ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Disable The System Unstable Warning
Mar 4, 2002
i am working on an application which has a huge data. whenever i run my application,the flash player tells me that if i continue,then the system might become unusable.if i choose to continue,then i get correct results.
so is there a way by which,i can disable this warning.
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<s:Application ... >
<fx:Style source="css/main.css" />
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P.S. Tried both 9 and 10 debuggers
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Take a look:
1. Standalone flash gallery
2. Embedded in webpage
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Dec 4, 2009
I've written some code for a small webcam application. It's working well within Flash, there are just some minor adjustments I'd like to make to 'fine tune' the application.Let me explain the issue:
1) I have a button on screen, to call/activate the webcam.
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Actionscript Code:
Warning: Filter will not render.[code]............
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Oct 20, 2009
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Aug 30, 2010
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Feb 26, 2009
I have a project with 430+ as3 classes, which we have been developing for a year.
For about a month now, sometimes the FLA won't compile, and no error or warning will be displayed. When I publish the movie, it takes about 60 seconds to compile, but when it's finished, the swf file produced it's only 1,1KB (instead of 850k which should normally be) and I get absolutely no Compiler Error or warning.
Sometimes, if I delete the ASO files and recompile, it works fine. Other times, this won't do it and I would have to quit Flash and open the project again. I have "Compress movie" and "Reduce file size and increase performance" set to false for nearly 2 months now, because I read somewhere that Flash can have trouble with projects using hundreds of classes (this actually helped).
Last week however, I cannot get it to work. No matter what I do, it won't compile. I try to delete a whole bunch of code from the Main class, get it to compile fine and then add a few lines each time, only to see that any random line of code can make it stop compiling again.
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Aug 15, 2011
I just made a flash movie and I would like it to stream and save it as mov format. But I got an error instead. It mention I can go to the publishing settings but I don't see the option it listed to fix the problems.
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Oct 19, 2011
I'm getting some warning signs in FDT in a couple of lines of code that access values in the app descriptor, like this:
var appDescriptor:XML = NativeApplication.nativeApplication.applicationDescriptor;
var ns:Namespace = appDescriptor.namespace();
var appId:String = appDescriptor.ns::id[0];
var appVersion:String = appDescriptor.ns::versionNumber[0];
Those lines work fine, but FDT underlines "id" and "versionNumber", and issues the warning "Could not resolve variable (may be an XML element name)".
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Aug 18, 2010
I have a puzzle game, in which the user can define how many pieces will the puzzle have. There are some problems in the entry validation. I pass the data in a custom event, and then check if they are numbers, if they're not, then go with the default values.
I'm getting this warning: Warning: 1098: Illogical comparison with NaN. This statement always evaluates to false.
It turns out the warning is right, even despite the traces, which (when I input letters instead of numbers), show both variables as NaN.
private function initGame(e:MenuEvent):void
game = new Game();
game.addEventListener(GameEvent.OVER, onGameOver, false, 0, true);
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