ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Load Jpg Into MovieClip And Apply Class Instance
Aug 26, 2008
I'm working on a photo-sharing demo using AS2.0, I would like to dynamically load photos (stored as jpgs in the .fla's local directory) into MovieClips, and apply a class instance to them. Currently, for debugging, I've imported jpgs to the Stage, converted them to MovieClips, and then accessed their linkage properties, setting them to the class I need them to implement. But for the final application all of this will have to be done with code.
I know how to dynamically load the jpg into a MovieClip using loadImage(), and I know how to create a MovieClip that is an instance of a class by using attachMovie() with a library symbol and the class name. How do I combine the two? Is there a way to access the linkage properties of a MovieClip dynamically?
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for(i = 0;i<100;i++)
{var mc:MovieClip = attachMovie("ball","dasd"+i,_root.getNextHighestDe pth());
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mc._y = Math.random() * 600;
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Jan 6, 2012
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For AS 3
I have a class which crate a panel with close button. and i create an instance of this class like this
function _smallThumbClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
var _popup:Popup=new Popup( square.width ,evt.currentTarget.y, evt.currentTarget);
and this mouse event from the thumbnail(suppose), so if i click on the thumb it will create popup. so i want to close all other or previously opened pop window.
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or is there any alternate method for detect instance of the movieclip or class..
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Apr 5, 2007
Is there any way to dynamically give a movieclip an instance name? This little process is gonna be spread out to a couple hundred dots, and while it's not really all that hard to type in the variable by hand (in fact it'd "only" take half an hour or so), but the more done dynamically the better, I think.
What I want to do is have a simple movie clip which checks it's own instance name as a variable, and then gotoAndPlay("thatvariable");. For example, say I have a movie clip with instance name "a1". On the clip I'd like to put
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndPlay(_root.a1); //but in place of "_root.a1",
I'd like to be able to call the instance name so that I can copy and paste the code to multiple movieclips without manually changing the name.
_root.a1 is a variable which contains the name of a frame inside of a1, so when you boil it down, it's just telling itself to gotoAndPlay("framename") in a roundabout way. Is this at all possible?
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Nov 4, 2011
Say i have a movieclip named a_Mc ( ClassA ) I have a sub-movieclip named b_Mc ( ClassB )
CASE 1: Accessing the sub-movieclip b_Mc which is already present inside the a_Mc movieclip
( Since Flash IDE has "Automatic instance naming" OFF )
ClassA mentions the name of b_Mc as => var b_Mc:MovieClip;
NOTE HERE: That the variable name MUST BE same as the name of the instance on stage.
So i can access it as : trace( a_Mc.b_Mc);
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May 28, 2011
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and a nother question how can i access a movieclip via its class name in another movieclip class?
BTW i want to access the movieclip child
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[RemoteClass (alias="com.myco...')]
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Nov 15, 2010
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ActionScript Code:
var objTest:Test = new Test();
I am tring to access the object from a movie clip. Movie clip is located in frame 2. I am getting error
ActionScript Code:
1119: Access of possibly undefined property objTest through a reference with static type flash.displayisplayObjectContainer.
How to access a object instantiated at root from a movie clip.
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Feb 25, 2010
I have declared a object in my 1 st frame of application.
ActionScript Code:
var objTest:Test = new Test();
I am tring to access the object from a movie clip. Movie clip is located in frame 2. I am getting error
ActionScript Code:
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Jul 31, 2010
I am trying to replace a MovieClip with an instance of my custom class CustomMovieClip. What I want to do is make all references to MovieClip refer to CustomMovieClip, something like the following:
var _mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
_cmc:CustomMovieClip = new CustomMovieClip();
replaceMc(_mc, _cmc);
trace(_mc); // I want it to output '[class CustomMovieClip]'
I want this to work so any variables that hold the MovieClip should refer the the CustomMovieClip after the replacement. Is this possible?
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Nov 16, 2010
I have declared a object in my 1 st frame of application.
ActionScript Code:
var objTest:Test = new Test();
I am tring to access the object from a movie clip. Movie clip is located in frame 2. I am getting error
ActionScript Code:
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Sep 4, 2010
I would like to make a new instance of a MovieClip within my library from code written in my keyframe. I relise that you can do this by making a class and using the codeCode:var instancename:movieclipname = new movieclipname(); and with the MovieClips class I would need to extend MovieClip and nothing else. I am unsure if you put in the name of the MovieClip or the name of the MovieClip class in the code above so feel free to correct me. But instead of doing this can I just add a MovieClip to my stage with doing this
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May 24, 2011
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Sep 15, 2011
I'm using a library that has a function that returns an instance of some class Engine.
I'd like to tack on some interfaces to Engine, so I subclass it class InterfacedEngine extends Engine implements AwesomeInterface. but when I change the code that uses the classes from this:
var engine:Engine = generateEngine();
to this: var interfacedEngine:InterfacedEngine = generateEngine();
It gives me a runtime error (elision mine):
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert ...::Engine@1bc2bf11 to ....InterfacedEngine.
What about AS3 classes am I misunderstanding?
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Oct 14, 2009
I have to admit I pretty much ran away from Flash when AS2 came along and only used it for animation purposes over the last 5 years.So I'm having a major crash course in AS3 in Flash CS3 and I'm not enjoying it one bit. I'm getting maybe 10mins of finished work per hour as I try to figure out the limits and rules of AS3. Quite often it seems that AS3 simply can't do what I want it to. Anyway: is the main class and it loads a bunch of XML into four arrays. The file starts like this:[code]If I trace the value of, say, cc._Categories from the main FLA, it's empty. I'm guessing that the next line of AS in the main FLA doesn't wait for the previously called function to complete? (This may tie in to my next problem)My next step is that I want to display various things based on the data in the array. I have another class, which will hold all the functions to create the items on display. I thought it would be best for these to be a separate object. I wonder if I'm right?
So I declare an instance of Characterchecks in the main FLA and call it cc, and then run the functions to populate the arrays... Now I create an instance of Display and call it cd. How can I get functions in cd to see the values of the variables in cc? And if the main timeline can't tell that the functions aren't finished filling the arrays, how is cd supposed to know?I might be asking dumb questions, or maybe I'm doing things ***-backwards, I don't know. I'd appreciate any help, I really would. This whole thing has me at the end of my tether... being the most technically advanced person in my circle of co-workers and web design friends means I have no-one to explain why things need to be done a certain way or what the best way is.
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Aug 21, 2011
I have this main (document class) in a Flash project:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
Now: if I pass a reference (ref) of the main class to Other and I add clippo as you can see in the first case, I can reference the movieclip clippo from the main (getChildAt(0) is "clippo" from the main). But, is there any way to use the second method (no ref) and do the same from the main class? I can see clippo onstage when Other creates it but I can't understand where clippo "lives" into the DisplayList.
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