Actionscript 3 :: GotoAndPlay Causing Immense Lag, Even Though It's Only Being Called Once?
Dec 30, 2011
I am creating a game, in AS3, in Flash CS4, with Adobe AIR. The game has gotten too large and complex for me to share the full thing on here, but I will try to explain my problem.
The background of my game is animated water, and it is a symbol separate of the game character and the other entities in the game. When the character performs certain tasks, the water animation needs to jump to a certain frame. This should be really easy:
water_background.gotoAndPlay(the_frame); However, this for some reason is causing a lot of lag, regardless of the machine I use it on. Right when the gotoAndPlay fires off, there is about a 700 millisecond delay where everything freezes up, and then when it comes out of it, all the animations already have completed and the water is playing from the appropriate frame, however the user misses all the pretty animation because the game freezes during it.
I've been trying to figure this out for hours. I've googled everything I could think of and have yet to find an answer.
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Jan 3, 2011
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May 16, 2011
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The code is pretty simple just now (this is contained in an event handler which triggers when the save button is pressed):
var levelData:String = GetLevelData();var outputFileName:String = "NewLevel.txt";
saveFile = new FileReference();
saveFile.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, SaveCompleteHandler);
saveFile.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, SaveIOErrorHandler);, outputFileName);
And it all works fine - the NewLevel.txt file appears where I want it to and contains the correct data. But as soon as this has completed Flash Player quits and I get the 'Flash Player Quit Unexpectadly' message. There are no errors in the output from my code. The SaveCompleteHandler function has been called and the SaveIOErrorHandler function has not.
Could this be a bug in Flash player? I'm using a Mac and have encountered a few bugs with the Mac version so I wouldn't be surprised if this was another one.
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May 16, 2011
I have a preloader SWF that, depending on flashvars passed to it, will load an external SWF. The secondary SWF would load but wouldn't have any of the public functions available to the preloader. After extensive trouble shooting, I discovered that it was an issue with teh TLF text field I had created in the secondary SWF.
The secondary SWF will play perfectly as a stand alone with the TLF, and the secondary will load perfectly into the preloader SWF with all available public methods, but only after I change the TLF field to a classic text field.
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Aug 6, 2009
I've got a flex-based swf, which is loading an AS 2-based swf and then, negotiating further activity via a LocalConnection. From time to time, the AS 2-swf can request that the flex-based swf load a movie. I've arranged this via on(release){} functions. The AS 2-swf, I'm making in Swish Max. In Swish, when I set the on (release) on a text field, (to invoke .send() on my localconnection), it works splendidly. However, when I attempt to perform the same calls for an on(release) attached to a movieclip, it actually causes the Flash player, and even the browser plugin to crash. In fact, the browser (IE) crashes as well. I checked the debug trace that ie asked me to send to microsoft at the last IE crash, and i noticed a StackOverflow exception embedded deep in the trace, but I couldn't determine its source.
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Feb 8, 2012
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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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