ActionScript 2.0 :: Stopping All Including Nested Movieclips From Playing Independently?

Jun 18, 2010

I've had to work on a god-awful Flash movie with lots of nested hand animated movieclips and sub-clips, all with their own timeline.Every time I'm asked to update it, I wince trying to test it and spot details for tweaking.Does anyone know of a way to stop playback of every movieclip? irrespective of how its nested and without addressing them all using dot notation.

There are loads of movieclips you see, and I want a pause control to freeze everything, I've tried this with onEnterFrame events on each movieclip looking at a _root variable called "playState", but some movie clips ignore this, and keep playing.Is there an easy way to do this other than pasting my code into everything? Is there a way of making code affect all movieclips simultaneously - halting their own timelines? Then resuming?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing And Stopping Movieclips?

Nov 3, 2004

I created 3 movieclips each are loaded externally.



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Flash - 2 Movieclips Not Playing Simultaneously Located On The Same Frame Nested Withing A Movieclip?

Jan 30, 2012

I have two movieclips on the same frame but on different layers located within the movieclip. The first movieclip plays just fine. However, the second one isn't going ahead even a single frame. The code that I have mentioned below is located withing the second movieclip containing background image. And I think this code is causing the issue because when I remove this it plays perfectly fine. The function of this code is to automatically re-size background image with the browser dimensions. The whole code just worked fine on the main timeline.However, when I shifted it inside a movieclip its causing an issue.

//set stage for FBF
stage.align = "TL";
stage.scaleMode = "noScale";


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Professional :: How To Control Movieclips Independently

Jun 6, 2010

I'm new to flash, so I am sure I am missing something basic, but I have not been able to reference movie clips independently in code.  I have set an instance name on each symbol, but when I reference in code it is undefined.
If it matters my project is set up this way:Using Flash 4 Pro. Layer one: Static Background Layers two-five: individual movie clips Layer six: transparent buttons over the movieclips.The buttons work fine, but I wanto to play the movieclips on mouse over.

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IDE :: N00b Stopping A Nested Movie Clip?

Sep 27, 2009

Quite simply, I'm trying to loop a movieclip for 15 seconds then stop without having to keep re-animating the movieclip's content. I have a stop action on the main stage, but it only targets animation happening on the stage, and not the movie clip in question. The movie clip is on its own layer on the main stage and I have extended its duration to 360 frames (15 seconds at 24fps), knowing full well that a movieclip will loop indefinitely unless otherwise commanded. It will stop if I put a stop action on a layer inside the movieclip's timeline, but the animation itself is only 1 second, so extending the timeline and redoing the animation for 15 seconds would defeat the time saving point of having a looping movieclip on the stage in the first place.

This is Flash 101, and I thought I knew how to do this properly, but I was proven wrong again and again this past weekend.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop All Movieclips On Stage And It's Nested Movieclips?

Sep 9, 2011

Looking for a way to stop all movieclips both are the stage and that are children of the ones on the stage.
I toyed with looping thru stage's children so I can first target clips on the stage. But I am getting error.
for (var i:int = 0; i < this.numChildren; i++)     if (this.getChildAt(i) is MovieClip)

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Professional :: Testing Movieclips That Have Nested Movieclips?

Oct 21, 2010

I want to test mc animations without having to hit F12 to see if they work correctly. For instance, if I have an animation movieclip and then I make another movieclip and drop that aforementioned movieclip within, and animate [via the timeline or library preview] I'm unable to see on-the-fly what my animation looks like... it only shows the top most nest, unless I F12 it.

So if I have a character blinking eyes (one movieclip) and then I create another movie clip of the face, and put that aforementioned movieclip within, the preview animation within the library does not show how it'll be viewed when F12'n it.,,,, it'd be great to see your animations on the fly.

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Swf In Flv Not Stopping, Video Keeps Playing?

Jun 4, 2010

I'm making a basic flash website, and have already created the site structure, but I'm having trouble adding FLV and SWF, as they aren't responding as I would like.

1) I have built a basic flash photo gallery, and it works great. I have exported the SWF, but when I add that to my main sites keyframe, it plays non stop, and the buttons on that embedded SWF don't work.

2) After adding a FLV video to a keyframe, it works as I would like. Except that when I click to another keyframe after starting the video, it keeps playing. How would I be able to pause/stop the video if a navigation button to other keyframes are clicked.

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Stopping A Flv Using A Conditional Statement If The FLV Is Playing?

