ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Movie With Different Actions In Each Frame?

Apr 14, 2009

Lets say I have 5 instances of a movie named BB1,BB2, BB3, BB4 and BB5 and I want to say move them 5 pixels to the right. Is there a way to do this in one statement and not have to post it 5 times? asically how can I shorten this to one instance to affect all of them?

on (release) {
_root.BB1._x += 5;
_root.BB2._x += 5;
_root.BB3._x += 5;
_root.BB4._x += 5;
_root.BB5._x += 5;

Second question is, let say I want to create a Movie with different actions in each frame. then I want to continually call that one frame action from a button release. How would I go about this?Action on frame is: _root.MM._x += 5;

Button on stage to trigger this action over and over would be?. I've tried gotoandPlay but it only works once on (release) {

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I did that and it tells me to test the movie so I did but I get this error:
**Error** Symbol=actions, layer=Layer 1, frame=1: Line 1:
Clip events are permitted only for movie clip instances
Total ActionScript Errors: 1 Reported Errors: 1

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timeline Actions Ovverriding Actions In New Frame?

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When the middle frame is returned to, clicks no longer change anything. I believe that the actions of the 'left' frame are replacing the one's in the middle frame so then it is told to gotoAndStop to itself.

I'd like to know if that is indeed what is happening and how I can make it stop.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Basic Invisible Button Movie Clip Frame Actions Not Working?

Apr 22, 2009

I've got a basic little slide show player which is timeline-based, rolling through 5 images with alpha transitions, and on the topmost layer, I have 5 invisible movie clips which have actions applied to them as follows:
on (press) {    gotoAndPlay(21);}
This action should allow for the on click button to navigate to that specific frame, or image, but for some reason it is not working.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Put Another Set Of Actions In Frame 2 Of The Actions Layer?

Sep 29, 2010

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2. I am not that familiar with classes, i usually put all the code into movieclips or in actions layer.. i am not sure if i can call a function from a actionscript class..
3.I am curios if there is any way i could specify an alternative for the if statement like in this pseudocode:
if ( apple is not clean BUT is tasty)

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import Scripts.CFoobar;
var foobar:CFoobar = new CFoobar();


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Professional :: Create An Application Frame In A Flash Movie?

Feb 15, 2010

A while ago, I created a replacement shell to run as a front end for a cybercafe. It was nothing fancy; just a flash movie that had button links to IE and a few trusted applications.

I'm trying to develop it further now and am wondering two things:
1. Is it possible to send an application to a frame within a movie? For example, have a static movie at the top with links, then when a button is pressed, the menu remains but the application opens below without overlapping. I know I can use HTML and frames but really want to keep it all in one movie/swf.
2. Is it possible to build on the above and have some sort of application lister that will allow you to switch between the two applications you have running. For example, a user may open IE, then open Word. Word has now replaced IE and I want the user to have a simple click button to go back to an existing window rather than open another instance from the menu.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Bitmap Data Cache For Each Frame Of A Movie Clip?

Jan 15, 2012

I found something when I create bitmap data cache for each frame of a movie clip:I got a movie clip, instead of presenting it immediatly on stage, I created a bitmap data array to store each frame of it, so I'm doing:
var body:MovieClip;     // some mc for body
var suit:MovieClip;     // some mc for suit, frame count is the same as body mc
body["part"].addChild(suit);     // it's a avatar, there's a sprite named "part" on body mc to contain suit mc

if i present the original body moive clip, everything is ok, but when I use cache, it begins to tremble, this is because the getBounds() method of movieclip returns different rectangle when mc is cached and mc is presented on stage. I tried trace out every getBounds() when caching and when Event.FRAME_CONSTRUCTED fire, they're different, making my cache crash!
I assum MovieClip class do not refresh until it's present to stage or some time in on frame, how can I get the real boundary of it if I need to cache it?

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Extended Actions Frame Too Far (F9)

May 31, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop All Actions In Frame?

