ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Xml Loaded Text To External Swfs Dynamic Textfield

Feb 21, 2007

i'm pulling my hair over this. i have sucessfully (verified) loaded an xml file and can trace the data i'd like to pass. i am loading the external swf into an empty mc called X. in the external swf i am loading is a mc and in there is a dynamic textfield. i give the content of the xml to the path to the dynamic textfield and nothing happens. trying to pass the variable with: target.text = content;

i listed the variables and objects in the test movie debug option (command+enter) and i can see the dynamic text box variable. then i took copied the path from the output window to my actionscript, replaced _level0 with _root but still to no avail. what am i doing wrong? do i have to publish the swf being loaded in a certain way? why am i able to look at the variables in the debug list variables and objects option, but not in the actionscript?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Loaded SWFs Dynamic TextField

Mar 9, 2010

In my main swf I load preloader swf that contains two layers on time line. First layer is gradient shape and second layer is dynamic text field with instance name preloaderTxt that I am trying to access. Well I load it with success and in event complete I have this code:
preloader = new Sprite();
preloader = Sprite(loader.content);
preloaderHolder = new Sprite();

I tried this:
First trace is: [object TextField]
Second trace is: preloaderTxt

But when I try to set its text property like this:
preloader.getChildAt(1).text = "test"
i get this error: 1119: Access of possibly undefined property text through a reference with static type

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Buttons In Loaded Swfs Loading Other External Swfs Into The Main Timeline?

Sep 11, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Variables From Loaded SWFs

Jun 26, 2007

I'm working in a modular app and I'm having trouble passing variables between a Parent and it's loaded Child SWF file. The Child SWF has a single object called hotSpot_mc. The Parent has a frame called frame_mc to load the Child. I'm trying to pass the value of bHotSpot, which is turned on and off when the user mouses over the MovieClip. Testing shows that the value is being set in the Child but not in the Parent, where it remains undefined. Should I be using shared objects or do I just have to use better targeting?

Here is the parent SWF

// Load the child SWF into frame_mc
function loadBackground(backgroundName:String):Void {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Embed External Text With Htmltags Into Dynamic Textfield?

Feb 2, 2006

i've tried a lot of things... but i just cant embed this text wich i load through php:<TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="_sans" SIZE="12" COLOR="#000000"LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">Plaats uw tekst hier</FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT>i tried embedding italics, bold and regular in different textfields outside the work area... i thought that should do it... but it doesnt

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text In External Swf Invisible When Loaded Into Parent?

Apr 18, 2010

My website is coming along nicely, just starting to add some content and to make it nice and easy for my client to edit their own content i thought I'd make all the text external.

Works fine in the external swf, when I publish that file alone the text shows up perfectly. But when I load this same swf into the parent movieclip (the main website) the text is invisible. I've put in a trace function and the parent MC can output what is in the dynamic box, but it's invisible in the player.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Variables From External Swfs To Main And Vice Versa

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I wonder if it is possible to pass values from external .swf files to the main projector (.exe) file.? I would also like to know how a button of an external swf file can control the playhead of the main .exe file.

I have this map of tasks. and each map have these houses which when clicked will take you to a certain task(external swf). and when accomplished should have a button to take you back to the map(main swf), and also the button to send a value to the main swf that the task is accomplished.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text Box And Gave It The Instance Name "body" However Loaded The Text From An External Source Using One Of Classes

Aug 15, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Textfield - Load Swfs Inside A Movieclip With Preloader

May 28, 2010

I need to load some swfs inside a movieclip with preloader.So on the stage I have some movieclips (linked to "product1" class) which will act as buttons to load particular swf, a holder mc and a dynamic textfield(named-"percent") for preloading stuff.My problem is how to reffer "percent" text field from the "product1" class? my code is like this.


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Actionscript 3 :: Embed Fonts At Runtime To Use For Existing Dynamic Textfield Instances In SWFs?

May 25, 2011

I'm trying to embed fonts at runtime in actionscript and it somewhat works. I can embed fonts by either using the embed tag or by loading a font library asset with a linkage name and use it with a new TextField. However, a textfield that exists on a movie clip already does not have the embedded font and is missing characters.

