ActionScript 2.0 :: HtmlText In XML Causing "undefined"
Jun 26, 2007
I can successfully read in my xml file and distribute its parts as I please, but upon realizing that I would need to include things like line breaks, I made some changes and it all went up in flames. Here is a bit of the xml.
<entry date="June 20, 2007">
<heading title="My first entry!"></heading>
I set the htmlText to true for all the text fields that are being influenced, and as long as I don't include any html tags in the xml file, everything works fine. But, as soon as I add something like "<p>", I get "undefined" for all the variables taken in from the xml. Even if I just put one tag in the body, it causes problems with the heading and image.
I've just upgraded to CS4 from CS3, and the AS3 project I'm working on which was compiling perfectly well in CS3, is now failing to compile because of a variety of errors.I can solve some of them by casting:
ActionScript Code: // before if(clip.stage != null) // after if(DisplayObject(clip).stage != null)
But I'm failing to solve them on errors regarding Arrays:
ActionScript Code: // measurements is an array in both cases measurements = measurements.splice(index, 1); // 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method splice. for(var i:int = 0; i < measurements.length; i++) // 1202: Access of undefined property length in package measurements.
I'm surprised than a fresh install is behaving like this. Is there some setting somewhere I've not enabled?I set the flex sdk path to the same one that I'm using in Flash Develop, but no luck.
i am using flash, .Net, and MySQL and have elements (text fields) posting in flash.Question is, if the table in the data base is not holding the var char how can I set the text field in flash to not show undefined and just be blank?
I have a menu I'm building in Flash, the version with no animations can be seen at [URL]. I'm trying to make the block of text on the left tween in from the left. That block of text is a movie clip made up of three dynamic text boxes. Each text box reads in a variable from a text file. Ideally, what I want to do is have the tweening in the movie clip. However, when I add in a keyframe at any point in the movie clip, the dynamic text will display and animate up to that point and then disappear. Also, to mkae things more annoying, only the first of the three blocks will move at all. I can change the alpha or whatever I want to on that first one, but the others seem to be off limits. Could this be due to the fact that I set the second and third blocks to be just below the title block in action script? Does that interfere with tweening?
<script> function cargar(url){ var iframe = $('<iframe>');[code]....
That generates an iframe (containing a panorama viewer with JavaScript and Flash) and inserts it in a div.The thing is that this code, in local, Firebug jumps:
Elemento referenciado por ID/NAME en el ámbito global. Use el estándar del W3C document.getElementById() en su lugar.Element referenced by ID / NAME in global scope. Use the W3C standard document.getElementById () instead.And online it doesn't jump any error or warning but the script doesn't fully work: http:[url]... (the controls are missing and the autoplay is not ON)
FLA in CS3 attached.Simple MC with over/out and onPress.All silhouettes have over/out. Silhouette on left initiates the animation.Black box in top left corner resets it.When a silhouette has been rolled over/out it does not follow timeline animation.{Rollover a single person then click left person to see issue.)I originally had the motion done in AS, but switched to timeline for trouble shooting.I'm trying to use more AS than timeline lately, so i hope someone can point me in the right direction. Also any tips in easier ways to do what i'm doing would be great... sometimes i feel like i'm taking the extended route.[code]
I want it so that when you click a button, it will run a multiplayer game and connect to a server, WITHOUT having any .bat or .exe files beforehand. So any new guy can rock up and connect, just as long as he has the game.
It will run the game and connect to a certain server. The problem is, how do I get Flash to do that without any premade .exes with command lines?
The only other problem I can think of is, is it possible to run the game without knowing the directory the exe is in? In other words, could Flash find the game .exe if it was just given a name?
I have an issue whereby a new font (FFF Forward variant) installed on some machines works perfectly in flash (cs5.5) but on one machine causes an instant crash when the Type Tool is used.I know the font is the core of the problem but am unsure why it works on some flash installations (same versions) and not others?
I have tried every conceivable way of uninstalling/installing the font (even cmd prompt and safe mode!)I have flushed preferences files (obv inc typesupport folder)I have re-installed flash!I have even tried copying the prefs files from one of the working installations to the troublesome machine.I have run font verification and repair tools (nexus font, font creator, font val, font doctor, font lab...)No joy, still crashing
Environment: I am using Flash CS3 and targettting my application for Flash Player 9, I have installed Flash Player 10 on my machine. I am getting a flash player 10b.ocx error, which causes into crash of the browser. I am loading a bunch of images in this application. (20-30 at a time). using Loader class.
I have three questions: Is it the flash player error causing the browser to crash or something in my code is wrong?what possibly can go wrong in AS3 code to cause this error if it is not a flash player error?What could be the possible resolution for the same?
I can't seem to figure out how to get my slideshow to stop looping after I imported an external video. It will no longer stop at frame one, it simply plays all the way through the frames with no pause even though I have a stop(); on each frame.
The file functions properly until I added the FLVPlayback component. It was looping even when the FLVPlayback component was in the library and exported for actionscript and in frame 1. After unchecking these boxes it won't loop, however that all changes as soon as I drag an instance of the component on stage or inside a movie clip on stage.
The flash presentation I'm working on is designed so 1 frame is one slide and I need the video to be playable from 1 slide (frame). Even after placing stop actions everywhere I could think of it still loops straight through with the FLVPlayback component.
when I enable my Adobe Shockwave Object my screen will flicker when i move the mouse around the screen. I have uninstalled it and reinstalled but it didn't work.
