ActionScript 2.0 :: Code Creation For A Flv Player?
Apr 4, 2010
I have Flash 2004 MX (Educational Version), and I'm trying to get an flv player for my flv in my library to work with a play button (when the vid ends, it should automatically have the code written so that it will pop back to the start (if possible). I was coached a bit that I need to use the Netstream thing (as 2004 doesn't have the mediacomponent) and so far I've put the 'New Video' object onto my stage and created my own play button. (the video also shouldn't automatically play but should be sitting there 'ready to play' until someone clicks the play button.) Also, of importance, is that I have a timeline with a loop of animation that should be able to keep looping endlessly even though this video i'm wanting to stream is longer than the looped animation, so if someone plays the video, the animation loop should still keep animating/going even as the video is played or stopped, etc. In other words, the video should have it's own timeline apart from the animation's timeline. Unfortunately, I'm a newb with code and have no idea to get the video into the object or how to have the play button work with it, etc.
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onClipEvent (load) {
hx = 300/2;
hy = 400/2;
r = 100;
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trace("swf loaded");
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Mar 26, 2011
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loopbutton_up.onPress = function(){
mySongPosition = _root.mySong.position/1000;
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var myMic:Microphone = Microphone.getMicrophone();
myMic = Microphone.getMicrophone();
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Sep 12, 2009
When you make a movie clip, and have it open, does it have a physical 'place' on your pasteboard or main timeline?
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Feb 23, 2010
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So my questions are these: Is there any advantage to using vector elements in flash projects, or do they just get rasterized in the swf creation process?
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Dec 23, 2009
I'd like to learn how to create a java web service that can be consumed by a web tier, which is constituted of java and flex. What books can help me learn how to create a java web service and consume it via java & flex?Should I look to build a web service from scratch or from frameworks like: XFire, Axis, CXF, Spring Web Services, etc.?If using a framework is recommended, which of the above or any others makes the most sense to learn/use?
EDIT:Both the java AND flex components of the web tier need to independently access the web service. For example, the flex component helps the user create & save a spreadsheet; the java component retrieves the spreadsheet data and displays it accordingly.
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Jul 11, 2011
My goal is to make a flash/as3 program that would pull multiple sets of data (images and texts) from the database and compile and save a flash video project for each one. What might be the best way to go about making this work? I checked but wasn't able to find a function that would publish the flash project in it's current state, so I don't think I can execute the entire process in a single flash/as3 file. My only other option is to have some other program/batch file take care of the querying the database and compiling multiple flash/as3 movies by starting up a flash program and passing it the parameters of the data it needs to build 1 complete project for 1 set of data. Is there a program to create .swf files automatically? Is it even possible to pass in init params to flash/as3 project?
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