ActionScript 2.0 :: External Swf Starting On Frame 10?

Oct 19, 2006

but how can i load an external swf into a movieclip, but i want that external swf would start on frame 10 (for example), instead on frame 1.

I have this external swf loading to movieclip1, and there's a button that makes the same external swf to load to movieclip2, but now i want it to load and start on frame 10...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Random Starting Frame?

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Java - Control Swf File Starting Frame?

Oct 26, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Swf Into Level And Starting At Certain Frame?

Jan 15, 2009

I am using levels for this project to allow transparency transitions between swf files as they load. I created two variables:levelvar=5;removevar=(levelvar - 2)The external swf files load into _level0.levelvar and removevar prevent the root file from unloading. All is well except on one button I want it to load the swf at a particular frame. I tried this:

button.onRelease = function() {
loadMovieNum("contact.swf", _level0.levelvar);
gotoAndPlay ("_level0.levelvar" 52);


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Media Server :: Video Stream Not Re-starting From First Frame

Oct 29, 2009

I have a problem with a project using the FLVPlayback component (the Flash CS4 version) and FMS 3.
Playing back a video works fine. When the video is finished, I hide the FLVPlayback component.
But if I have to play the same video again, the video does not immediately start from the beginning. I see a glitch with the frame the user last stopped on (whether it stopped at the end or wherever in the middle). It never re-starts from the beginning right away.
I have tried different approches to solving the issue:
- tried seekSeconds(0)    - tried autoRewind = "true"
- a combination of both
- nulling out the stream source (result in a Runtime error) then setting it again
To no avail.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Starting Off Frame One \ & Moving An Object With Buttons?

Feb 2, 2009

Bonjour my friends, I have just gotten my hands on Adobe Flash CS4 and while I am rather please with my own ability to use the tools, as I've taken several vector art classes at my local community collage, I simply can't seem to get my head around the Actionscript part, while I completely understand it's purpose and capabilities, and have actually looked at several of the tutorials on this board, I still find myself with many questions.Chief among which would be...Is there a way to make an object move vertically a certain amount, each time you click a button, while preventing it from moving farther than a maximum number?- I looked for something like this in the tutorials, my aim simply being to create a sort of scrolling text box via masks and buttons, but all the tutorials were either far too complicated or required vast set up that would require me to take several steps back from my current location.

Also, is there a way to make the animation start on a frame other than frame one?- It was my understanding that one could simply put in a gotoAndPlay(#); code on frame one and that should cause it to go to and play from whatever frame you specify but that seems to be incorrect as it hasn't worked. Other questions I have include..Is there a method by which one could create a sort of slid show, within another scene? IE you're at scene X and you click a button, and a picture that is part of, but not all of, scene X changes to something else, while the rest remains the same.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Action On Frame When External FLV Movie Finish Go To Next Frame

Sep 27, 2011

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I creating a presentation in which I'm loading external FLV movie files. I have a Navigation menu to go to the different chapters (every chapter is a FLV movie File) what I need? = when a FLV movie finish I need some action in the frame to take me to next frame where I have the next FLV chapter.I upload a sample FLA with some FLV for reference.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Partially Loading An External SWF (frame By Frame)?

Dec 2, 2009

I have an application swf that loads a big external swf with all GUI components/assets (skin) in it.I want to display a progress bar during loading of the external asset swf file but the images for the progress bar are also included in the external swf file.Is it possible to load only a portion of the external swf before loading the rest. The idea is to load the progress bar images from the external swf, then construct the progress bar and than load the rest of the swf. I was thinking to put it on different frames. Frame 1 containing the progress bar graphics and frame 2 the rest of the assets.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Next Frame On External Swf?

May 13, 2010

I've got two buttons and when I press one I want it to goto and stop on next frame of a loaded swf. there's different swfs loaded so I can't specificate the name of it.I've tried:

var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("arrow.swf");

this loads the arrow buttons fine, but i can't get the goto and play next frame on the external swf loaded to work. ive tried:

var swfTimeline:MovieClip = myloader.content as MovieClip;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Go To Frame 2 Of The External Swf?

May 24, 2007

i have a main swf and on the 1st frame, aside from the preloader script....etc...i have a loadMovieNum action on loads an external swf with music in i want it so that when the playhead passes through another frame(frame 10) i need it to go to frame 2 of the external swf which has the music in it. ive tried EVERYTHING i could think of but it doesnt work. i KNOW its simple but i dunno..... i mean it works far as loading in the ext.swf from the AS on frame one but not the AS on frame 10 that tells it to go and play ext.swfs frame 2.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get An External Swf To Go To A Specific Frame?

