ActionScript 2.0 :: Possible To Set Name On Object That Is Dervived From Movieclip
Sep 2, 2007
Is it possible to set the _name on an object that is dervived from a movieclip, and is created dynamically?[code]Is it possible to assign it a specific name?
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How do I reference the xth movieclip child object within the nth movieclip object? _root["Object_"+n]["Child_Object_"+x] doesn't seem to work.
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Jun 26, 2011
I am trying to build an MXML application with Flash Builder 4.5, and I am integrating an API that requires the root of a display object to be a MovieClip. Personally I think this is bad design but I have to go with it. The root object always seems to end up as the stage, because of course I have to add the object to the stage for it to be added to the display list. Is there some way that I can either change the stage type in an MXML application to a MovieClip or is there some way to force a MovieClip wrapper to become the root of a display object?
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Mar 26, 2010
I Have the drag and drop working where you drag a text movieclip onto a picture of an object movieclip but having some problems. I know its something to do with the hitTest function but when i drop the word "cow" onto the picture of a dog it actually says this is correct by displaying the word cow above the picture of the dog when instead it shouldnt allow me to drop the text onto the picture which doesnt match.
Basically i need to know how to seperate the drag hitTest function for the DogPic/DogText so that it has its own function to detect a hit. At the moment you can see in the below code I have 1 hittest fucntion detecting both collisions when they need seperate functions I tried making a seperate function for each but it didnt work
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Dec 20, 2011
how i could change the movieclip border around a circular object/movieclip.cuz know my my hitTestObject will also test on the corner of the movieClip and not the actual see able object like i show down here how coud i change this border to the second image?
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Jul 19, 2010
I need the dynamic created MC to have a standard name, so that I could target its type (MC / TextField) when its inside a MC holder.But at the same time, I would like it to have a unique name of its on (random numbers) so that I could know which one I should be targeting correctly.
At first I was thinking of using name like "object_3480945" with the combination of name and numbers, but then I find it hard to target the object when I just need to use getChildByName to target the type of the object among the others, instead of a specific 1.
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Mar 4, 2010
I have an object that I add movieclips into when a user does something.
I'm trying to loop through the items in this object later and perform something when object.objectName = something, however I'm finding it hard to get the right code to use in place of the something.
code within a function that adds movieclip to object:
if (thisHImage==1) {
healthArray[healthIndex] = new mcCake();
when i trace(healthO.objectName) i get [object mcCake], but it won't enter the if statement,
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Mar 20, 2008
I'm trying to make a function for centering movieclips to other movieclips, or centering the movieclips to the stage. My problem is movieclips use _width & _height and the stage uses width & height without the underscore.I'm passing the 2 objects as parameters to the function "center" (reference for centering, and the object I want to center), but I don't know how to make the function know if I'm passing a movieclip or the stage
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Aug 26, 2009
Using Flash 8, and ActionScript 2, what is the max value that an _x property on a MovieClip can be? For instance, is it okay to position a movieclip at _x = 60000?
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Jul 11, 2011
In my actionscript program, I draw a polygon using the methods : and, and in the update function of the polygon model I change it a bit, and then draw it all over again. Eventually, every call to the update() function draws the updated polygon and I can see it changes.
On some point of the program, I want to be able to use this polygon as a movieclip, so I can attach a mask to it - so as the polygon drawn over and over again, I could see a nice background in the form of that polygon, fills it inside.
Problem is - I do not know how to take this array of points I have, which is my polygon representation, and turn it into a movieclip ( if possible at all... )
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Oct 1, 2009
I know there are a million and one posts about how to copy a MovieClip object, and I'm fully familiar with the method of[code]...
For this reason I can't use the original.constructor job as flash obviously thinks it's a straight MovieClip, so I just get an empty MovieClip. So far I've been getting by with creating a Bitmap, but in future these swfs will contain animations too.
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Apr 22, 2008
I'm trying to make a function for centering movieclips to other movieclips, or centering the movieclips to the stage. My problem is movieclips use _width & _height and the stage uses width & height without the underscore.
I'm passing the 2 objects as parameters to the function "center" (reference for centering, and the object I want to center), but I don't know how to make the function know if I'm passing a movieclip or the stage.
I tried typeof which returns [object object]....
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May 5, 2009
I want to make a flash movie with cars of different kind. Every car looks different and have their own specifications like weight, horse powers, top speed. So.. I want to create a class Car that can hold the variables weight, horsePowers, topSpeed and should be linked with a specific MovieClip (the car).
The problem is I cannot link all my MovieClips, holding the cars, to the same class Car.Should I create a container to associate with the class and then place different car MovieClips in them depending on which car object I'm creating? (so the MovieClip itself is sort of a variable)
import flash.display.MovieClip;[code].....