A quick example in code (textInstance exists on the movieclip):
var embeddedFonts = Font.enumerateFonts(); //Shows embedded font
var textFormat:TextFormat = textInstance.getTextFormat();
textInstance.text = "Don't be lazy"; //missing characters


I want to embed the font at runtime and I'm loading multiple SWFs and I don't want to embed the font in each SWF.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loaded External Swfs With Transitions

Oct 26, 2009

I need help getting my loaded swf files to play the "out" transition before the next movie loads. I have a main swf with 5 buttons (movie clips) that load external swf onto the stage.[code]The loaded swf has a stop() an intro animation and on the last frame have.dispatchEvent(new Event("removeMe", true));

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Preloading External Loaded Swfs?

Apr 13, 2009

this is the code i'm using to load external swf files....

Code: Select allstop();
var s:Sound = new Sound();
s.load(new URLRequest("rainbow.mp3"));


but how do i implement this code for preloading ever swf?

Code: Select allloader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loadProgress);loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadComplete);function loadProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void {var percentLoaded:Number = event.bytesLoaded/event.bytesTotal;percentLoaded = Math.round(percentLoaded * 100); trace("Loading: "+percentLoaded+"%");}function loadComplete(event:Event):void {   trace("Complete");}

all i want is a simple text with % preloader on all the loaded swfs?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling External Swfs Loaded Into An MC

Mar 23, 2005

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Viewing Loaded External Swfs?

Jul 27, 2005

I'm hoping someone can help me. I have a main.fla with six movieclips acting as buttons, each loading a separate external swf into a "container" movieclip. The external swfs are playing inside the container when called, but they don't appear as they should. When played separately through FlashPlayer, the external swfs look fine. But when they're played inside the container mc from the main swf, only the bottom-most layer appears the one-line drawing and text are not visible.

view the flas and swfs in the attached zip. Only the "Event 1" button is functioning since I've only included the fla and swf for this button.I'm an AS rookie and troubleshooting this problem is WAY over my head!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL With Loaded External Swfs?

Jan 10, 2010

I have a swf (a.swf), which loads another swf (b.swf) into it.b.swf then has a getURL call in it.

on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling External Swfs Loaded Into An MC?

Mar 23, 2005

what actionscript could i use to make an movies loaded into a movieclip play. tried; holderMC being the movieclip the external swf is loaded into, doesn't seem to work! searched the internet too but no lucky

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Transition That Plays While External Images/swfs Are Loaded?

Aug 12, 2009

I have a site in progress, but am running into a problem with the transition that plays while external images/swfs are loaded. Before, I inserted the conditional statement, if(transLoad==0),multiple mouse clicks would result in endless children being added---Let me try to explain, I have a series of buttons which load external swfs upon Click events..ex

link1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickOne,false,0, true);
the function clickOne would call the transition function below:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Paragraphs Spacing - Line Space Flash Creates When A Dynamic Text Is Loaded In A Dynamic Text Field

Jun 8, 2009

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i already set a Textformat to my dynamic text with i tryied to play with the "Leading".. but i think it something dealing with paragraph. how i can decrease spacing between paragraphs??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Transitions Between External SWFs

Oct 12, 2006

I'm trying to get the script where you can make transitions between external .SWF's. Anyway, the Container movie is on the main timeline, however the button is inside of a movie that's on the main timeline. I read this on the site - "If your buttons are not located on the main timeline, you will have to change the path to the container movieclip. In this example the buttons are located on the main timeline, therefore 'container' targets the container movieclip correctly. Though, if they are not on the main timeline, you must change container to the appropriate path." How do I change the path to work?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sequentially Play External Video SWFs Loaded Into The Main Timeline?

Feb 14, 2008

how to sequentially play external SWFs loaded into the main timeline?

I have several SWF files with short videos embedded in them. I wish to load these external SWF files into my main timeline as follows:

User Presses Button -> Play Video Clip in External SWF#1 -> Once Video Clip in External SWF#1 has Finished -> Play Video Clip in External SWF#2.

I tried achieving this by adding: var endmovie:Boolean = true; to the end of each video clip inside the external SWFs (e.g. 1.swf) then cycling through an if statement in the main timeline to see when this condition was meet:

ActionScript In Main Timeline:

var mc_Loader = new MovieClipLoader();


How is the best way to go about achieving this? Am I on the right track? (By the way, using .FLV or one long external SWF file is not really an option due to long loading times...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Transitions Between External SWFs - Looks Crap As The Size Of External SWFs Grow?

