ActionScript 2.0 :: Pop Up Image Wihtout Html?
Mar 2, 2004
this code for my button
on (release) {
address = "media_data/drums600_450.jpg";
target_winName = "photo";
When it pops up the .jpg it obviously has a white border.... I was wondering how I could make one html page maybe... or is there a way without making a html too pop up images in a browser without the white border... thing is have tonez of pics... soo its a hassel to make htmls for each pic
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Feb 20, 2011
I asked a question last night and got an answer almost instantly. LOVE stack overflow!I am working on the same site and the other day I was on a computer and the uploader script was not working (uploadify), I was frustrated and looked through the code and everything was fine, worked on all other computers, then I decided to check if flash was installed and it wasnt.
Is there any way to check if the user has flash, and if they dont somehow say that on the page? I know for Javascript there is a tag, but is there something I can use for Flash?
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Jun 29, 2010
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<img src="images/logo.jpg"/> <object classid="homelogo"><embed src="images/logo.swf"></embed><object>
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Jun 16, 2010
i want to convert a swf to image on my website. a user makes some changes on the stage and if he press a button "get image link", the swf stage will be converted to an image and its image link will appear within a box. like imageshack.. so user can use it in forums as image. how can i do this? i even dont know it is about flash or html...
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Mar 2, 2004
[code]When it pops up the .jpg it obviously has a white border.I was wondering how I could make one html page maybe or is there a way without making a html too pop up images in a browser without the white border thing is have tonez of pics..
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May 24, 2009
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Aug 2, 2011
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Jul 6, 2010
I had atleast 20 images.i tried to move it scroll from right to left in Flash MX 2004. When i pr viewed in timeline window it shows actual image moving. But when i exported it into swf it shows as a Blurred image moving.
The movie is at [URL]
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var result:Object = call("progress");
function call(func:String):Object
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Dec 29, 2009
I have been browsing here for a while & recently signed up, searched the forums but can't find exactly what i'm looking for because i'm an actionscript newbie..
Here's my problem I would like to load an external HTML image like so "<img src="http://image/dog.jpg" id="1" width="728" height="90" />"; but I am not sure how I can achieve this - the ID="1" is something someone gave me however I do not know if "1" has to be assigned in order for the image to load. I am very, very new to actionscript & I apologize if asking this insults anyone but if anyone can help me I would be very grateful - This has been bugging me for almost a week now & even when I try to pay for help no one can help me out.
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Aug 24, 2008
want to preload the embedded swf's as you would images using javascript or css. I have so far been unsuccessful. I am trying to avoid having the great big white patches in the site while the menu or stocklist(on the stocklist page) load, and id prefer not to have a loading bar while it does. If possible id like to have all images and swf's loaded and cached before the page is displayed so it appears seemingly instantly. Is this possible?I first attempted to do this with a standard image preloading javascript and failed. Is it at all possible to preload swf's with javascript, if not what are my options?
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Mar 4, 2004
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Everything else seems to be loaded on the page but the image. No Errors nothing but no image neither. how to add image from an HTML file dynamically?
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Mar 11, 2010
I am trying to display am image within flash using CS3.
I have a text field with the following code.
feedback.htmlText = "<img src='Logo_small.png'</img>"
nothing displays. The image and flash document are at the same level, so that is why I am using a relative link. Do I need to use a full (absolute) link to the image?
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Sep 10, 2011
I can put 10000 x 20000 image in flash overlapping the stage, only part of the image which cover the stage will appear.I want to achieve similar effect in HTML.I have an image 600 x 3000 and my browser body width is like 1280px.I want only 1280px width of the image to appear on the HTML page and the rest of the image will be hidden.
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Sep 22, 2010
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Nothing else required but simple features like this will be a plus.
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Mar 8, 2011
I have a site I have created for a client which features a flash header image, the only problem is he accessed a draft of the site on his iPhone and was put off by the fact it didn't display any of the head image as it was an iPhone (which as we know are not flash happy!). Also, I would need this anyway incase the visitor has flash turned off or uninstalled (I have provided the usual 'install flash' link when flash isn't displayed).Is there a way I can do this with just HTML/CSS or will I have to use JS or something similar?I have tried adding tags but this does nothing.
<div id="container">
<div id="header"><a href="index.html"><img src="images/logo.jpg" width="214" height="50" alt="Tom Frost - Personel Trainer in Leeds, West Yorkshire" style="border:none;"/></a></div>[code].........
Obviously my flash image is in the title_box div.
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Aug 6, 2011
i have a big flash file that loads in but takes a noticeable amount of time to download. Its a header and i was just wondering if i could have an image instantly appear and then when the flash is downloaded seamlessly overlap it? Just wondering if there was an HTML to do this?
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Oct 5, 2010
Using Flash 10, I'm looking for a way to bypass the normal behaviour of images in HTML text, where the images can only float (in CSS terms) to the left or right with text wrapping around them.
Take the following code (where Squiggle is a 100x100 symbol):
ActionScript Code:
var html:XML = <xml>
<img src="Squiggle" id="squiggle" />
<p>This is some pretty amazing text, ya'll!</p>
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Jul 1, 2005
I want to swap images throught javascript. It's working.but my problem is I want to call that function from flash on press for my button this is the code I have used in html[code]....
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Jan 31, 2011
I have a cs3 project that works fine that saves an image out and sends back to a html page.We updated the project to cs5 and now it does not redirect back to the right URL. Only differences are in the below script. I been lookingat this for days without getting any where so would like some fresh eyes to have a look to see if there is glaring issues with the code.[code]
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Aug 10, 2009
I'm importing text from an XML file into a textField. It includes a couple of image links.I'd like the images to display next to each other, but Flash seems to be forcing a linebreak between them.Note I'm using (pound ampersand 10 semicolon - seem to get converted to linebreaks in this forum) to create linebreaks manually - not that it should have any bearing. Have tried separating image tags with nonbreaking space, regular space - also made sure textField was plenty wide enough. No luck.Is this just "the way it is" or is there some way to get my images to display inline?Sample XML:
<body><![CDATA[Please <a href=""><u>contact us</u></a> for any questions, comments or suggestions. We look forward to hearing from you.
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Oct 5, 2011
I have an XML file using CDATA and trying to pull my image in. Ex:
<ingredients><![CDATA[<img src="test.jpg" width="304" height="466" align="right" />Ingredients: Water, Carrots, Celery, ....
My text field has all the ingredients it needs in order to pull this image in i.e. multiline, render as html etc.
When I compile my swf I can see that the text moves up and it looks like the image wants to be pulled in and yet it doesn't show.
Things I have tried: Variatons of the file. PNG, JPG, GIF Moved the file into the same folder as the XML file
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Aug 17, 2005
how do you make an image pop up in a window javascript style, from flash?
i have a variable in flash, equal to something like "images/image.jpg", and I want to make a button so when you click it it opens up a popup window thats a certain size, without menubars/scrollbars etc, to display that image, like a javascript on your standard HTML.
I read that flash has a javascript API, so there must be a way to do it huh? Is it getURL stuff, maybe with a POST of my variable?
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