May 25, 2009

How would you stop an FLV using a conditional statement where the condition is if the FLV is playing?

I'm using AS 3.0. My best shot was this:
if (demo.flv == play){ demo.flv.stop();  }
I'm sure the "== play" part is wrong, but I cannot find the correct code that checks to see if the video is currently playing.
My flv component does have an instance name of "demo". The command "demo.flv.stop(); works fine as a non-conditional, but the flv is not always playing with my navigation set-up when you land on the frame with the code, so I need a conditional.

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Professional :: Playing An Animation Then Stopping?

Jun 9, 2010

i have a graphic that basically is set to pivot onto the screen using a motion tween. my problem is once the animation plays the graphic disappears whereas i would like it to remain on screen and displaying its last frame

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stopping A Currently Playing Sound?

Jun 14, 2007

I am making a kiosk based on another designers layout where I work... I am not going to get in the details, but the work seems sort of an unorthadox way of using flash - anyways...

It is basically an interactive slide show... play, pause, previous slide, next slide...

Each SWF that is loaded in is around 15000 frames in lenght (right under that magical 16000 number) - the audio voice overs are on the time line one after another... so when the slide changes the voice over matches the slide current slide... there are 31 slide JPGs and 31 mp3 files that are divided between 8 SWFs.

The issue I am having is that when you are one the first "SWF" (slides 1-5)... and you move from slide 1 to 2 before the audio is done playing... it will keep playing the audio from slide one and then start the audio from slide to ... so on and so forth until you get to slide 6 - which is a new SWF that is loaded...

I know that I need to use a stop sound script somehow... on the first frame of each of the following slides so that it stops the currently playing sound... if it hasn't already finished...

if you let the presentation go it works fine... but when you move forward and back... the sound gets garbled....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing One Sound While Stopping The Others?

Feb 26, 2009

I'm stuck while trying to playing some sound and stopping the others. What I do is : I'm using a linkage to get access to my sound. For example I have 5 linkage sound. I need to play just one specific sound and stop the others. I create a new Sound() and a new SoundChannel() for each one , and put it all in Array. But when I'm trying to stop the others by stopping it's channel, it won't work: The snippet is somewhat like this :



I have an array of object that have a sound and channel for each one.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing And Stopping Sound?

Sep 13, 2010

I had been through your post which telss about playing sound using AS3. It was really helpfull. I just wanted to know how we can stop the sound using a Button click event.

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Stopping Flash Playing When It Loads Open

Jul 16, 2010

I have a simple html splash page which when clicked goes to another html page with my flash object in it. When I click the first page the flash runs the whole animation and loops it continuosly. Id like it to just stop at fram 0 when it loads!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping An FLV From Playing After Clicking To Another Scene?

Aug 8, 2009

I am a High school teacher working on a students work in CS4 flash Actionscript 3 and we are trying to stop the flv from playing when you click on the navigate to scene button. I can get the flv to stop but it is displaying in the background of the next is the code that i am using

var myVideo:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback();
myVideo.source = "1LEO_1 00-31-54.flv";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping And Playing Some Movie Clips?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a problem with some AS3 code and i don't understand why.. my code looks like this:stop();


But there shouldn't be a problem with this, cause the movieclips are the same as the others and has an instance name of gt5 and gt6 just like the other movie clips, and the code is obviously the same?

View 11 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing Sound And Stopping When Swf Is Added?

Sep 7, 2010

So I have a main swf and when the user clicks on certain buttons, an external swf is added to the stage, which is an mp3 player.There is a sound playing in the main swf that I want to pause when that swf has been added to the stage and then resume when it is removed.How would I accomplish that? I assumed I would put a conditional statement that if the loaded swf's current frame was less than 16 (16 is when it closes), to pause the sound and if it was larger than 16 to resume the sound at its current position. But this isnt working.

ActionScript Code:
var soundClip:Sound=new Sound();
var sndChannel:SoundChannel=new SoundChannel();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping A Loded Movie From Playing

Mar 9, 2009

I am trying to load a swf file by using a loader.the loader is set to visible = false; until 50% of the swf is loded and once that is done I am setting the visiblity to true.But the only problem is the loaded swf starts playing automatically and when after loading 50% I set the visibilty to true then half of the movie has already player.How can I stop a loaded swf from playing atuomatically.?

