ActionScript 2.0 :: Timer And Score-keeper Only Show Numbers 1 And 5?

Oct 4, 2011

I'm designing in AS2 - because for some reason, i thought this tutorial was made for AS2 - is this AS3 code and is that the problem??The Problem. The game runs fine, but the score keepers (both for hit and missed balloons) only show the numbers 1 and 5. so if i pop one balloon, it says 1. then for a score of 2, 3, and 4, it is blank. until i pop that 5th balloon, then it says 5, then back to blank for a score of 6.Even stranger (to me) is that the game has a count-down timer that counts backwards from 60. it also only shows then the time has a 1 or a 5 in it. same as the scores.

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enemiesShowTimer = new Timer(0.5 * 1000, 1);
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_root.score +=50
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if (_root.score == 500) {

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timer = 0;
countup = function(){
countupInterval = setInterval(countup,1000);

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PHP Code:

//Randominzes Arrayvar randomizedwords: Array = new Array;var num:int = new int;var i:int = new int;for (i=0; i<10; i++) {while (words[num]== ""){num = Math.ceil(Math.random()*10);}randomizedwords.push(words[num]);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Generate A Variable Number Of Random Numbers Less Than 16 With No Duplicate Numbers

Nov 2, 2004

how to do this and not found much, so here goes:

I want to generate a variable number of random numbers less than 16 with no duplicate numbers

Ive posted the fla, and what i'm doing is generating a random number and putting it into an array then using a for loop to cycle through the array for each new random number to check if its already there. if it is, then i want to regenerate that number.

if you test the fla you'll see that all i get in my array is some lovely zero's and i sort of know why this is, but don't know how to stop it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AIR Handling Large Numbers - Convert A String Having Numbers To An Integer

Feb 18, 2010

I am trying to convert a string having numbers to an integer.

//15 9's are there
var str:String="999999999999999"
var res:Number = new Number(str);

But it is not able to convert correctly as the the var res now has the value 100000000000000000. I know that the number has 52 bits of memory, then why is it not able to do the conversion?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generate Four Random Numbers With Total Of 4 Numbers Equal To 100?

Feb 19, 2011

Generate four random numbers with the total of the four numbers equal to100?[code]...

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Nov 18, 2009

create a function that picks out X amount of numbers from a set of numbers? So if X=3, then i need this function to pick out 3 different numbers from say a set of numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) and then stored it into X number of variables.

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