And then I create an empty container_mc and volvo_mc, audi_mc, opel_mc. container_mc is linked with Car
var theVolvo:Car = new Car ( 1230, 230, volvo_mc);
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Dec 5, 2009
I m trying to create 30 movieClip( say enemy) inside a MovieClip (say rect) dynamically.Now enemy can be accessed as rect.enemy meanwhile i need to convert the movieClip enemy into Object so that i can define property like enemy.jump, enemy.inAir.I have successfully created the 30 enemy but when i tried to trace its any properties like enemies[j].inAir, somewhere else in program, it shows undefined.
var enem:Enemy=new Enemy();
var enemies:Array=new Array();
var killEnem:Object;
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Jun 5, 2010
his gallery which I downloaded, it is AS 2.0.It works well as is on the main(Scene 1) page, except that when I create a new MovieClip, and paste all the original frames w/actions into it, it begins to flicker and none function.Here are the codes:Here is the actual gallery with my problem in it:
First Frame:
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
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Jul 19, 2010
Is there a way that only allow hittest of a mc to hit one objects, if it hit multiple object it ignore it?
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May 16, 2011
Basically there's an object in a movieclip. I want to find the location of that object in relation to the movieclip, not of the object's symbol. So when i and look at the x and y of it, it wont show 0, it will show the x and y location in the movieclip it's in.
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Mar 28, 2004
Whats the code to have an object jump. I need it to be on movie clip (floor1) and when I user presses the space bar the images jumps and lands back on movie clip....
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Nov 3, 2009
Basically what im doing is making a whole bunch of movieclips using a loop and loading an image into them..The movieclip is a success, but no object is there or seen on stage...
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Jan 21, 2010
I have a movieclip that is loaded into a container movieclip. When I click on it, I want it to goto a particular frame and play. Have tried using the name of the container MC (LiftPlaceHolder.gotoAndPlay(10)) but this has no effect at all.
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Sep 21, 2010
I'm trying to add a custom object to the stage by calling a function like this:
var effectName:String = new String("Explosion");
var thisObject:MovieClip = //some movie clip class, like an enemy
addFX(effectName, thisObject);
How can i turn a string value into a movieclip?
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Dec 9, 2010
apologies if this question doesn't seem very clear, i'm finding it difficult to describe what i mean.can i make object move 'out of view' in a movieclip?for example, in the same waya movieclip can move offstage, i'm trying to find a way to make the content of a movieclip move out of view to the side but within the scope of the if i have a square movieclip size x=100 y=100 with a circle size 10 in the centre, i'm trying to make it so when my circle moves to the left more than the size of the movieclip it starts to move out of view.another example would be if i had a character on a television (the screen being the movieclip
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Jul 6, 2009
I am making another game, and I'm having a problem with the level loader.[code]...
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Mar 11, 2010
I have Class MovieClip object that is being added to a scene. Within that Class is this code, which adds a different MovieClip to the original class. I can add an eventListener to the initial Class object (this.addEventListener ... etc), and that will work, yet it does not appear to work if I add it to this embedded object. There is no error, yet the object has no mouse over and does not execute the assigned function of the eventListener.
Here is the code:
b_frond = new BFrond();
b_frond.buttonMode = true;
b_frond.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
I've also tried:
this.b_frond = new BFrond();
this.b_frond.buttonMode = true;
this.b_frond.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
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Mar 27, 2010
My movieclips are being nulled when moving between scenes, they are created on the stage and accessed through as3. I have login screen with three button, one logout, one exits the system and the other takes them to the next scene. When going back to the login scene, and trying to access movieclips like add eventlisterners etc... it comes back with null object reference, claiming that my buttons which are on the stage are null and sure enough if I debug they are. Any reason why my movieclips are being made null when moving between scenes?
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Apr 6, 2010
The scenario is as follows:
I have a movieClip on the stage called "home_btn" and another called "home".
When moving over the home_btn movieClip I want the timeline inside of home to play. I used the slice command to get rid of the _btn which works fine, which is proven by the trace command, but it doesn't seem to be able to enter the timeline of home.
home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onOver);
function onOver(event:MouseEvent)
var selectedButton:Object;
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Aug 16, 2010
I created one "MyObject" class which is extended from Movieclip. In my flash stage, i have one movieclip and the name is "myObj". I dont use linkage. How can i convert movieclip to MyObject instance.i tried the below one, i got errorar str = MyObject(mc).name;The error is
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert ash.display::MovieClip@2b6baf99 to MyObject. at Obj_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
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Jun 27, 2011
Recently I got trouble with totalFrames attribute of MovieClip object, this is the case: in Flash CS, I created two movieclips, one has say 10 frames animation, another one, I drag the first MC in to it, then the second MC has only one frame in it's own time line, right? Then I export them as SWC file to include them in my project. Here's the problem, when I'm trying to get total frame number of these to MC like below, I just get to actual number of frames in the second MC:
So my question is, is there any way to get the actual number of frame for those MovieClip resource like the second one, without visiting any sub-movieclips in it
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Mar 28, 2010
i've a MovieClip and i would like to change the transparency of this movieclip how can i do?
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