ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Apply This Code To An Object

Mar 18, 2011

I haven't used as2 in a very long time. I found this code for rotating an object based on the mouse position. How do you actually apply this to the object?

ActionScript Code:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
// find x and y differences
disx = _root._xmouse-_x;


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ActionScript Code:
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fun);
function fun(event:Event) :void {


as you can see the object i want to move requires its own variables and 2 if statements. and i REALLY dont want to have to copy/paste that code over 200 times and make a new set of variables for each object. maybe i could apply the code to the object itself ? but than what would i name the variables?

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envisionblur._alpha = 100;
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Flash :: Timeline Code To Object Oriented Code - Access Instances Already On Stage

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var angle:Number = 0;
var centerX:Number = center_mc._x;


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[Code] .....

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i'm breaking my head over something, and will be very grateful to any creative ideas:

I created kind of drag and drop game: i have cards that should be placed on squares.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Code To Rotate An Object?

Feb 21, 2012

I have an object that I want to rotate in 3D (letter "Y"). I have some code that I gathered and edited a bit, but right now it rotates at the top left as it's anchor. I'm trying to get it to rotate at the "crux" of the Y (absolute center), so it basically rotates in place.

My second problem is the speed. Ideally it needs to rotate very fast then slow down and stop. Any thoughts on how to either clean up this code to make it work? I could try it with just transforming the shape, but I'm trying to see if it can be cleaner with Actionscript.


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Flash - Is The Code Run Every New Object Created

Aug 27, 2011

if i have following code :

class Stand {
public static const STAND_LIST:Array = new Array();
STAND_LIST[0] = new Array();
STAND_LIST[1] = new Array();


is the STAND_LIST[0] keeps created every new instance of Stand created? or is it created just once?if it's created every new instance of Stand created, how do i make it run just once?(like initializing const)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying An Object Over Code?

Dec 14, 2009

Two days ago I managed to create XML based gallery the problem is I want to create a menu OVER the gallery the issue is when I create an object and place it over the gallery it actually displayes it underneath the gallery.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Object Properties With Code?

Apr 21, 2011

For the first stage, I was able to build a walk-through demo in flash pro by creating buttons that when clicked caused the flash to change to different frames. easy enough. Now for the final part of this project, I need to make the interface fully interactive, as I was trying before. ie: you can click any button and lights go on and off or a loop counter increments, etc. Since there is logic involved and too many permutations to do a frame for each possible state, I'm back to trying to do this in an object oriented way. I've got some test code here.

protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


debugger has some errors, so i don't know what exactly it will do. the errors are at the last two if statements where i'm trying to change the object property setting of the label. there is another error at the last curly bracket.

the idea is that there are two labels and a button. the first label starts out visible. when the button is clicked, a counter is checked, and incremented, then the counter is again checked and the appropriate label has it's visible property set to true. the intent is that in a list of several labels, pressing the button scrolls down them, until you press while on the last, which resets the counter and the first label becomes the visible one.

View 3 Replies :: Flash - Set The Scr Property Of Embed Or Object Tag In Code Behind?

May 7, 2011

<object width="425" height="344">
<embed src="PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed>

how to set the scr property of embed or object tag in code behind in

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Code Contents Of A Function Object?

Dec 21, 2011

Say I need to know if a movieclip is draggable (for reasons of changing a custom cursor to an appropriate graphic).

I can check if that movieclip has a function assigned to it's onPress event.I store the assigned function in a Function object variable.

Can I see what code is inside this Function object? If it contains a "startDrag()" or "stopDrag()" method?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Existing Code To Rotate An Object?

Feb 21, 2012

I have an object that I want to rotate in 3D (letter "Y"). I have some code that I gathered and edited a bit, but right now it rotates at the top left as it's anchor. I'm trying to get it to rotate at the "crux" of the Y (absolute center), so it basically rotates in place.My second problem is the speed. Ideally it needs to rotate very fast then slow down and stop.Any thoughts on how to either clean up this code to make it work? could try it with just transforming the shape, but I'm trying to see if it can be cleaner with Actionscript

ActionScript Code:
scaleDirect = -1;
function dec2hex (dec)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Avoid Attacching Code In A Object?

Jul 7, 2005

Macromedia says "...Avoid attaching code in a object...". The question is: how to integrate this code to the code of the main timeline? This is the code inside a the MovieClip named "dot":

removeMe = function () {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Define Alias For Object In Code?

Aug 13, 2010

Don't know if alias is the right word here but I would like to replace a long target path with short variable to make my code more readable/managable.So I have the following (working) code but it's getting really complicated :

function scaleUp(e:Event)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Editing A Code That Draws A Line Following An Object?

Jan 15, 2011

I'm trying to make an Etch-a-Sketch kind of game for fun. I think it's a simple problem, but I tend to type a lot of stuff for some reason. I found this code to build upon:

createEmptyMovieClip("Line",1);Line.lineStyle(1,0x000000,100);onMouseDown = function (){  Line.moveTo(_xmouse, _ymouse); onMouseMove = function ()  {


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