I'm getting extremely slow publishing in CS5 on win 7 - 64 bit. I've worked with the engineering team and no luck as to why. Then I was wondering if the structure of my files is causing the slow down? Would the fact that I seem to put most of my class and references in the DocClass cause a slow publish? I have a few files that it takes over 30 seconds on. I probably have one of the fastest computers in the world.
Whenever I include flash content on a page it causes IE & FF3+ to redraw the background.This does not happen in Google Chrome, Safari, or FF2.
On every page of my site there is a small flash animation that is in a hidden div. That flash content become visible and plays on a mouse-over event. That all works fine. However, in the above mentioned browsers, that flash content causes the site's background to be redrawn on every page-load, causing a flicker. Is there any way to prevent this? A google search revealed other people having the same issue, but no resolution.
Is there a bug in the as3 tween class that causes tweens to stop before completing. I read that there is and that a 3rd party tween class should be used. I'm just starting out learning as3 and experimenting but this would be good to know when I move onto more complex projects. Also the solution for this was to make your function global. Does this simply mean place your function in the top level of your movie.
I'm currently using the FileReference class to allow users of my program to save and load files from their PC. I'm currently trying to get the save function to work (I'll do load later) and it all seems to be working perfectly but while testing it (locally) it crashes Flash Player every time it saves.
The code is pretty simple just now (this is contained in an event handler which triggers when the save button is pressed):
var levelData:String = GetLevelData();var outputFileName:String = "NewLevel.txt"; saveFile = new FileReference(); saveFile.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, SaveCompleteHandler); saveFile.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, SaveIOErrorHandler);, outputFileName);
And it all works fine - the NewLevel.txt file appears where I want it to and contains the correct data. But as soon as this has completed Flash Player quits and I get the 'Flash Player Quit Unexpectadly' message. There are no errors in the output from my code. The SaveCompleteHandler function has been called and the SaveIOErrorHandler function has not.
Could this be a bug in Flash player? I'm using a Mac and have encountered a few bugs with the Mac version so I wouldn't be surprised if this was another one.
I have a preloader SWF that, depending on flashvars passed to it, will load an external SWF. The secondary SWF would load but wouldn't have any of the public functions available to the preloader. After extensive trouble shooting, I discovered that it was an issue with teh TLF text field I had created in the secondary SWF.
The secondary SWF will play perfectly as a stand alone with the TLF, and the secondary will load perfectly into the preloader SWF with all available public methods, but only after I change the TLF field to a classic text field.
I've got a flex-based swf, which is loading an AS 2-based swf and then, negotiating further activity via a LocalConnection. From time to time, the AS 2-swf can request that the flex-based swf load a movie. I've arranged this via on(release){} functions. The AS 2-swf, I'm making in Swish Max. In Swish, when I set the on (release) on a text field, (to invoke .send() on my localconnection), it works splendidly. However, when I attempt to perform the same calls for an on(release) attached to a movieclip, it actually causes the Flash player, and even the browser plugin to crash. In fact, the browser (IE) crashes as well. I checked the debug trace that ie asked me to send to microsoft at the last IE crash, and i noticed a StackOverflow exception embedded deep in the trace, but I couldn't determine its source.
I am creating a game, in AS3, in Flash CS4, with Adobe AIR. The game has gotten too large and complex for me to share the full thing on here, but I will try to explain my problem.
The background of my game is animated water, and it is a symbol separate of the game character and the other entities in the game. When the character performs certain tasks, the water animation needs to jump to a certain frame. This should be really easy:
water_background.gotoAndPlay(the_frame); However, this for some reason is causing a lot of lag, regardless of the machine I use it on. Right when the gotoAndPlay fires off, there is about a 700 millisecond delay where everything freezes up, and then when it comes out of it, all the animations already have completed and the water is playing from the appropriate frame, however the user misses all the pretty animation because the game freezes during it.
I've been trying to figure this out for hours. I've googled everything I could think of and have yet to find an answer.
I'm getting this weird error, don't know why, I've reduced the code to minimum and found the source of the problem but I don't understand why it errors.
I'm using(tweening) the rotationY and rotationX properties on movieclips a layer above a background, bitmap or video, in two respective projects. There is a flickering of the movieclips and some bizarre distortion going on. I can't seem to find anything on the web about this, -has anyone else encountered this problem? Is it a known bug? Is there a workaround?
The .swf I am having trouble with is embedded on the front of my home page [URL]. I am trying to make it so when the back button is pressed it causes the four buttons to move 200px left and when the forward button is hit right 200px. Here is the code for the back button, forward is identical minus the - sign...
back.buttonMode = true;// creates the hand cursor back.addEventListener("click", onClick3); function onClick3 (obj:Object){ back.buttonMode = false;// creates the hand cursor Tweener.addTween (homebutton, {alpha:1, time:3, x:x-=200}); Tweener.addTween (button2, {alpha:1, time:3, x:x-=200}); Tweener.addTween (button3, {alpha:1, time:3, x:x-=200}); Tweener.addTween (button4, {alpha:1, time:3, x:x-=200}); }
I'm trying to make the ball fall and when it travels along the curved path it will rise and sink depending on where it is on the track... The ball is really jumpy...
Mask causing text under it to appear to move...I have a mask that scrolls to the right over text.Before the mask comes on stage the same text is on a different frame before it in the exact same coordinates. But when the mask appears it makes the text under it seem to slightly move to the left. I've realized it is the mask that makes this seem to happen.I'm probably not doing something right with the mask, but I'm not sure.