ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Magnifying Menu

Feb 6, 2003

making a Magnifying menu i have text menu and i have this idea that when user scrolls on top on the button it will enlarge a little and at the same time it will enlarge other menu buttons. I don't know how to explain it but it should look something like MAC X menu.something like that

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Horizontal Infinite Menu With Magnifying Glass Effect

May 12, 2005

In my flash page I made, in the right side, a horizontal infinite menu with a magnifying glass that has the same effect. This clip is made separately and is loaded into the page by an empty movie clip. All works well when is not in the page, but when it is loaded the lens is not moving. I figured out this problem putting this AS into the empty movie clip:

onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
} onClipEvent (mouseUp) {

But another problem appeared. Wherever I use the mouse, the lens are acting as if I am manipulating it. The lens are moving according to the position of the mouse. What can I do?

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Actionscript :: 3 - Making The Drop Down Menu Close Whenever The Mouse Is Not Over The Menu

Nov 21, 2011

I'm creating an animated (in and out) drop down menu. I've managed to get the menu to open when the user mouses over, with the buttons all selectable. However I can't seem to find an efficient method of making the drop down menu close whenever the mouse is not over the menu. Actions:


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Making A Cube Menu?

Sep 18, 2009

making a cube menu like this? [URL] post here or mail me to evilmini_me_2002@[URL] or add me on msn: metilic@[URL], ty for your time

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Buttons - Making A Drop Down Menu?

Sep 2, 2009

I am attempting to revamp a website. The buttons that are currently being used are only gifs that are hyperlinked and there are almost 12 buttons... I think that this is a ridiculous amount of buttons to have. It looks very cluttered. So, I figured I should make 6 buttons and just fit the rest of the buttons into subcategorized buttons. And the way to do this is to create flash buttons with drop down menus. To see what I mean, go to this link and look at their buttons:
Their buttons drop down into menus with sub-categories. I want to do this.
So far, I have gone into flash, created buttons and made graphics for the "Up" "Over" "Down" and "Hit". I have also added the menu buttons and graphics for the "Over" of each drop-down button-menu.
I have even provided the action script to link each button to where I need it to go.
HOWEVER, here is where the problem is. When I roll the mouse over the button, and then move the mouse down to click on one of the buttons in the drop down menu, the menu disappears, OF COURSE, because the mouse goes off the hit. I can't make the hit bigger, because the menu shouldn't open unless it's on the main button. But without the hit being bigger, the menu will always disappear.

IN ADDITION, I've never used flash buttons on a website before. I'm just using HTML. How do I link the button to the page? Do I save the file as a .swf flash file? And link to 6 different files? Or do I save the buttons in a line, and just use one link?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Pause Menu?

Feb 21, 2009

I have no idea how to make it so that if you press p once, it pops up, and if you press it again, it dissapears.I want it to start off screen and when you press the button it goes to coordinates inside the's what I have:

ActionScript Code:
if (Key.getCode() == 80) {
if (_root.pause1 == 1){


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IDE :: Making Menu Items Slide Up And Down?

Jun 24, 2009

I am just getting to know flash, i am working on my website fully made in flash cs 4 and photoshop.

My problem is that

how can i make a fade out on my menu?

when one of the menu-buttons is clicked a "new wall" is sliding down. how can i make the "new wall" to slide up before a new wall is sliding down?

here is a link to want i have made so far- [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Buttons In Menu To Go To Pages

Jul 1, 2009

I am attempting to make a flash website, and have 5 buttons on my menu. I made 5 pages in a movieclip called "content". I want to know how I can link those buttons to go to those pages (actionscript and where to put it).

I have seen flash website templates, and see only ONE button, but when I looked at it in an .swf, it shows all buttons with their specific text label.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Making An Expanding Menu System?

Feb 13, 2011

I'm wondering if anyone would be able to point me in the direction of a tutorial using action script 2 on making an expanding menu system. [URL] This one is a tutorial but I could do with one from the start step by step!