Sep 2, 2006

[URL]regarding this tutorial I started my site [URL] to get some trasition effects but im getting somewhat different since the external SWFs take time to load. isn't it better to create "intro and outro" on the same time line instead of loading external SWFs bcos once the movie loaded as a whole will lead to smooth and contineous transitions.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Send Data From Dynamic Text Field On Stage To Dynamic Textfield In Mc?

Sep 28, 2010

I have 2 input textfields on the stage and 1 dynamic textfield.

-input1 is for quantity

-input2 is for page count

When a user enters a number into the page count it makes a calculation and places the outcome into the dynamic textfield. This textfield is for the individual price.All of this so far works. What I want to do now is create another dynamic textfield for the total. So the individual price is multiplied by the quantity and this result is put in the new dynamic text field. I have the code for that working but here is where it gets tricky (for me anyway).The total price is to start off invisible. When I roll over the individual price the total price is to appear (For a test lets just say when I roll over an area the total price appears).To stop cursor flickering this should be done inside a movieclip. So... I have create a movieclip and placed a dynamic textfield inside it. They all have instance names BUT how do I reference it in script?I need to tell the resulting calculation to be placed inside the textfield which is inside the movieclip. If it isn't inside a movie clip I can do it. But how to I reference it when inside one?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Is Loaded From External Text Files And Styled With An External Css File?

Jun 7, 2009

I've managed to piece together a flash website with my limited as3 knowledge. The text is loaded from external text files and styled with an external css file.

It's working perfectly in Firefox and Explorer but it only works SOME of the time in Safari (on my mac).It's hit and miss. Sometimes it styles the text sometimes it doesn't.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [mx] Path To Dynamic Textfield In Loaded Movie?

Aug 22, 2003

I'm trying to access the dynamic textfield of a swf loaded into an empty movie clip created in the main timeline.I understand how to manipulate a dynamic textfield in the main timeline, but trying to access the dynamic textfield of an external swf loaded into an empty movie clip results in failure. I guess I'm mainly having problems understanding the path structure involved.

menu0.kitten.text="hello"; //where kitten is the instance name of the dynamic textfield in the external swf


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader And Transition For Dynamic Files AND Transitions Between External SWFs?

May 15, 2008

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Input Text To Dynamic Text?

Mar 23, 2009

I have two separate text input fields (line1 and line2) that I want to pass their contents to two dynamic text fields (result1 and result2) within the same frame. line1 ---> result1line2 ---> result2I would like to do this so that when you type in the text it updates at the same time as you type).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Textfield That Loads Text From A Text File

Jul 24, 2006

I have a dynamic textfield that loads text from a txt file. The content of the txt file will be modified daily by the client.What i need is that if there is too much text in the txt file, the dynamic textfield resizes (and not only with autosize because the text can be really long).[code]it doesnt look very good but it works. The only problem is that if I have a really long text the maxsizeY doesnt work fine.

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IDE :: Transitions Between External SWFs / Close Button For External Swfs

Aug 15, 2005

I recently created a site using the "Transitions between External SWFs" tutorial for Flash MX 2004. I use this to load the sections of my site into the main movie file. Each section is an External SWF file. When a viewer clicks on a navigation button, the specific external swf move will load and play. Currently, a viewer would need to click on another navigation option to close the current external swf file. I would like to add a close button to each of the external swfs so that a view has the option to close the window without clicking on a naviagtion link.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Variable To Dynamic Text Box?

Oct 7, 2009

I am trying to complete a project (not school work).This is the point that i am at, and i probably need specific spoon feeding as i am obviously missing a piece.code in frame one of flash:

myVars = new LoadVars();[code]............

I am not sure how to code this as pairs and like i said the only ones i need to be transferred are the substance and sum.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic TextField Not Loading External HTM File

Jun 3, 2010

I'm still a beginner with AS3. I am simply trying to load my .htm file into my dynamic text field, but it will not show up. When the movie plays, the cursor shows that there is text where it is supposed to be, but I do not see any text. I don't see an option to attach a file, otherwise I would.
var myFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat ();
var htmlText:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("text.htm");
var loadShit:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
[Code] .....

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