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IDE :: Loop To Keep Playing Regardless Of The Timeline Stopping And Starting

Apr 29, 2009

i just want my loop to keep playing regardless of the timeline stopping and starting. is this possible?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Simply Stopping Movie From Playing On Frame

Apr 1, 2010

I am trying to simply stop the movie from playing on a frame, the way we used to do with stop(). Every tutorial source I have looked at is a blur of words like stop and movie being used in too many ways. I'm not stopping an external flv. I'm not stopping an external or embedded swf. I just want to stop the movie that this frame is a part of until the user chooses to advance to the next frame.

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Professional :: Playing - Pausing - Stopping Audio In A Timeline

Feb 23, 2010

I don't use Flash that much so the question may sound simple, but how do I pause audio in a timeline? I have added the audio, play and stop button. When I test it works fine, but I can't figure out how to add the pause button, or the play/pause button.

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Professional :: Stopping Sound Playing On Button Click?

May 3, 2010

I found this code to play sound:

myButton_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonIsClicked); [code]....

I got it working fine, but was wondering how to program a function for another button to stop stop playing that sound?I tried a function with snd.stop(); but that seems to be incorrect.

View 6 Replies

JQuery :: Stopping Slider While Flash Content Playing

Aug 13, 2010

Any simple script that one could add to a custom jQuery content slider that would make the slider stop while Flash content is being played inside? Or, alternatively, just make the slider stop while hovering the mouse over it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing And Stopping Sound On Single Frame

May 20, 2010

I have a couple of sound clips that I'd like to be able to play. I want one clip to play per frame (the frames are timed to a certain length through a set interval action). When I advance to the next frame (either when the timer runs out or I click a button) I want the first frame's clip to stop and the second clip to begin. IE: I have clip A and clip B which correspond to Frame A and Frame B. I go to frame A and clip A plays, I go to Frame B and Clip B plays (Clip A having stopped).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping External Swf From Playing "unloadAndStop()?

May 23, 2010

I am having a problem stopping external swf from playing. I am currently using FlashCS4 and publishing to Flash Player 10. I would really like to use the code loader.unloadAndStop();" to stop the swf. I tried using it but I keep getting the following error: 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method unloadAndstop hrough a reference with static type flash.display:Loader.loader.unloadAndstop();I read somewhere that since the swf files were published in Captivate (also using Flash player 10) I have to load the swf into a flash movie clip first then try the loader.unloadAndStop code. where to put that code or what I'm doing wrong? And please be very detailed, I am new at this and have little experience.

ActionScript Code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping, Playing, Getting Info Of An External .swf Animation

Feb 15, 2010

I have an external .swf lib that I load using Loader class. I can get the content of it (images, text) using:

new (loader.contentLoaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDef inition(symbol) as Class)();

Then I use it to load a .swf (that I generated using Flash CS3 trial) inside that .swf lib:

var mc:MovieClip = new (loader.contentLoaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDef inition(symbol) as Class)();

I use addChild(mc) and the animation is displayed! So far so good, but the gotoAndStop, gotoAndPlay, stop and play, getting totalFrames, functions simply does not works!!!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Pause Button That Will Pause Everything On The Screen Including Movieclips/audio?

Mar 26, 2007

I am trying to create a pause button that will pause everything on the screen including movieclips/audio. Right now I can't figure out how to pause the movieclips.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping Movieclips In An Array?

Jul 16, 2010

I created 6 movieclips and imported them into my main file. They each play a short animation when clicked. I added an event listener and a .stop() for each movieclip.Instead of writing all the repetitious code, I want to put them all into an array. The question is, how do I get the movieclips to stop so they don't play before clicked on?

var myClips:Array = [a_mc, b_mc, c_mc, d_mc, e_mc, f_mc];
myClips.stop(); //I tried this but it didn't work

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stopping Movieclips In Its Path

Nov 18, 2008

this is the script i have happening on a frame. i have 2 other clips that run next to it - conveyor belt styleee.[code]this works well. it goes to where i want then returns to an x value and the whole thing starts again. great. i know want to add button funtionality in that when i put my mouse over any of the clips all the clips stop moving. when i remove the mouse from the clip then all start moving again. this should happen regardless of what clip i rollover.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unloading The Video Player And Stopping It Playing In The Background

Jan 23, 2011

I'm using for my video player, it loads and plays fine and it stop playing music on the main template when loaded. I have actually two requests: First: How do I pause the video when the player is loaded ?

Second: When the player is unloaded from the main template using root.main_mc.close_btn the video still playing in the background and the close button (close_btn) pause and play the music player each time it is pressed and from the same position it was left last time.

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