ActionScript 2.0 :: Publish For Transfer To Tape?

Sep 30, 2010

I made an 11 minute movie in flash that has no interactivity, but does have video, photographs, drawings, and some visuals generated in flash, including text. The document size is presently 1280 x 640. Now I have to prepare the movie for Beta SP and HDCAM for projection in a cinema. The transfer house wants a file with Apple ProRes4444 codec. What would be the procedure to get the best image quality? This could include starting over in After Effects. Really, I never thought I would be showing the movie under these circumstances, or this big.

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container._x = 550;
container._y = 150;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Corrupted FLA File - Check The Backup Tape For Server

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I'm using Flash CS5 on Windows 7. I was working on a file and went to save (CTRL+S) and the Save dialog locked up and Windows gave me an error that said "Flash has stopped working. Close Program" So I did and restarted Flash. When I tried to open the file I was working on, Flash said "Unexpected File Format" The file size of the SWF is right, it's not 0kb or anything. This is about 3 weeks worth of work on here. I'm checking the backup tape for our company server, but that will still set me back about half a day (which is better than nothing I suppose)

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Actionscript :: Use NetStream.Publish To Publish AAC Audio

Jun 22, 2011

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m_MicStream.publish ("mic_user1", "live");

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Publish Preview As Flash VS Publish Preview As Html

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on (release) {
number_of_attr1 = main._currentframe + 1;
suggestions1 = new Array();


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I managed to create a simple flash animation but it's not 100% correct.

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I am wondering If It Is possible to have point transfer from one swf to another. If It calls It up? for Instance...(flashmx2004)I have a game points system working. But want to make It seem more random with out one swf being so large. and Instead have many small swf but one primary swf. That the point acquired In the other swfs would transfer to the main scoreboard. If this Is possible please let me know. And also how do I do this.

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Feb 26, 2010

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Aug 14, 2010

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all i want is to transfer data from JS to AS dynamically.

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Actionscript 3 :: File Transfer In Flex?

Dec 21, 2009

In my local drive(C: emp) have zip file.I want to transfer this file in the server location.

the problem which i faced, i want to do that without fileReferenceList.browse();

fileReference = FileReference(fileList[0]);

In fileReference variable, may be given the file object.

How I can make the process in different way.

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Php :: Flash-php Data Transfer / How Exactly It Works

Oct 27, 2011

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Oct 22, 2010

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"id": "value1",
"name": "value2",
"moreTextData": "more string data"

Probably about 30 of those at most.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Transfer Motion Between Two Objects?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Php Encrypted Data Transfer?

Nov 9, 2009

This is not something new I'm sure and a lot of people have found or are looking for a solution for stablishing an encrypted data transfer between flash and php but the wiered thing is that there are few resources when I try googling about this so, all I'm trying to achive is to encrypt data in flash with a key or something (I don't want to build my own algorithm, I'd like to use some standard ones like MD5) and then send the data out to a PHP file and after the php read the data it will also encrypt and send the results back to flash...

I was happy and downloaded the as3crypto class from google code... installed and ran it and it worked for the first tests... then when I tried using that method in my project I noticed that the encrypted data being sent from PHP to flash, sometimes does not work! again I searched and found out that some other people are also having the same problem and are saying that this as3crypto does not work well with sending data to php!!!I'm out of time and out of mind so what should I do if I want my data sent to php and vice versa to be encrypted? or maybe I'm using that as3crypto thing in a wrong way?! I did exactly as described in the above sample blog.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Transfer Multiple Values From One Object To Another?

Sep 13, 2011

I am working on an RPG-type game, and in this game I've defined multiple objects for characters, named char1, char2, etc, then assigned the objects values such as Health, Magic, Strength, etc. I then created a dummy object with all of these same values, except every value is set to zero. There are some 30 values in every object.

I would like to see if I could do something like:

dummychar = char1;

to transfer all of the values from char1 to dummychar instantly without having to define every value transfer, however, I can't seem to find the correct bit of code, because doing the above seems to erase all the values from the dummychar object completely.

The point of this excersize is the make the dummychar object a placeholder so I can switch char1 with char2, meaning char1 would take char2's place, and vice versa. The dummychar object will hold the values for char1, then char2's values will overwrite char1's values, then the dummychar's values will overwrite char2's.

So, in pseudocode:

dummychar = char1;
char1 = char2;
char2 = dummychar;

My current way of doing this includes telling every single value in the char objects to transfer, but that takes up quite a bit of coding space, and I was wondering if there is an easier way.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Transfer The Main Function To The Other Scenes?

Sep 28, 2008

I have a function with codes (variables, events, and events) that perform one after another. However, after the last code performs the main function ends. I want the codes inside this function to repeat itself after the last of the code perform.

How do I get those codes to do that?

Here is an example of what I have: see attach code.

I have continuous stated but of at the moment, the logo does not continue. I am guessing that I need maybe to put this in a loop. If this is so, I need an example as to how do this.

The second question, I have these codes on one frame (one scene). I want to create other pages or scene and transfer all of the codes to the other scenes. How do I do this? What is an example of the code that I would use to transfer the main function to the other scenes? I guess I could copy all of the codes to the other scenes but I am sure there has to be a faster way.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Data Transfer Without Going To PayPal Site?

Oct 15, 2009

I am struggling with the following situation. An addToCart button adds an item to the PayPal cart with the code below, which does work, but has the result that the visitor is directed to the PayPal site during the shopping process.  The transfer of the data should however happen in the background and the visitor should only be directed to the PayPal site when the view cart option is clicked.  Is there any other way to transfer the data than having to navigate to the PayPal Site?[code]...

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Professional :: Can't Transfer A Button To A GetUrl() Link?

Apr 4, 2011

I try to create a flash menu; where every button on the screen operates as a simple getUrl() link. Because of this, I have taken the following steps:- Create new document.- Create a symbol on the canvas.- convert is into a button Symbol- Double Click the button and adding events for up, down, over by clicking F6 on each frame.- back in scene one, I right click the button and open the Action panel- Adding the Script: "on release { getUrl('index.html'}- Press ctrl + enter  to test the move ! ( index.html exists in the same folder as the flash file.)

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Flex :: Use Dto's To Transfer Data Between Server And Client?

Oct 28, 2009

I've read some books on creating stateless websites, I've read some about stateful client applications, but a lot of complexity comes along when you have to combine both. We have a Flex application that needs to persist data to a database via .NET services. Things to keep in mind are:

- Concurrency (optimistic/pessimistic)

- Performance: Flex needs to load in lots of data so lazy-loading is often necessary.

- Do you use Dto's to transfer data between server and client?

I'll tell you the history of our product. We've used SubSonic from the beginning as a o/r mapper. SubSonic objects are converted to dto's written by us and these dto's are transferred to the client. Clientside the dto's are converted to the domain model. If clientside a domain model object needs to be saved, it is converted back to a dto and send to the server. Server side the dto is converted to a subsonic object and saved to the database.

Now, some time ago, we needed the domain model on the .NET server side... so now we have like three models on the server side, the subsonic model, the dto model and the domain model. The dto model is more simple and resembles the database more, the domain model has much more logic. It gets complex... We now have to synchronize the AS3 domain model code with the C# domain model code. If we could do it again (of get time to refactor) I think we wouldn't use the dto's anymore, but transfer the domain model between client and server. Dto's are simple objects so easy to transfer. Domain model objects can be very complex.

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Read Flex / Flash URL Which Has Transfer-Encoding

Aug 25, 2010

I have a problem reading from Flex a url which has Transfer-Encoding: chunked because the FLex waits for the server to send terminate signal which in chunked transfer isn't sent...

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