ActionScript 2.0 :: Play .flv Dynamically By Providing Its Path

Apr 3, 2009


I'd like to play .flv dynamically, providing its path in action script. So, I've tryied something like this:


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So, to access them dynamically, I combine the letters with index numbers to be gotten through the function's arguments.


The numbers represented by "i" and "ii" are coming through fine in trace, but the path is still wrong. I've tried different combinations of _level0, etc., but it only works in my testing when I make an absolute reference to the field (e.g. Object(_level0.mc_instance)['t_t1c'+i+'r'+ii].text which is not a viable solution).

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duplicateMovieClip ("movie1", "movie"+i, i);
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[Embed(source ='../lib/Fonts/Arial.TTF', fontName = 'Sathiy Normal')]

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My Script

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var xmlData:XML = new XML();
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadXML);


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protected $server = "localhost";[code]..........

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Is there somethign I'm supposed to install on FMS to get it to play properly?
WHat should  my path be? I've been told that the flv are living in the fms/applications/storyvideos/streams/videos folder.

I've tried every combination of paths I can think of.

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import flash.display.Sprite;

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Well that doesn't work, for some reason, i can't use a string as a multiple level path..

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Oct 13, 2009

public function loadVideo_fun(videoFile) {

var my_nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var my_ns:NetStream = new NetStream(my_nc);

the flv pause in the first frame cannot play

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Root. - Use Parameters To Define A Path Inside A Path?

Aug 27, 2004

i have a quick question what is the syntax if u want to use parametrs to define a path inside a path? i mean:


does anyone know.... it's very important!

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IDE :: Debug Mode No Longer Providing Debug Info?

Dec 21, 2009

When I first downloaded Flash CS3 Professional, I was able to enter an exceedingly useful debug mode by compiling using ctrl+shift+enter instead of ctrl+enter. I could toggle break points, step in, step over and view values stored in variables at a whim.

I must have accidentally toggled some option somewhere, because this interface no longer shows up. Instead, the only extra interface I get is the output menu with the following text "Attemping to launch and connect to Player using URL <file path> [SWF] <file path> - 71984 bytes after decompression" and while the swf does halt if the as3 code reaches a break point, it doesn't tell me which break point nor give me any options to progress the flow (not even through the pull down menu I have to utilize in order to end the so called debug session).

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Actionscript 3.0 :: FLVPLayback Can't Play Dynamically

Aug 8, 2009

I am building a faq page with flvs for each of the 10 questions. But for some reason the flvs will not load dynamically (with Actionscript). When I load the source from AS and write play(); I can only hear the sound but no video.

The weird thing is that the flvs play ok when i specify the source in the component inspector and don't load them from the AS.

Even weirder, i tried replicating my project on a smaller version to show the problem, just with two buttons and two FLVPlaybacks and this time it worked. But will not work on my page! I am going nuts cause i dont know why it does that! I Mean it should work but it just doesnt![code]...

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Apr 8, 2011

I am displaying some flash content on a fairly standard page. This works really well when the flash, xml file and html page are sitting together in the same directory.url...However, I want to display that same content in another page which is deeper inside the site but outside of the directory that houses the .swf and .xml files as well as the assets.[code]The js files are loading properly but the flash content is not, so I could use a little help getting that sorted out.

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