ActionScript 2.0 :: If ... Statement Doesn't Execute E-mail Validation?

Aug 8, 2010

I have some code for validating e-mail data before it is send. I have including code from Bassem Bouguerra which uses the WebServiceConnector and deals with imaginary user's emails. The code validates my 3 fields correctly. The problem is that the last if ...statement doesn't execute despite that the data is correct and my ok and result variables are true. It is driving my mental.

_lv = new LoadVars();


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Execute Code In Previous If Statement If Second If Statement Is Executed?

Aug 31, 2011

if (variable == 1){
//Execute this code.
} else if (variable == 2) {

I dont want to copy the code from the first into the second and the first and second into the third.
My mind isn't working and there is probably an extremelly simple way to get this working.
I know I could used functions but for some reason it stops the instance referencing working: _root["bullet"+j] doesnt work in a function.

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Actionscript 3 :: Enter Multiple Mail Ids And Separated By ';' And Validation In Flex?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: IF Statement Always True - Not Supposed To Execute

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I'm new to AS3 and Flash as a whole, but a decent programmer in Java and C,C#. The problem I have is this: No matter what I do, that "IF" statement ALWAYS executes, even if it shouldn't, and musn't, as said by the trace(isfirst), which outputs a 0, which means the IF is not supposed to execute. AKA: It displays first! and 0 every time it gets to frame 61, thus bringing me to the home page no matter what.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Email Validation - Flashplayer 8 And 9 Doesn't Support

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sometimes Timer Doesn't Execute

Apr 28, 2009

I have a function in which all items of an array are processed. in part one of the code I have a certain function called immedietly for ever item, but after that, a function is made within this function, to be added to a timer. the function will be executed 500 milliseconds later. this works fine most of the time, but sometimes the function with 500 mill delay doesn't get executed at all, while the first part does.

Can the cause of this problem maybe be, that there is a limit to the amount of Timers, or nested functions?

This is the function:

PHP Code:

if (ballsWillBeMatchedOut.length >0)
//part one:
for (i = 0,num = ballsWillBeMatchedOut.length;i<num;i++)


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Action Doesn't Execute In Player

Nov 9, 2009

In the app I'm working on (AS 2.0) I have several buttons. I've added an action to each of those buttons:
on (release){    gotoAndPlay("fr_test");}
When in Flash, if I enable (Control) Simple Buttons and Simple Actions, this action works like it should. If I test the movie or publish it, the action doesn't execute.
I've tried another approach with one button. I added an empty layer for actions only, and added the following code:
this.test_btn.onRelease=function(){    gotoAndPlay("fr_test");}

This doesn't work at all, nor in Flash nor in the player. I wonder what I'm doing wrong here. Changing fr_test to the frame number does not change anything.

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SWF Works Fine On PC, But Doesn't Execute Online

Sep 3, 2009

I created a custom google voice callback swf so someone could put in their phone number, and google voice will call them and connect them to me (essentially calling me). Everything works fine when i run it from my computer, but when I put it online it doesn't work.

The way it works is you put in your own phone number and name, then click call, and it rings the phone of the phone number you put in. This doesn't happen when accessing it from online though.

I've provided a link to the fla for your view, and I'll also post the embed code I have on my site.

Embed code:

<div id="gvoice">
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="616" height="162" id="gvwidget"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Why WebCam Snapshots Doesn't Execute By Timer

May 6, 2010

Why WebCam snapshots doesn't execute by timer?

ActionScript Code:
capture_mc.buttonMode = true;


this part of code works well without errors but when I click button I have a picture bu timer It doesn't.

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Flex :: Clear Validation On TextInput When Validation Is Not Enabled?

Jul 13, 2009

I've created a custom textInput componenet that handles it's own validation using a private validator. The validation is enabled depending on the state of the component i.e. validation is enable when the components state is "edit".However, when the state changes from edit the internal validator is set to not enabled but the validation errors on the textbox do not clear - the textInput still has the red border and on mouseover the validation errors come up. What I want to happen is that when a validator is disabled the error formatting and error messages clear from the text input control.

