, whose class i declared first, appear on stage
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Jul 17, 2004
Can you declare multiple classes and then register each movieclip from the library to a different class? It isnt working for me.
I created two different classes and created two entire different movieClips and registered each movie clips to a different class.
However, I can only use on movieClip at a time, when I use the duplicateMovieClip... command to create copies of the movieclip, i find that only those movieclips, whose class i declared first, appear on stage.
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Mar 16, 2009
I'm surprised that a XML loader works only if it is embed in a MovieClip class and not any external class.
I have my XMLLoader class and the loader didn't work.
I've added "extends MovieClip" and it worked.
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Jun 6, 2010
am trying to get a movieclip in one class to stay at the same x and y value of a movieclip in another class. the arm is meant to stay on the player's mc in .here is the code.
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Apr 15, 2012
After switching to AS3, I've been having a hell of a time figuring out the best way to manage MovieClips that have UI elements spread across multiple frames with a single class. An example that I am working on now is a simple email form. I have a MovieClip with two frames:
the 1st frame has the form elements (text inputs, submit button) the 2nd frame has a "you" message and a button to go back to the first frame (to send another email) In the library I have linked the MovieClip to a custom class (Emailer). My immediate problem is how do I assign a MouseEvent.CLICK event to the button on the 2nd frame? I should note at this point that I am trying to avoid putting code on the timeline (except for stop() calls). This is how I am 'solving' the problem now:
Emailer registers an event listener for a frame change ( addEventListener("frame 2", onFrameChange) )On the 2nd frame of the MovieClip I am calling dispatchEvent(new Event("frame 2")); (I would prefer to not have this code on the frame, but I don't know what else to do)
My two complaints with this method are that, first I have calls to addEventListener spread out across different class methods (I would rather have all UI event listeners registered in one method), and second that I have to dispatch those custom "onFrameChange" events. The second complaint grows exponentially for MovieClips that have more than just 2 frames.
My so called solution feels makes me feel dirty and makes my brain hurt. I am looking for any advice on what to do differently. Perhaps there's a design pattern I should be looking at? Should I swallow my pride and write timeline code even though the rest of my application is written in class files (and I abhor the Flash IDE code editor)?
I absolutely LOVE the event system, and have no problem coding applications with it, but I feel like I'm stuck thinking in terms of AS2 when working with mutl-frame movieclips and code.
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Oct 24, 2009
I have a designer who has created a set of movie clips that I want to create instances of using ActionScript, but all I have is the name of the MovieClip as it's stated in the library (not the instance name).
Is there any way to create instances of the MovieClips using just their name? Or do I have to create separate classes for each?
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May 24, 2009
what the easiest way to play movieclips is using pure AS in classes. Basically, I have a MC instance on the stage with 25 frames and simply want to play it once. Using the play() method causes it to play infinitely, and I can't find any other methods which let me choose the frames i want to play between.
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Jul 6, 2009
i'm creating an application using AS3.0 and class files. in this application i have a MovieClip in the library i'm using that contains several symbols and configurable textfields and have already defined the functionality for these symbols. my question is, if i'm creating an application and through actionscript and i'm spawning instances of a symbol, do i have to define the functionality and initialize this symbol in the main application class?
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Feb 23, 2011
Assume I know practically nothing about AS3! I'm using Flash Pro CS5. I'm trying to reassociate a flash file I've been given with its external assets and classes. In the library I have a movieclip with linkage to a class called 'StaticMap' using the base class 'flash.display.MovieClip'. am I missing a custom class file called '' that was originally located in the same folder as the fla, or is this a generic class accessible to all movieClips from within Flash?
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Jun 5, 2011
Ive been trying to get this piece of code to work in a class I wrote:
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Dec 7, 2009
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public class ASClass extends UIComponent{
but I'm trying to make it extend multiple classes. Is this somehow possible? I read it may be possible through composition?
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Jan 30, 2011
I'm trying to implement CSVLib in an Air application and am getting an error that seems wholly illogical to me. "1120: Access of undefined property csv." and "1120: Access of undefined property completeHandler."
The only thing I can think is it's not importing the csv class properly, or the class itself is broken somehow? I know my import path is correct because I typed it out directly based on automatic hinting. The code below is copied directly from the how-to wiki on the csv lib site.
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Oct 11, 2011
when I try to extract .fla and .as from .swf (from Sothink SWF Decompiler), the classes in the file .as are all numbers, like this:
aso#33082.onPress = function ()
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Dec 27, 2009
I have some code from a CS3 app composed of the .FLA file with an .AS file for the class that had definitions for two private classes in it. Yesterday I brought the files into CS4 and noticed that they did not compile. Gives an 1120, access of undefined property and names a constant. I have reduced this problem down to bare bones and it still occurs, so it is a bug in CS4.
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Feb 2, 2011
I have 2 as3 files, which are the classes used . I have to use it with the main flash movie.. How will I include those as3 files without using document class..
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Nov 30, 2009
What is the correct way to import 'sub' classes into a main class?What i have is a class (i call it Console) that gives the user info about the swf for debugging, but also gives the user the ability to give their input to dynamically change the swf. Sorta like what games have when you press the "`" key.But it handles more things then just read user input, it also connects to the Database through PHP and connects through the server using Sockets.And there are more of those things that gets added later, so to prevent it gets to big later i want to split it into multiple .as files
Console Class: renders stuff and allows user input.I want that to include the following classes:
ConnectPHP Class (handles php > mysql)
ConnectJava Class (handles sockets)
So that the methods in those 2 classes are accessible in the Console class like:
I tried importing them but then i had to access them through the Object initialized:
But i want to access them as
removing the reference of the ConnectJava Object. Is this possible? If you wonder why, id like to keep it as simple as possible because i share the classes with my friends.
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Nov 5, 2010
i have a class A. it uses this code:
public function SideModule() {
if (stage) {
init();// stage accessible, call init function[code]....
if i extends thsi class with class B (class B extends class A) how will i get this events in class B? do i have to register for them in class B as well?
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