in a motion tween in the properties of a frame you can change the rotation value and rotation way by entering a time value for times and y choosing cw or ccw it posible to change that way and how many times it will rotate value by action script 2 and if the answer is yes what is the parameter i guess it should be someting like
I'm working on a flash navigation piece for a website that involves a "viewmaster" reel that rotates when you mouse down on a button, and then stops when you mouse up. The problem I'm having is that every succesive time I mouse down, the rotation speed increases. Here is my code:
I've been experimenting with a crank that you can turn with the mouse which is supposed to make things gradually change on the stage. Everything is going smoothly, except that when the crank makes a full rotation, its angle returns to 0. I've added an AccumulatedAngle variable to keep track of this, but I can't get it to update at the same time as the actual rotation. What I'm getting is brief moments where the totalAngle value is 360 above what it should be, and the objects on screen update with that value, causing them to jump around on the screen and then jump back each time the crank makes a full rotation. I've tried moving around the order of the variable updates and I've tried moving when the boxes are updated, even putting them inside the if statements that change the crank's angle. I just can't figure this one out.
I am still pretty new to Flash, but I do understand mostlyhow things work. Basically, I have 5 banners (each in a named frameof their own) in a banner rotation SWF and I want to make themrotate continually through all 5 banners without using the timelineto do so. How would I use setInterval to force them to rotate, sayevery 3-5 seconds? Or, what command would I need to make them do
now how do i make the movie clip to first go from frame 1 to 10( last frame in teh movieclip) with the text time and then when the movie clip starts again it should say place and so on and so forth.. depending on how many textline variables i define in the text file?
I created a frame by frame animation using the default elapsed time. There are 41 frames, and it is completed in 1.7 seconds. I would like the whole sequence to complete instead within 30 seconds. How can I change the timing? I am using Adobe Flash CS4 Professional (v. 10.0.2).
I have a movieclip and when I do 3D rotation from Transform panel, It rotates perfect, center is in the middle of image, and when I apply mc.rotationY, rotation center is in left of the image, aren't 3D rotation from Transform panel and mc.rotationY from AS same? what's up?
I'm trying to do some augmented reality projects with flartoolkit . I can now put simple 3d objects on my marker and it works fine , but I wanna give my project some events that the user can interact with. I'm trying to trace the rotation of the marker. there's a container:DisplayObject3D which my application uses to add the 3d objects , I traced this :"trace(container.rotationZ)" but it's just returning 0 . I studied another AR application's source code and it was using the rotation of it's container object without problem .and I think I should mention that I'm using the exercise file of seb lee delisle papervision3d course from [URL]. anyone has any experience with flartoolkit? the main functions of my my code is as below:
Is it possible to have the child movieclip rotate separate of the rotation properties assigned to the parent? so ultimately giving the child element it's own axis?I've customized Lee Brimelows ( 3D carousel to spin on the x axis to make it a vertical carousel. I've also rotated that by 45 degrees on the y axis to see all the items, and wrote a snippet of code to hide the left portion of the carousel. The entire carousel is contained within the 'container' movieclip, and inside of that are my carousel items (as seen below), with the larger item being the item in focus.
On rollover of the item in focus, I want to rotate it so it faces the viewer (as seen below),basically removing the 45 degree rotation applied to the container.The problem i'm running into is when you rotate the container (changing the rotationX of the container), the axis basically rotates with it, so when i rollover the next item 'in focus', the following happens..(in the example where it appears how it want it to, the carousel is at a rotationX of 0, so it works fine)
Program A has a cannon that aims to line up with where-ever the mouse is pointing, in 360 degrees, and fires when the mouse is is clicked. Program B has an eye instead of a cannon that should in theory do similar functions when the capslock key is toggled, but instead only has a 90 degree range of motion from the Right of the eye toward the bottom (quadrant 4 only). Where did the ther 270 degrees of rotation disappear to?
i.m trying to create a 3d rotation much like the widely used carousel only the rotation i desire consist of four upright(90 degrees) movieclips resting on a slanted, 30 degree plane which rotate onEnterFrame or following a tween on a oval like path - then pause for a given number of seconds at the four movieclips positions equal in distance on the plane
function around() { this._x = Math.cos(this.angle) * radiusX + centerX; this._y = Math.sin(this.angle) * radiusY + centerY; var s = this._y /(centerY+radiusY);
I am watching the tutorial on the motion editor and when he opens the motion editor to edit the Rotation X and Rotation Y values I'm in trouble.My motion editor now only shows Rotation Z but, no Rotation X or Rotation Y. What am I doing wrong?
As I haven't much experience in AS 3.0, I faced a probem that I haven't with AS 2.0. The problem is that when I call for first time gotoAndPlay function, it works, but when I do this for second time and for another frame, it doesn't. Because the explanation of what is my file, would be long and confusing, I attached the file.
I am trying to do a simple "pseudo 3D" rotation of a movie clip. The clip would "flip" on to the screen. I have created the effect using PaperVision3D, however, the final SWF is about 64k and my project requires a smaller file size. I tried to create the flip effect manually by creating skewed versions of the clip and tweening between them, except this doesn't work because the shape is not tweaked along the vanishing point as it should be. It looks like perhaps I could accomplish what I want to do using the MatrixTransformer but I've not had much luck so far.