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Flash :: Making Menu Links That Connect To Each Other

Apr 15, 2012

I have a bunch of menu windows that I've placed on separate frames (for example main menu is on frame 1, options menu on frame 2, chapters menu on frame 3, characters menu on frame 4, etc). On each menu there are a bunch of text links (movieclip instances), when clicked goes to another menu page. Some of these same links (same instance) are duplicated on multiple pages since they perform the same function. For example clicking the "backToMain" instance will go back to frame 1, which is main menu, regardless of which page it was clicked on.

Does anyone have an idea how I might build this? So far I've tried to add listeners to every single link, however since lots of links are on different frames other than frame 1, I can't add listeners to them until I tell actionscript to flip to that frame, which I don't want to do. I want to globally add listeners to all links all at once in the beginning:


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Javascript :: Adobe Air: Use F2 - F3 - F4 In KeyEquivalent When Making Menu

Jan 13, 2012

i have a trouble while making menu in adobe air i want to use f2, f3, f4 shortcut, but when i use keyEquivalent = 'f2' property it showing in the menu but not working. when i press f2 it does not work but when i press f it works it means it just taking first character does any one can solve this problem.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Drop Down Menu With Sub Menus?

Feb 19, 2009

I made a drop down menu with sub menus. It is a movie clip. When I drag my movie clip menu to the main timeline I don't know how to make the buttons manipulate the main timeline. Like going to a certain frame. Everytime I put code on the movie clip, it manipulates the movie clip itself. Is there a trick to this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Multiple Row Menu With Arrays?

Sep 18, 2007

I'm trying to make a navigation of sorts using a bunch of thumbnails there will be 3 columns and 3 rows.I have made an array of images, created a button with an empty movie clip in it. And I am attempting to make a 3 by 3 grid of buttons based off the array... Here is my code.

cubicThumbs = ["Bracelet_Nugget_1_thmb.jpg","Earring_Nugget_1_thm b.jpg","Necklace_Nugget_1_thmb.jpg","Earring_Nugge t_1_thmb.jpg","Necklace_Nugget_1_thmb.jpg"];


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Rotated Menu System?

May 5, 2008

Here is the code

//############# Breaking Edge Band Website ##############
// Created by Sam Wood. Note that everything written after
// after a "//" indicates that I am commenting on
// the codes underneath it.


As you can probably guess i am making a rotated menu system. It all works fine except the code above.Basically what happens is that when I click the "MUSIC" button, then the "HISTORY" button, then to the "MUSIC" button and finally the "HISTORY" button, it seems to do the opposite clockwise direction to what it did the first time i click on it.....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A CD-ROM With A Flash Menu - Exe File To NOT Be Resizable?

Jul 22, 2009

I'm using CS3 AS2... I'm making a CD-ROM with a Flash menu... I want the exe file to NOT be resizable.... how to I do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #2007 Making Drop Down Menu

Jun 11, 2009

this is the error [code]And the frame labled homeMenu_MC.i can't seem to figure out what is going on, i'm still pretty new to AS3 and AS period so I'm not sure exactly what the "child" is.All I know is it loads and the btn glow works right the menu just doesn't come up when your roll over the navBar_mc everytime i roll over it i see in the output the error code.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Tree Menu Structure In Flash?

Jun 7, 2011

making tree menu structure in as3 flash........
1.submenu1 2.submenu2 

and it is expandable and collapseble with some  effect.also there is textarea on rightand content 4 each menu link.

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Making FishEye Menu With Lots Of Rows And Columns

Aug 24, 2009

I hired flash developer to make me fisheye menu with a lot of rows and columns, be he just can't make it, he says that it stuck and that it is slow when he tries to make a lots of rows and columns, is there any component in flash that could work with to make that.