Apr 30, 2009

I have a movie clip intro in frame 1 that skips to frame 2, contained in this function:

skipIntro_MC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, introClick);
function introClick(pEvent:MouseEvent):void{
if(skipIntro_MC.visible == true && == skipIntro_MC)


Am I right in thinking this is happening because it's still trying to execute actions that were happening in frame 1 (fading in of movie clips using transitions) when it goes to frame 2? If so, how do I stop these actions so this error doesn't occur?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: First Frame Of The Button Actions?

Mar 3, 2010

This is killing me, real simple. I have an mc that has 12 buttons on 12 layersall btns have alpha tweens for 10 frames so the appear like thisbtn 1 alpha fr 1 to 10btn2 alpha fr10 to 20btn3 alpha fr20 to 30 and so on.
at the end of the clip there is a stop.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Frame Actions On A Child?

Jul 13, 2009

This is just a stripped down version of my problem that im using for troubleshooting purposes. I thought id try and make up a basic script to get the core of it working and then apply it to the file that im having this problem with later just to simplify things.So what im trying to do here is that ive got a MovieClip in my library called mc_brian that ive exported for action script with the class of Brian. The mc_brian movie clip has 2 frames, both with stop actions on them.So ive created my variable newBrian and loaded the Brian class into it, positioned it and added it to the stage via the addChild display object.Then im assigning newBrian an instance name and tracing the instance name, which of course returns "brian1":

var newBrian:Brian = new Brian();
newBrian.y = newBrian.x = 100;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Actions At Certain Frame?

Aug 13, 2009

My flash movie has the following actionscript which makes several leaves fly across the screen....I would like to be able to stop this action completely once I get to a certain frame within my movie....

ActionScript Code:
kNbrLeaves = 30;
kLeafLayer = 100;


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Add Actions To A Button Not On Frame 1?

Jan 15, 2010

I am using an external .as file for my code. How do I add actions to a button that is not on the stage but its on another frame in the movie (one that user access later). What is the best practice to add actions to items not present at the start?
Of course I could make another copy of the button on frame 1 and add it off the stage in the invisible part. This is what I was doing till now. IS there another way to do this, a more ethical way?

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Dec 10, 2009

Flash CS4/Actionscript 3 I am trying to create a section for a site where mousing over a button will play a certain frame of a movie clip, which is sitting next to the button. Mousing over different buttons will play (and stop) different frames in the movie clip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Roll Over Actions And External Links To Movie Clips That Are Inside Of Another Movie Clip?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a menu bar that has 2 Drop down menus. Each drop down is a separate movie clip, with 3 buttons inside that are separate movie clips. I have a class set to the buttons that are movie clips for a roll over effect. But when I mouse over it does not work. Also on the main time line I tried to add a like to a web page but it did not work. But I only have this problem with the movie clips that are inside the drop down movie clips.

Why is this? How do I add roll over actions and external links to movie clips that are inside of another movie clip? I really need some help this is a problem I have been having for about a month or more. I am still a AS3 newb and this is my first time using classes. The other classes I have work with everything else, Im just having trouble with the movie clips that are inside movie clips.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Select Frame In Actions Panel

Oct 29, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Frame Actions Not Working On Timeline

Feb 4, 2010

For some reason, I can't get any actionscript on the timeline to work. Even something as simple as stop(); on frame 1 of the movie has no effect. I don't get compiler errors either. Now I have noticed that in Edit-Preferences-Actionscript-Actionscript 3 Settings, the Source Path, Library Path and External Library Path are all empty.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Putting Actions On Frames Outside Of The First Frame?

Dec 12, 2010

I've heard a few things that people recommend not doing unless you absolutely need to. I'm new to actionscripting. I come from a PHP/Javascript background. I was wondering what kind of things are good and bad.I heard using scenes wasn't a good idea. As well I heard that putting actions on frames outside of the first frame isn't such a good idea unless you absolutely need to.I'm curious what good practice is for working with amfphp. Should I make an AMFPHP class in flash? Do I avoid putting functions into the frame actions

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop The Actions From Being Carried Over To The New Frame?

