ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Buttons, No Trace?
Apr 15, 2005
I have a movie clip on the main timeline which is acting as a button, in the over state of that mc button are 3 regular buttons, which appear on mouseover the mc button, but do not hilite, and will not respond to a trace.
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Apr 15, 2005
I have a movie clip on the main timeline which is acting as a button, in the over state of that mc button are 3 regular buttons, which appear on mouseover the mc button, but do not hilite, and will not respond to a trace. the .fla is at [URL]
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Apr 8, 2005
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Mar 8, 2011
i have navigation menu animated click it pops up from corner to center click its gone and gotoandplay('page2') is triggered. while page loads menu goes away.
So my point is i want to show page title only after menu is gone (menu clip stopped playing) this works but menu is child MC i try put
but how i build event handler that constantly checks for this message?
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Apr 8, 2005
i want ot no how to trace a movie clip and place it into an empty movie clip i create at the begginning of the movie can you please help me.
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Feb 13, 2009
here is my issue, so i have a main page with a slideOut movieclip which basically is a movie clip button and the "over" state sends a tray out of the movie clip with info and anothe rmovie clip button. i cant seem to get that movie clip button to root.gotoAndPlay("frameLabel");i have the actionscript on the same frame as the movie clip i need to act as a button. but it just doesnt seem to react to it.i have tried going to the main timeline and doing
blank_mc.blank2_mc.onRelease = function();
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Jan 21, 2010
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Jul 29, 2007
I want to trace all the names of a Movie clip properties. Funny thing is that I used to know how to do that. Now when i use [code]It only traces the names of nested Movie Clips not also properties like _x, _width. Anyone knows how to do that?
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Jun 2, 2009
It's about targeting movie clips... In AS2, you just target a movie clip like so :trace (FirstMc.ChildMc1.ChildMc2.ChildMc3._x) // Will send out the x position of ChildMc3 But is AS3, i see that there's a function called getChildByName('put child name here'). But what if it's such a long way to go to that child??? Does it have to be:
FirstMc.getChildByName("ChildMc1"). getChildByName("ChildMc2"). getChildByName("ChildMc3").x
That just seems to tedious and I'm sure Adobe thought of a clean way of targetting??
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Aug 27, 2009
I am trying to place buttons inside a movie clip to control the timeline of the same movie clip. This does not seam to work like buttons on the main timeline. When I play the movie the cursor does not turn into a hand and the rolloever affects only sort of work. I have read about controling the movie clip with buttons on the main timeline, but I need one of the buttons to change halfway through the movieclip. I want to be able to jump to interior shots while in the exterior section and vice versa. It would seem that button would work the same way inside a movie clip as they do on the main timeline, but that does not appear to be the case. I am using CS3. Action scrip 2.0 is selected, but I could change it to 3.0 if it would make a difference.
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Aug 19, 2007
I've been scouring the internet for the past hour or so in search of how to do this. It's very simple, but every example seem to want me to bring a loaded movie clip, or trace mouse position. I don't need that! Basically I have a button that when clicked comes to the front (using behaviours), moves to a new position, scales and then I want every other button behind it to blur. Obviously I want them to blur gradually to keep the flow going. Here's my current code so you can see where its going:
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Aug 7, 2009
I have a movie clip with 15 frames. Each frame has buttons on it (mc's)... I was going to put the actions on the main timeline/stage and navigate within the MC from the main timeline. Is that possible? I can get the buttons on the first frame of the MC to work, but I can't seem to figure out how to target/make the buttons on the other frames work? I was thinking I could identify the path of the MC with the frame labels, but that doesn't seem to work. like: _root.RMChanger.(frame label).buttonOnFrame = function
I have to move a text box in and out over the MC backgrounds on the main stage... which is why I was thinking to do it this way? I've been switching back and forth bwtween AS2.0 and 3.0
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Jul 25, 2007
I am creating a navigation bar in Flash (which will then be used in Dreamweaver). When you mouse over each topic in menu (ex. Products), i want it play a movie clip (so it shoots out a sub-menu underneath). so far so good, but the only thing is, the sub-menu won't stay open in order for me to click on buttons in it. For each button, I assigned it the Behavior to go to a url. Also, I tested the buttons within the mc and they don't seem to direct me to url. do you think maybe it's because it's nested within the movie clip?? Is there an easier way to go about this?
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Feb 19, 2008
I used the Kirupa Tutorial for Advanced Rollovers to create my navigation menu and within one of the movie clips I have additional buttons that show up on the roll over.I know that you need to place the onPress code on the frame that the buttons actually live. I have a trace("mix_btn: "+mix_btn); to find out if the button is being found.
My problem is that I dont know how to get the code below to actually dynamically load and external SWF into a container on the main timeline. A friend of mine suggested a MovieClipLoader or onLoadInit Handler but I have no idea how to use those. (I'm a noob and proud of it!). (this is my latest version of a onPress.)
mix_btn.onRelease = function() {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("container", getNextHighestDepth())
loadMovie("musicMixes.swf", container);
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Oct 3, 2009
I'm trying to get buttons to redirect the user to another part of my site. However, the button is in a movieclip and won't work. URL..I've been trying to get it working for ages and it just won't work. I've even made other buttons (as you can see on the site), and they work!