Trying to set time spent on each frame in an animation, its an ActionScript 3.0 project.Problems:1) Frame rate - Can this be disabled? For now I just have it at 120 to go as fast as possible, but since I'm specifying the time spent on each frame it would be nice to not have this at all.2) Actionscript - I tried putting in the following code snippets...In frame 1...
Code: function PlayNextSlide() { clearInterval(SlideDelay);
Instead of adding more frames in my timeline in order to get the perfect timing pe keyframe, how can I control the amount of seconds at each keyframe using actionscript 3
I'm trying to make a clock that goes to a frame with a set amount of bars across the screen at 8 am. Then every 15 minutes it goes to another frame where one bar is gone and a certain action happens. It's just a joke clock to countdown the workday. But after it switches over the clock stops telling time. I have a dynamic text named Clock_text I tried putting this actionscript in the first frame:
ActionScript Code: time=new Date(); // time object var seconds = time.getSeconds()[code]....
and so on for the corresponding frames going to the 5 o clock celebration page. After it switches over to frame 3 the clock stops working.
if for example the player moves, does it move him every x seconds or every x frames?like, if the flash game runs on somebody with fast computer and other has slow computer, so his game runs slower, so it can result in the player moving slower than the guy with the fast computer. so ya they'll move in 2 different speeds. in c++ you gotta add sort of timer for this so it depends on time incase the player lags or something. sometimes you gotta have 2 buffers for the screen, so while something is displayed on screen it loads the other buffer in the background, and then shows the finished loading buffer and so on. this way there are no graphic bugs.
Im using a onInterval at a very high speed or you could say, with a very short delay. In IE the onInterval is not going by the time frame i set and is running extremely slowly. In all the other browsers the onInterval is working fine and runs the code as fast as i require. I found a post on another forum but that person had no luck with this issue as well.[URL] Is there a alternative way to call functions at a fraction of a second?
is it possible to play mc in a specific time frame from the outside??
i'm actually making a card matching game and i'm having problem flipping the 1st card back if the cards don't match... i made 2 animation in 1 mc...the first one is to see the behind of the card...and the other one is to turn it back if wrong...
so is there a way that i could play the mc of the first card to frame 30 when clicking the 2nd card and they don't match??
I have a flash file where the first frame contains two buttons, one of which takes the user to the second frame, and the other takes them to the third frame. At each of those frames, various text fields and variables can be manipulated via SimpleButtons. Both Frame 2 and Frame 3 have "back" buttons to take them back to Frame 1.
Currently when the user navigates back to Frame 1 for the second time (thus playing it for a third time), my second button appears to no longer exist, and I receive an error. Both buttons on Frame 1 were placed via the Flash IDE. Why is my button popping out of existence, when it did perfectly fine the previous two times? Below is my code for Frame 1. The "back" buttons simple remove event listeners and then call gotoAndStop(1)
var inited:Boolean; var cache:SharedObject; var libsans:Font = new libsansreg();
I have a generative art app, and I'd like it to draw as many cycles as possible each frame without reducing the framerate. Is there a way to tell how much time is left until the screen updates/refreshes?I figure if I can approximate how many milliseconds each cycle takes, then I can run cycles until the amount of time left is less than the average or the peak cycle time, then let the screen refresh, then run another set of cycles.
I have a flash file that consists of a number of loops that play in series that allows me to change the duration of each part of the movie dependent on what is in the loop. Therefore loop 1 plays x number of times before moving on the loop 2 that plays y number of times and so on. I had worked out all my timings so that each loop last half a second. The number of times each loop plays is controlled by an if statement on the last frame of each loop. So far so good. In this main movie have another movie clip that runs independently of these loops and I noticed that although it was the same length as the main movie taking the loops into account, it would drift out of sync as the main movie progressed and looked as if it was running slow. However by tracing frame numbers of the two movies, I noticed that each time the main movie reaches on of the if statement frames although it appears to increment by one frame the other movie doesn't. By commenting out all the if statement frames both movie run in sync.
Therefore I conclude that a frame that controls the playhead position in this method does not actually last a full frame in duration, but jumps immediately to the new frame as soon as the command is encountered. Can I assume that this is constant and that frames used to move the playhead occupy no time in terms of the main timeline? Is there any documentation on this?
Is there a way to loop one frame after a certain period of time. I have only one frame in the timeline, and about 10 layers with a single frame containing a container to load external mcs. These frames are all lined up in one row and the mcs play after a certain number of seconds. The last layer containing my last mc that plays fades out to black and then nothing plays again but id like to have it so that all the mcs play again like the first time, like a loop.
This is probably a very simple actionscript question I am using CS3 on an AS2 movie. I want to make a simple audio level bar and I created a movie clip with ten frames and ten squares that appear in a line. On each frame you can see one more square i.e. from 1 to 10.What I want is to have a + button on the main time line and every time it is pressed it advances on the frame of a movie clip called loader_mc to the next frame. Similarly if I press minus button the movie clip goes back a frame.This is the actionscript i tried but it only works once. It doesn't keep moving on each frame.
Code: on (press) { _root.loader_mc.gotoAndPlay(_currentframe+1);
I have a flash file of a snowman doing various activities. He's doing 7 different things (all individual movie clips) and I place each of the movie clips on the first 7 frames, I placed a stop action on each one.Here is the code I used
var myDate = new Date(); var localHours = this.myDate.getHours(); if (this.localHours>=6 || this.localHours<=18)