Jun 20, 2011

I have an event listener for a mouse click in one frame, then I go to another frame.There are no action so mouse clicking should not do anything, yet for some reason clicking the mouse does the same actions that the previous frame had.How can I stop the actions from being carried over to the new frame?

old frame:

ActionScript Code:
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, lakemiddle)


then in frame 16:

ActionScript Code:

I want mouse clicking to do nothing on frame 16.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Enter Frame Not Performing All Actions ?

Mar 26, 2012

I had a simple swf with enter frame event that would move an object. everything worked ok , then I changed the framerate from 12 to 24fps. No everything is still working ok, execpt the movement in the enterframe event seems to be working at 12fps still...

ActionScript Code:
function performonenterframe(evt:Event):void{
character.x += 5;
trace (character.x);

the trace now would give me 5,5,5,10,10,10,15,15,15 the event is kicking in every frame but it is moving the character every third frame only...

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Execute Actions That Were Happening In Frame 1?

Apr 29, 2009

I have a movie clip in frame 1 that skips to frame 2, contained in this function:

Code: Select allskipIntro_MC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, introClick);
function introClick(pEvent:MouseEvent):void{
if(skipIntro_MC.visible == true && == skipIntro_MC)


Am I right in thinking this is happening because it's still trying to execute actions that were happening in frame 1 (fading in of movie clips using transitions) when it goes to frame 2? If so, how do I stop these actions so this error doesn't occur?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Clearing Actions On A Specific Frame

Feb 28, 2011

I have this timer code on the first frame of the movie.[code]And I want it to perform this timer until I press a button on the main stage.I found some information about clearing the actions from a movie clip but I didn't see much about clearing it from a frame.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cannot Create Over And Up Actions For Same Object

Jan 7, 2007

I am creating an animated menu for my personal website. All I need is a MouseOver and a MouseUp event on the same object. Because of the scrolling nature of the menu, I need to have MouseOver events on each menutab. Each menu item is hidden until a MouseOver event, then it scrolls out to reveal its title. If the user clicks on the now-revealed tab, it should become the current page. If the user does NOT click the now-revealed tab, it reverts to displaying the current page's tab instead.

This means that I need to have a MouseOver and a MouseUp (or Release) tag on my items. Since I probably confused you all as much as I just confused myself, here is the example. [URL]. The "Family" section should be displayed. As you can see, when the user runs the mouse over other tabs, they are revealed. When the mouse goes away, it reverts to the Family section because nothing else was selected. The menu operates on frame 2 - frame 1 sets the initial variables as shown.

var sel = "family";
var games = "0";
var movies = "0";
var artwork = "0";
var yugi = "0";
var about = "0";
var links = "0";
Frame 2 operates my rollovers in a frame action as shown.
[Code] ......

I've finally got the animation and MouseOver events done - all I need is a MouseUp event! Why it doesn't accept MouseUp or OnRelease events? This is, of course, a work in progress. A few artifacts of testing:

* The green squares on the left of each tab are invisible buttons to activate my rollover. I wanted to see them during testing.
* The blue rectangles sometimes visible over the tabs' text was a theory gone wrong; I was hoping I could click those rectangles, which are buttons (which would be invisible) to initiate the MouseUp event instead of the actual tab, which is a movie clip.
* Needless to say, graphics are temporary! LOL
* Coding is also not optimized yet, so it's a little messy for now.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Menu For Most Used Actions?

Jun 20, 2007

can i create a menu for the most used actions i define it by my self???

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resizing - Create A Movie Clip Dynamically Whose Position And Dimensions Are Changed In Each Frame As Loaded From Xml

Mar 22, 2010

i'm new to action script 2.0 and i want to create a movie clip dynamically whose position and dimensions are changed in each frame as loaded from xml;


the position and dimension are changed but the problem is the last dimensions are not removed and it get bigger n bigger

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Multiple Button Actions Not Working In Frame

Oct 10, 2009

In the first frame of an fla I have the code below, only the functions in red works. When rolling over the second only the first function in blue works but the mouse freezes when attempting to rollout (green). But if I remove the code from the first frame and code each seperate button the functions work.

Any reason for this
btn_shopping.onRollOver = function () {
} btn_shopping.onRollOut = function () {
} btn_pen.onRollOver = function () {
} btn_pen.onRollOut = function (){

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