ActionScript 3.0 :: Simply Stopping Movie From Playing On Frame
Apr 1, 2010
I am trying to simply stop the movie from playing on a frame, the way we used to do with stop(). Every tutorial source I have looked at is a blur of words like stop and movie being used in too many ways. I'm not stopping an external flv. I'm not stopping an external or embedded swf. I just want to stop the movie that this frame is a part of until the user chooses to advance to the next frame.
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May 20, 2010
I have a couple of sound clips that I'd like to be able to play. I want one clip to play per frame (the frames are timed to a certain length through a set interval action). When I advance to the next frame (either when the timer runs out or I click a button) I want the first frame's clip to stop and the second clip to begin. IE: I have clip A and clip B which correspond to Frame A and Frame B. I go to frame A and clip A plays, I go to Frame B and Clip B plays (Clip A having stopped).
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Mar 7, 2004
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Mar 7, 2004
What I want to have happen is when you mouse down on the button/MC the block_mc will first jump to frame 40 and then it needs to check and stop when the block_mc reaches frame 12. I have attached a simplified version of what I was trying to do
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I have a problem with some AS3 code and i don't understand why.. my code looks like this:stop();
But there shouldn't be a problem with this, cause the movieclips are the same as the others and has an instance name of gt5 and gt6 just like the other movie clips, and the code is obviously the same?
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Mar 9, 2009
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Jul 3, 2010
how to code this on a button
gotoandplay(10); // i need delay here before activating the next code below//
the trick is.. i want the button to play frame 10 to 40 then after playing from frame 10-40 the movie stops and then play frame 80 to 100
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Apr 8, 2010
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Now i want to play the movie from the invisible button but only loop it once. Which means i would like to play it from frame 1 to frame 215.
And also when u rollout i would like the movie to stop and go to frame 1.
this is my button code so far
on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("loader")
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Oct 13, 2003
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May 21, 2011
What i need is a code that forexample is placed on the first frame of my movie. Also i have there a stop(); code. What i need is on random time intervals, the movie to start playing from FRAME 2. Those intervals to be restricted maximum for 2-3 minutes. I mean for example not to wait an hour or so for the function to be executed.
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Sep 27, 2006
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Mar 24, 2010
I'm a newbie at Flash, so started playing with a pretty standard code sample: one layer contains a movie clip with a flying rectangle, another layer has a button to control it. All script code is in file. The rectangle was named square1 through the Property window. Here is the problem: the constructor for Main has a line: square1.stop(); to prevent clip from playing, but it doesn't help - it plays. I know the constructor fires, because it has trace("stuff") in it. The code does check that the stage has been created.
What strange is that square1.currentFrame always returns 1, and square1.totalFrames returns 1 as well. The layer has 24 frames on the timeline. I tried a tween with just 2 keyframes, then converted whole tween into frames - same result. I mean, the thing is flying before my eyes, how can it be 1 frame???
I even added a listener: square1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrameChange); The event fires all the time, i.e. the frames change, but currentFrame is still 1. Also, tried to name individual frames and use square1.gotoAndStop("begin") and stuff like that. I am really stuck with this stupid problem.
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Jun 18, 2011
I am doing a presentation in flash in movie languages I have 7 buttons when some body click button 1 it should go to a new movie called animate frame number 2 when some body click button 2 in movie language it should go to movie animate frame 6 if people click button 3 in language movie it should play movie animate frame 11 like that for all 7 buttons I have used the following code but its always going and stopping at frame number 1 in animate movie
Here is the code:
button 2
on (release) {
loadMovieNum ("animate.swf", 6);
button 3
on (release) {
loadMovieNum ("animate.swf", 11);
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Jan 26, 2004
I'm building a quite large flash movie with hundreds of movieclips (with their own preloaders) with approx 150 frames in the _root timeline. But I've until now never been very confident with preloaders, and that is causing me hairloss.
Once the user enter the site, I want a preloader to come up, but I want to use actionscript to start playing frame 2 once frame 2 content is loaded, not start playing frame 2 once the WHOLE movie is loaded.
I use the below code for simple preloading with no feedback of progress, however it loads the whole movie before it start playback of frame 2:
if (_framesloaded>=_totalframes) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);
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May 6, 2008
I have a moviclip on the main stage with a stop action on the frame above. I want the movie to play ahead from that frame on the main stage after a certain frame is reached in the movieclip.
