ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Display And Preload An Image Onto Main Movie Clip?

Jan 16, 2006

basically i would like to dynamically display and preload an image onto my main movie clip. this image would be the first item in my xml file. on my main timeline i would like to have a few buttons that a user could click to change the default image on the page.

when they select a new image, i would like to have the preloader appear above the default image and then tween between the old and new image (one fading out and one in kinda thing).i sourced some code but i've been having problems preloading the first image. the image loads but the preloader doesn't do anything. it seems like the preloader doesn't seem to recognise that i'm trying to load an image. it thinks it's fully loaded and carries on before the load can begin!i would also like attach a different preloader for the first image displayed than the ones being loaded via the buttons.

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Error message:

Quote: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object flashIndex6_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

Code In questions:

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frame 1:
if ( this.getBytesLoaded == this.getBytesTotal && this.getBytesTotal > 0 ) {
// If the movie has fully loaded then go to and play the image animation in the


Note: If the image preloaded correctly, it should fade out once it's loaded.

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is this wrong? how can i get this to work correctly.

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building_btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, alien);
building_btn2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, helicopter);
function helicopter(e:MouseEvent):void {[code]......

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_root contains
[sliderX] which contains

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Jan 24, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Image Into Dynamically Placed Clip

Jul 23, 2009

i have a xml file that looks something like...


i'm loading the xml data into flash and dynamically building buttons on stage. i'm loading multiple "instances" of a movie clip from my library, positioning them, applying a link to each and loading an image in each. here's the problem -- when i run the flash piece it builds the correct number of buttons (based on the xml file), but it uses the last <button> node values to create all the buttons on stage. i built this using one of [URL] excellent tutorials >> [URL] any clues to what i'm doing wrong. should i post my code?

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I want to load an external swf and dynamically attach the mc's in the loaded swf to the main movie. Is it possible to reference the linkage properties of the externally loaded swf in this way?

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Movie Clip Control Main Timeline?

Dec 22, 2009

I am simply trying to tell my main timeline to go to the next frame when a movie clip reaches the end of its timeline (using AS3). Here is what I have which does not work.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delay A Movie Clip On My Main Fla?

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Need to delay a movie clip on my main fla for about 3 seconds then allow it to play, how would i do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Go From Movie Clip To The Main Timeline

Jul 16, 2010

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I have a move clip with several buttons inside; their rollover seems fine.i am trying to get the buttons in the clip to address/go to the main movie timeline. Button names within the clip: c_btn, d_btn, etc. These are the symbols names; they have not been given unique instance names within the clip. The clip name is nav_all and its instance on the timeline is

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Nov 5, 2010

How would one on a specific frame inside a movie clip cause the main timeline to go to a certain frame label?

I know how to use gotoandstop(), but i can't seem to find a working, correct syntax variable that accesses the main timeline and not the movie clip's timeline.

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Movie Clip Button Controlling Main Timeline?

Jan 4, 2012

I'm in the process of designing this site as a portfolio for my art and am in the process of creating and laying out the galleries. My idea was to create movie clip animated buttons that would react to the roll over stuff. I got that part to work the way I wanted it. But now, I can't seem to figure out how to put a "Gotoandplay" type of code on the buttons so that the timeline would jump to the appropriate frame and play. (I put an "on(release) gotoandplay" on it the way I would put it on a button but it never responds. I have a couple of buttons that work fine with a "geturl". so I thought a "gotoandplay" would work fine. If this can be figured out in a way that I can easily use it for all buttons with just the frame number needing alteration, that would be best. After you click the splashpage door jpg, there will be a piece of paper on the floor. That is a button which should trigger the animation that starts at frame 114. When clicked, the page lifts up and spread open to two pages. But it never reacts


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