Does anyone have any idea how to do this I tried setting the internal validator instance to enabled = false and dispatching a new focusOutEvent as below but the validation error formatting is still applied to the textInput contrl.

_validatorInstance.enabled = false;
//clear the validation errors if any
dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT));


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loaded Movie Doesn't Execute _root Functions In IE (security Sandbox)?

Apr 23, 2010

I'm having some weirdness with a project that I'm doing in IE. Long story short, I've got a basic shell that loads in external SWFs based on user feedback. Once those SWFs get loaded in, they execute functions from the shell (_root) movie. It works great in Firefox, but immediately breaks (no way) in IE. The movie gets loaded in, but none of the functions run.

I suspect it has something to do with security, because, for a variety of reasons, I have to load the SWFs from their absolute location, rather than their relative location. When I test it locally (but loading the movies from their absolute, live location), everything still works, but I get that damn security warning that reads like this:


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Actionscript 3.0 :: The If Statement Doesn't Work

Jun 14, 2009

im trying to make a website based on a tutorial. when a certain button is clicked a selected page will load when the previuos page plays the OUT:label and hits the end label which are situated on the every pages mc timeline. Tyhe problem is that the function doesent work

the function is like this

Code: Select all
kontakt_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, newPage); 
function newPage(e:MouseEvent):void


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Tweener For /if Statement Doesn't Work?

Dec 23, 2009

I am executing a hittest when a chicken meets a crocodile; the chicken is afraid for the crocodile and turns back flying up in the air and back on the ground. In fact most of it works, allthough I can't get the wings to stop fluttering. As soon as the chicken returns on the ground, this must happen.This is the piece of code where it is about: (the function winger() is called once at the hittest)

[flash=]function winger()
var counter:int=0;[code].......

without the counter it works. changing it into an if-statement with the counter af the 2nd tweener, doens't work either.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: IF ELSE Statement Doesn't Work?

Aug 24, 2009

I'm doing a simple array test...I thought I could have values in an array and then run it through a loop and have a IF this value equals "x" do whatever, ELSE do this.

I have the value on a button and it doesn't work.The loop runs but the IF ELSE statement doesn't do what I THOUGHT it should do. It runs every value through the script as if the IF ELSE statement doesn't matter. Am I missing something?Here's the flash code (see below):

var myArr:Array = new Array;
myArr = ["red", "green","blue"];
function checkArr (checkTest){[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: If Statement Doesn't Affect For Loop?

Jan 15, 2011

I wrote a function within a function to control 2 Tweens.(the 2nd one isnt in the function, it's called)My problem is... is that it works for the first time.. the button is hovered over and all the other buttons show themselves and then disappear again, except the one you're over. Then I do it a 2nd time and it doesn't work. why is it only working right one time? and why isn't the if statement I put in the local function affecting the for loop? The 2nd time it takes the button you're hovering over with it and fades it out. (even though the if statement registers according to trace)this is the code

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var shortInst:Array = [btn1, btn2, btn3, exit];


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ActionScript 3.0 :: EMPTY STRING - Main + Sub Even If It Doesn't Exist Outside The If Statement?

Jul 18, 2011

Code 2 assume that main = main + sub even if it doesn't exist outside the if statement, that's obvious since sub is an empty string.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Call The ImageSize Function With The If Statement It Doesn't Work?

Aug 18, 2006

_global.picWmax = 436;
But when I call the imageSize function with the if statement it doesn't work.
function image(){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash - Collect Data From The User And PHP To Mail The Data In A Confirmation E-mail,it's Not Working?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Does Flash Execute Codes Only In The Keyframe Or It Execute Whatever Is In The Frame Regardless Whether Its A Keyframe Or Not

Mar 16, 2005

When I place some codes in a keyframe, these codes are showing on all the following frames up till the next keyframe with codes. My question is, does Flash execute codes only in the keyframe or it execute whatever is in the frame regardless whether its a keyframe or not?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: First Requirement Of The If Statement When Type In The Proper Input And Go Straight To The Else Statement

May 14, 2009

Having a few problems with what I thought was a simple if statement. Here is the code:


I can't quite figure out the small problem with the code. It seems to just bypass the first requirement of the if statement when I do type in the proper input and go straight to the else statement.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Data From XMl File And Uses It To Run An If Statement. If Statement Fails?

