ActionScript 2.0 :: Functions - Make A Graphing Calculator With Drawing API
Feb 5, 2006
im trying to make a graphing calculator with drawing API. I can't get it so actionscript draws my line from the function that is produced from user input. say i have an array
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Jul 7, 2010
following code:
even once i'v executed "getMcInfo", I get "null" from the trace statement in "changeBorderColor", I should get [object blabla]. I know this has something to do with the scope of the variable "MC" but i just can't fine a solution..
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The XML file is structured this way....<Node myURL="images/cow.jpg" myTitle="Cow" myDesc=" libero sed dapibus aliquet, quam risus luctus lacus, vitae tincidunt dui diam dictum mauris. Morbi tempor, Nunc eleifend sapien ut odio pharetra eu aliquet eros fermentum.Proin et nisi vel risus eleifend pulvinar. "myThumb="images/thumbs/cow_thumb.jpg" here it is...
allOnlinelink.push(element .@onlinelink); allOfflinelink.push(element .@offlinelink);
the next function pulls the url of the current index
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Dec 9, 2011
i have 4 buttons below
ActionScript Code:
home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goto_home);
about_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goto_about);
portfolio_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goto_poftfolio);
contact_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goto_contact);
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Apr 28, 2004
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Jun 21, 2011
I'm creating a Flash file which pulls in external SWFs onto a container. The main SWF which has the container clip is called Main.swf then we have external swf's.
So basically, we have Main.swf, English.swf, French.swf, More.swf
More.swf has a load of buttons on it (contact.swf, about,swf etc etc)
To make things neater, I wanted to put all of my button code in the Main.swf, and I've got it sorted so that English.swf, French.swf and More.swf load correctly into holder_MC which is on Main.swf
Now, to get the buttons working, I can either have the code situated in More.swf (in which case, can I change the contents of holder_MC which is located in Main.swf from within More.swf? If so, how?)
Or, I can have an event listener to say that when Main.swf is loaded, create these functions to link to contact.swf, about,swf etc etc)
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Apr 13, 2011
So I've been trying to make dynamically named functions, and while it works, I've run into a couple of problems.
ActionScript Code:
var uServer:String = ""
var lol:String = "lolz"
var num:Number = 3
If I had something like that ^ what could I add to func to distinguish between whether it is being called by lolz0, lolz1, or lolz2? I was thinking whether there was something like .name I could use, but I couldn't come up with anything.
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Nov 9, 2003
wrote the code for motion straight into the action panel of the bubble symbol and simply duplicated the symbol alot to add more bubbles. What I wanted to do is change all that code into global functions that can simply be called by each movie clip thereby cleaning it up alot and making it more modifyable. The problem is that I can't figure out how to write and call the functions properly. Here is what I have:
Actions: where the functions are defined
Bubble: contains symbols (clip calling the functions)
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Jul 14, 2003
how to move from one frame to another (once clips complete their actions). I had previously posted some questions regarding this matter, but I think the post got too long and confusing (at least to myself).SO I'm starting over from scratch and want to go step by step so I can understand. I have a line clip on stage that I move down the screen and center and expand it at the same time to fit the width of the stage. Now I have this code for that:
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