Nov 9, 2009

I made a flash website and had one page load an external swf.

In this external .swf are thumbnails that link to another page (frame) all within the external swf. when you go to these pages there is a 'back' link which links back to the main external swf frame.

My problem is this: let's say i click a thumbnail in the external swf and it goes to the respective thumbnail page, and then i dont click the 'back' button but instead click another link of the main flash website - then i go back to the page that loads the external swf and instead of going to the main frame of the external swf it stays at the page i was previously on.

How do I get the link on the main flash website which loads the external .swf to always load on the first frame of the external swf?[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load External Swf And Go To A Particular Frame

Nov 10, 2009

I have an empty swf (container) where my external swfs get loaded and unloaded. I have two swfs - Activity 1 and Activity 2 (each contain an activity to complete on several frames).

The user is able to click back from activity 2 to activity 1, but they get to the beginning of the activity instead of where they were last (last frame on swf). I would like to be able to click the back button and go the last frame on the swf being loaded.

So, how do I load an external swf and then go to the last frame in it? But I don't want this to happen everytime I go to activity 1. Only when you click the back button from activity 2.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Next Frame On External SWF

May 14, 2010

I've got a .fla with different buttons. when I klick them different loaders loads ext swfs.

var myloader4:Loader;
this.revista.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, movie4Click);
function movie4Click(event:MouseEvent):void {
var myrequest:URLRequest=new URLRequest("rec.swf");
myloader4 = new Loader();

Underneath the loaders on the label "white" I have to buttons, next and prev. I want to, when I press them, to go to the next frame of the loaded swf. I've got 6 diff ones. (myloader1-myloader6).

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Loading A Specific Frame In An External SWF

Sep 13, 2009

I have two flash files, say a.swf and b.swf.a.swf is the main swf file, embedded in an HTML page for a webpage. There is a preloader in a.swf too. In b.swf, when I click a specific button I need to load a.swf, but not from the preloader, from the content. To be precise, the content starts from Frame 24 of a.swf (obviously Preloader ends in Frame 23). I believe, the frame 24 has to be loaded in a.swf when I click the button in b.swf.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader For External SWF In First Frame

Jul 16, 2010

I have a .swf being loaded into a main.swf using the following:
var ld:Loader = new Loader()
ld.load(new URLRequest("nameofsecond.swf"))
addChildAt(ld, 0)

The above is in the second frame of my main.swf timeline. I'm looking for a way, using as3, to code a preloader in the first frame of the main.swf that counts the number of bytes loaded in the secondary .swf and goes to and plays the second frame of the main.swf when all the bytes have loaded.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Going To Specific Frame Of External Swf?

Jun 29, 2011

I've got another little hitch that I've come accross in the project that I'm currently assembling. From time to time I need to load swf files at specific frames & seem to have hit a brick wall.
It loads the right swf, but at frame 1, when I want tp load it at frame 18

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Export Frame From External Swf To Script?

Aug 11, 2011

I am trying to capture a still frame from an (any) external swf file, by using my own flash movie as a proxy to load it and hand information regarding the Stage onto javascript. I want to keep it as wide compatible as possible, so I went with AS2 / Flash 8 for now.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unload External SWF On Frame

Nov 11, 2009

I am building an on-line game for autistic children, and I am facing a problem where I load a SWF to play a mini game. Although when the mini game is over I want to go back to the original SWF (and a different scene to which I left.)

I use:

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("hidenseek.swf");
var loader:Loader = new Loader()

To load the swf, although I can't figure out how to unload it on a frame, and then on top of that take it back to original SWF to a new menu?

A work around could be to just have the new menu in the loaded SWF? Could I unload the original SWF or do I have to always keep it open?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Navigate To Url Then Frame Of External Swf

May 14, 2010

i have an external swf in one html page, which i would like another swf from a different page which contains a button, to navigate to. [code]how would i implement the button to navigate to a specific frame in calendar.swf of calendar.html?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndPlay Frame In External Swf

May 19, 2010

Im going to make a page in flash as3, and now I have build the most of it. I will now load an external swf into the main swf, to save people for too must waiting time... my issue with normal words: I want to have a number of buttons. When you click on button 1 the first external swf load with a fade animation. Now when I would see whats behind button 2, is should animate the first swf out and remove it from the stage, to save wating time.... and the same should happend if i have 5 menu buttons...


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