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Jan 16, 2009
I have a movie clip & inside that movie clip, some Images are moving around the stage. I want these images to act like buttons, so that when we click on them we can go to URL link. First I stopped my movie clip on mouse rollover, which is working fine & for buttons I converted these images to movie clip ( yahoo_mc) & gave action Script
on (release){
getURL(" ", "_parent");
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Nov 25, 2009
I imported the .MOV clip (a 3D rotation) into the library, and I would like to be able to control where the rotation stops, by use of a slider or clicking a button
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Jun 3, 2011
I'm trying to put buttons on an intro movieclip for a game and I keep getting errors saying they are undefined like this: 1120: Access of undefined property.
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Jul 8, 2011
I have 3 layes in my file, the first one has a movie clip, the 2nd has few buttons and the third has the background image. When i rollOver the first layer with the movie clip, it zoom the entire movie. if i rollOut then it zoom out. the problem is that the buttons behind this movie clip don't work. They are placed in the layer under the first layer with the movie clip. Is there any way to make these 2 layers work, the movie clip and the Buttons? The layer with the movie clip need to be at the top. I am working with AS3. if you have any idea please let me know.
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Jan 22, 2008
using AS2, I need buttons inside a movie clip to jump to a particular frame in the scene.I've got the obvious:
on (press) {
I just don't know how to tell it to affect the scene and not the movie clip.
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Feb 17, 2009
I have created several buttons using movie clips with animations and the 'rewind=true'method when someone mouses off. What I am wondering is, if I have 2 buttons on the stage and I want to animate both of them if one or the other is moused over at the same time, how can this be accomplished
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Mar 17, 2010
I'd like to know if it's possible to have several buttons in a single movieclip that can interact with things outside of that movieclip? An earlier test failed due their instance names not being found, I'd like to think it were possible though.
My reason for asking is that I'd like to control the visibility/position of a large group of buttons simultaneously via AS3 while keeping to a single frame.
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Jul 5, 2009
script that would allow the user to clikc and drag mulitple symbols- similar to this:
on (press) { startDrag (this._parent, false);}
on (release) { stopDrag ()}Only that instead of using "this", it drags the following symbols on mouse click:
background (a movie clip)[code]..............
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Sep 4, 2009
I have a screen with transparency that pops up over a movieclip full of buttons.I need to disable the movie clip and/or buttons so they don't function when the pop up comes up.Can't get it to work with this code:
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Mar 8, 2011
Having a bit of a problem with a project. At the moment I have a draggable map which is a movieclip, within the movieclip I have added a range of icons for hotels, restaurants, etc.I am having a problem linking these icons so that they will take you to the correct point on my main timeline. I've converted the icons to buttons and added the script below, but it doesn't seem to be picking up that the icon is a button. I think it may have something to do with it having a start/stop drag on it.
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Apr 12, 2011
I have some buttons, and above them a movie clip with a 20% transparency which I use for some graphic effects in my page. But the buttons can't be accessed (they are not working) because the layer covers them.I have used the following code to disable the graphic layer:overlay_mc.buttonMode = false;overlay_mc.enabled = false;overlay_mc.mouseEnabled = false;but none of these solves the problem. The buttons are still covered and inactive.
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Apr 20, 2011
I am building a website in flash for a design class (emphasis on design, nothing taught with actionscript)
I need help trying to figure out the actionscript for allowing buttons inside a movie clip symbol to navigate pages at the parent/root/main timeline level.
With this site I have the mainMenu as a Movie Clip symbol and have the menu items populate with animation inside the movie clip. I need these buttons when pressed to navigate to different parts of the site that are controlled on the main level of the site (outside of the movie clip the buttons reside in).
I have given the buttons instance names, btnDining in the movie clip symbol. The movie clip symbol is call mainMenu. In the main level, I have labels for the different states/pages I want the website to have (dining, accommodations, etc)
I don't know if it is best to run the code from inside the movie clip symbol and call the different view on the main stage/level of the flash or if I try to run from the main stage/level and reference the buttons inside the movie clip symbol.
Please help me figure this out, I am trying to go a little above and beyond on this project. I have been struggling on this for days and I have looked at tutorials, books I have on actionscript, etc.
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Apr 24, 2011
I'm having an issue with some clickalbe movie clips that are dynamically being placed on the stage with dynamic TLF text boxes being placed in them. The TLF text boxes seem to be blocking the event listener attached to its parent movie clip. If I leave out the TLF text the event will trigger.
public function set myText(_txt:String):void
_myText = _txt.toUpperCase();
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Aug 24, 2009
I need to create an application where a number of buttons keep scrolling horizontally. For that I created a movie clip. In that I create a number of buttons. They scroll on click of a button. My problem is I changed the color of the button in the over state. But while testing the movie, the button color is not changing. I thought that the problem was due to the fact that the buttons are in the movie clip.
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Sep 13, 2009
basically, i have made my web pages, and converted them into Movie Clips,i load them via actionscript 3.the problem i am gettin is that how do i make the buttons active inside the different pages ( movieclips )... the buttons are not made from buttons, but they are also made from movie clips.i can make the menu bar work fine, to load each page, but cannot get the movieclips(buttons) to become active inside another movie clip.
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