I tried using this simple function on the main stage;
if (_root.myMovieclip.signal._x = 100){
So when signal._x moves to 100 in the movieclip, the frame jumps to "win". However this doesn't work. I tried using a timer on the frame as well but it does not provide an accurate enough response.
View 7 Replies
Jan 26, 2004
I'm building a quite large flash movie with hundreds of movieclips (with their own preloaders) with approx 150 frames in the _root timeline. But I've until now never been very confident with preloaders, and that is causing me hairloss.
Once the user enter the site, I want a preloader to come up, but I want to use actionscript to start playing frame 2 once frame 2 content is loaded, not start playing frame 2 once the WHOLE movie is loaded.
I use the below code for simple preloading with no feedback of progress, however it loads the whole movie before it start playback of frame 2:
if (_framesloaded>=_totalframes) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);
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Aug 17, 2010
Basically I have a flash website built on different frames of the timeline, the simplest way I think.Some of these frames have movie clips embedded into them using the flv playback component class.The problem I have is the following, the site works fine and videos play fine, but whenever I navigate offa part of the website to another, from a frame to another - the sound of the clips that were playing keepsplaying on the background and never stop and it keeps building up every time I navigate of.f each page.I want to remark that I believe is not only the sound that keeps playing "invisible" but the whole clip butThis is the AS code for my buttons on an example frame, would you be so kind to tell me what I should add or change
stop();cvbtn15.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onClick25);function onClick25(event:MouseEvent){ gotoAndStop(27);}showbtn15.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onClick26);function
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Jun 4, 2010
I'm making a basic flash website, and have already created the site structure, but I'm having trouble adding FLV and SWF, as they aren't responding as I would like.
1) I have built a basic flash photo gallery, and it works great. I have exported the SWF, but when I add that to my main sites keyframe, it plays non stop, and the buttons on that embedded SWF don't work.
2) After adding a FLV video to a keyframe, it works as I would like. Except that when I click to another keyframe after starting the video, it keeps playing. How would I be able to pause/stop the video if a navigation button to other keyframes are clicked.
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Nov 3, 2009
what happens is I have a movie that play out to a lets say frame 299 then 3 buttons will show up on the stage. now when I press button 1 it will start playing a movie starting on frame 300. How can I direct that movie to go back to frame 299 once it is finished playing so I can choose a different button?I know I can add another button at the final frame to do that but I'm not sure if I want to go that route.
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May 25, 2009
How would you stop an FLV using a conditional statement where the condition is if the FLV is playing?
I'm using AS 3.0. My best shot was this:
if (demo.flv == play){ demo.flv.stop(); }
I'm sure the "== play" part is wrong, but I cannot find the correct code that checks to see if the video is currently playing.
My flv component does have an instance name of "demo". The command "demo.flv.stop(); works fine as a non-conditional, but the flv is not always playing with my navigation set-up when you land on the frame with the code, so I need a conditional.
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Jun 9, 2010
i have a graphic that basically is set to pivot onto the screen using a motion tween. my problem is once the animation plays the graphic disappears whereas i would like it to remain on screen and displaying its last frame
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Nov 3, 2004
I created 3 movieclips each are loaded externally.
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Jun 14, 2007
I am making a kiosk based on another designers layout where I work... I am not going to get in the details, but the work seems sort of an unorthadox way of using flash - anyways...
It is basically an interactive slide show... play, pause, previous slide, next slide...
Each SWF that is loaded in is around 15000 frames in lenght (right under that magical 16000 number) - the audio voice overs are on the time line one after another... so when the slide changes the voice over matches the slide current slide... there are 31 slide JPGs and 31 mp3 files that are divided between 8 SWFs.
The issue I am having is that when you are one the first "SWF" (slides 1-5)... and you move from slide 1 to 2 before the audio is done playing... it will keep playing the audio from slide one and then start the audio from slide to ... so on and so forth until you get to slide 6 - which is a new SWF that is loaded...
I know that I need to use a stop sound script somehow... on the first frame of each of the following slides so that it stops the currently playing sound... if it hasn't already finished...
if you let the presentation go it works fine... but when you move forward and back... the sound gets garbled....
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Feb 26, 2009
I'm stuck while trying to playing some sound and stopping the others. What I do is : I'm using a linkage to get access to my sound. For example I have 5 linkage sound. I need to play just one specific sound and stop the others. I create a new Sound() and a new SoundChannel() for each one , and put it all in Array. But when I'm trying to stop the others by stopping it's channel, it won't work: The snippet is somewhat like this :
I have an array of object that have a sound and channel for each one.
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