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Making Rollover Stays As Browse The Menu's List

Apr 21, 2010

I am currently making an interactive Map, as i rollover to a certain continent, the continent will light up in a yellow highlight, afterward as i click on the continent the box menu will pop up on top of the continent, everything went fine until i browse around inside the box menu( the box menu is bigger than the continent,..wider) cause at one point the cursor will go to a certain area inside the box menu that is not on top of a part of the continent, That's when the yellow highlight went down. I was just wondering how do i make sure the yellow highlight on the continent stays on while i freely browse around the box menu( which is wider than the continent)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making A Tree Style Menu With Sub Menus

Sep 19, 2007

I noticed there was no tree component in AS3. I plan on making a tree style menu with sub menus and stuff so should I just do this project in AS2 or is their something I can make similar to a tree component in AS3?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Buttons Within Drop Down Menu Active

Mar 23, 2009

im having trouble making the buttons within my drop down menu active.basically, on the main timeline, i have a movieclip, and within it have a button that once u roll over it, will go to another instance in that timeline to display a drop down menu located below it (with buttons). these buttons do not perform any actions to the main timeline regardless where i place the actionscript or how i point to those buttons.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dropdown Menu - Making Every Item Clicked Only Once

Apr 7, 2009

I made a drop down menu based on xml file and some simple summation after each click of the item. This drop down menu code is based on the xml driven menu. What I need is how to make every item can only be clicked once, so once clicked, it should not be able to be clicked any more.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Menu Visible When External SWF Loaded?

Jan 5, 2011

I have my main menu movieclip placed on the main stages and I use it to load some external swfs. However when I load them, the menu disappears because it is covered by the loaded swf. How can I set the depth of my top menu so that will always be visible when the external swfs are loaded? Should the depth be set on the main time line or inside the main manu movie clip? This is the code in my main menu that I am using to load the swfs but my main menu is a movie clip placed on the main timeline...

var swf:MovieClip;
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
var defaultSWF:URLRequest = new URLRequest("swfs/welcome.swf");
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Set Boundaries For Magnifying Cursor

Nov 15, 2009

I have placed an image within a movieclip that I would like to zoom in on when the mouse passes over it. The zoom on the cursor is working, but the mouse remains a magnifying glass even after it rolls off of the zoomable image. I have tried putting the image and zoom code inside an swf and loading in it into a container via loadmovie, but the same problem with the cursor occurs.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Magnifying Lens For More Than One MovieClip

Feb 24, 2004

I want to create a magnifying lens effect for two movievlips placed adjacent to each other. Each movieclip contains only one image and the movieclips are created dynamically. The magnifying lens examples present in the web are only for single movieclips....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Magnifying Glass, With BitmapData?

May 12, 2006

i was wondering if anyone have an idea on how to make a magnifying glass that would work with AS instead of 2 versions of the same bitmap one scaled down and the other in normal size..i think there should be a way to achive this effect using BitmapData in flash 8

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Magnifying Lens For More Than One Movieclip?

Feb 24, 2004

I want to create a magnifying lens effect for two movievlips placed adjacent to each other. Each movieclip contains only one image and the movieclips are created dyanamically.

The magnifying lens examples present in the web are only for single movieclips..

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Making Existing XML Link Goto Internal Menu Page?

Dec 10, 2009

I have recently purchased a XML based template and need to make an existing XML link goto an internal menu page. I have been able to create buttons in the flash template itself using action script with no problems. In my site I have several buttons that say more, so in the XML document it has these internal links, asfunction:_root.more_click_func,1. So what I am trying to do is have thiese links goto the contact page, so I assumed it was simple as directing the asfunction to the internal menu which is 6 but it doe snot work.
asfunction: "6"
asfunction: contact

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Magnifying Effect On Rollover?

Nov 29, 2010

www dot arcteryx dot com (sorry unable post the link){once u are on the site goto mens(top left) >> jackets (left menu) >> click on any jacket}i figured out the magnifying part by masking but the issues that i have are :1. Snap the position of magnifying glass part to the position of cursor.2. make the cursor invisible3. start drag on Rollover (i think i got this)4. stop the magnification as the user rolls out out the specific area (the jacket in this case)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Magnifying Glass Over 1 Image That Can Be Moved

Dec 29, 2010

Looking for some code to make magnifying glass over 1 image (can not be 2 images one, small one large) that can be moved to specific locations off of an event like clip load, or clip end.I can find this online for as3 but not for example...when image is displayed it should load magnifying glass in certain area, then as new clip starts or some type of event happens (not a click event) it should be able to move the glass to new coordinates.we are placing this in a system that CAN NOT use as3. must be as2.

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