Oct 10, 2008

The Flash movie contains 2 Text files, one Component button, and 1 component checkbox.The purpose of the application is to load an XML file(works)Populate 2 text fields with information from the XML file(works)Compare the two text fields, if they contain the same information then the checkbox, via AS is told to be selected. (Heres the problem);

Heres the code:

runCode_btn.onPress = function() {
data_xml = new XML();
data_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
data_xml.onLoad = function(success) {


The idea behind this app is that its an electronic form. The user fills it out, the information is then sent to a newly created XML file, months later the open the XML file in flash, and Flash fills out text fields and check and or unchecks Checkboxes based on the XML data.CheckBoxes are mandatory.But I don't see how I'll be able to use them if i can't create and condition statements based on the loaded Data.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Statement Inside If Statement Won't Work

Mar 30, 2011

why this code won't work


I'm sure you can put if statements inside other if statements, seriously I can't figure it out

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Another 'if' Statement Inside An 'if' Statement?

Sep 22, 2010

I need to write an if statement inside an if-else statement. But no matter how I write it it keeps giving me a syntax error.The syntax error is "1083: syntax error: else is unexpected".[code]No matter how or where I place the braces, it keeps giving me errors.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use A For Statement To Create An If Statement

Jul 12, 2010

what I'm trying to do is create an else if argument for each object in an array based on a user set number

for(var i:int=0; i < numberOfElseIfs; i++){

to which I want it to GENERATE THE FOLLOWING CODE:

}else if(baskets[i].used == false){
baskets[i].used = true;

the problem is obviously that the compiler reads this code rather than understanding I'm trying to regenerate the code within the for loop...does that make sense :S? So basically I need as3 to read the code between the for statement as if it is going to echo that out later. Is this even possible?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Write Another "if Statement" Inside Another If-else Statement?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a script which is giving me a lot of trouble since I have no idea how to write another "if statement" inside another if-else statement. I keep getting errors, I guess I don't know where to put the braces exactly...

if(bla == bla) {
<------------how would I write another if statement here?
}else if (bla == bla){

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Validation On App Startup

Mar 1, 2010

I've created a form based flex app that populates some fields on startup. I'd like to validate that several text fields/labels are not null on startup. If any required fields are null I"ll throw and alert and close the app. There are only 4-5 fields that I need to check.

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Forms Validation Or Check Up?

Nov 22, 2009

I am doing some forms in Flash Cs4 with AS3. The forms are working well, but i have a code to check if people have enter information in every field. But the verification only works for 2 field. The code is exactly the same for the other but it doesn't work. Can you double check my code and maybe explain me why it doesn't work or maybe how to replace the validation code by another.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dealing With XML And Validation

Dec 7, 2009

I'm making a small memory game that is XML driven (users can upload images into the game). I've come to the point where I need to check if the user has filled out certain nodes or not, and if so; check that the input is valid - int when int is expected and whatnot.

What are the ways to check this, and which is best? So far I've only tried checking if a node is == "" or not, but I imagine there must be better ways. I will include lots of switches for the user which should all be optional. This calls for a neat way to validate it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: URL Validation Without Using RegExp?

Feb 4, 2011

I am using URL Loader to hit the server (e.g. Yahoo server) and then listing to HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS" listener for Status code 200. If the response code is 200 then form submits to database else I am giving the error "URL is not valid".I am running my application from Tomcat server using address Issue: On submiting the form Flash returns "SecurityError stating "form.swf" cannot access data on "Yahoo server".I have also placed a crossdomain.xml file on the server with allowDomain set to wildcard "*";

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