ActionScript 3.0 :: A Page Loading In Other .swfs (need To Unload Entire Page)

Nov 3, 2011

I have an invisible movie clip I want to go to the NEXT page, as it goes to that page, I want it to essentially remove itself (page1.swf). e.g. page1.swf (contains fancy.swf - [AS2], 4 images, several invisible MCs with code) has an invisible MC + on click = remove page1.swf.

To be clear, this does work. It goes to page2.swf and page2.swf goes to page1.swf as it should. The issue is that if the user repeatedly does this (just 2 or 3 times) the fancy.swf becomes impossible to control and Flash (CS5) crashes. I think this is due to the fact it's not unloading the entire thing, it's only unloading fancy.swf on click (I hope). So underneath page2.swf is page1.swf, and when the user clicks back to page1.swf, page2.swf AND page1.swf are underneath that, and so on and so forth.


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public class TestURL  {
var MyRequest:URLRequest; var MyLoader:URLLoader ;
public function TestURL() {  MyRequest = new


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and the sounds are stopping, but I am wondering if Flash still is using resources to keep the video playing on that frame?

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on (release) {
loadMovieNum("movie name.swf", 1);

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import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.system.System;


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I've tried using 'local Connection' which almost worked.. but just didn't seem to be well suited to this sort of thing.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple SWFs In Single HTML Page

Jul 10, 2002

Looking for thoughts and ideas on establishing communication between isolated SWFs residing in a single HTML page. Need to place multiple SWFs in a single HTML page and was wondering if there was some way to send commands from one of the movies to the other wihtout reloading the page. (would prefer not to reload the page and all the components and have the page "blink" - go blank before loading new and cached data) Unfortunately cannot build this as a single flash object with multiple MCs.. must be multiple SWFs.

Have an idea or two on how to set this up with HTML framesets and loading subpages ( a cheat certainly and far less than elegant) but would prefer not to deal with the heartache that would entail - especially since areas of the page would still "blink" on loading.

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Feb 1, 2010

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Actionscript 3.0 :: External Swfs Won't Load When Viewed From Html Page

Nov 20, 2009

I have a html page with a flash element. The flash element loads in an external swf. This works fine when I'm testing from the swf, but when I test from my HTML page the external swf doesn't seem to load into my main swf.

I have all my swf's in a folder called "swf". The HTML document is at the root level. In my main swf the actionscript for loading the external swf is:


Some how the path to the external swf gets lost. I've tried new URLRequest("soundComponent.swf"); as well. And like I said, this all works from the swf, just not when viewing from an HTML page.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SWFs + GetURL + Current Page Indicator On Nav Button?

Aug 8, 2006

I have a .swf file containing a navigation bar and also an animation. I was going to use getURL on the nav buttons so that a different html page would launch onRelease. The animation in the swf file that contains the nav buttons plays as soon as the swf is loaded and there's also a movie clip in the file which continues its animation even after the file has loaded and played. As each of the nav buttons are pressed and the correct html page loads, I don't want the entire swf file to reload and therefore play the entire animation again as it did on the home page, but instead I just want it to appear as though it's already loaded but I do want the separate movie clip in the swf file to continue to play. Is there any way to make this happen?

Also, I wondered what code I'd need to make the current page nav button appear in a different state to all the other buttons to make a "you are here" effect.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Call External Swfs In An Empty MC On The Index Page?

May 28, 2008

I am currently building a website and what i need to do is to call external swfs in an empty MC on the index page regarding which buttons of the nav you clicked on.It works, very nicely. But then i need to be able to preload another swf on the index when i click on a thumbnail.

e.g: index load the "who.swf" first. On the who.swf there are 2 thumbnail and when click it must replace the "who.swf" with contact.swf. It works but the only problem is that i cant make the preloader of the index to preload the empty MC which load all the external swf.

Is it because i am using loadMovie and not loadCLip.

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Actionscript 3 :: Share A NetConnection/NetStream Between Separate SWFs In The Same HTML Page

Dec 21, 2010

I am aware that I can share simple Objects using LocalConnection, but this does not (in my limited testing) appear to work with NetConnection or NetStream.

In short, I wish to have a single SWF that acts as a NetConnection proxy for other SWF files in the HTML page. The client SWFs require direct access to NetStream objects on the proxys NetConnection.

Is this at all feasible, or will each client SWF require its own NetConnection?

I am aware that I could build the entire application in flash and utilize a single NetConnection internally, but this is NOT what I want to do.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Sort Of Slide Show With Several SWFs And 1 Html Page?

Jan 31, 2008

Anyone know how I can go about doing this:

I want to create a sort of slide show with several SWFs and 1 html page. The SWF itself has FORWARD and BACK buttons (its a long story, but I can't just have FORWARD and BACK coded in the html), and upon hitting them, i would like the SWF to call another SWF to replace itself. (again another long story, but each SWF has a low size maximum, which is why I just cant make the entire thing one large SWF).

Annnnd, to make it all smooth and easy, I would like the forward and back buttons to be coded not with the specific SWF that they are calling, but rather with a function which will determine which SWF is currently displayed and then call the appropriate next or previous SWF from an array or list....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Page Flip V2 ... Unload / Reload Tha Pageflip Before Unloading Call Function: RemoveML(); To Remove Mouse Listener

Apr 6, 2006

I need to Automate the Page flip where the user has no control. Make it into an animation per say. I know it can be done. But I can't seem to figure out how. I can make just the first page. But I can't make it keep going. You guys know what I'm talking about right?[URL] Here's the code and notes...


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Have Two SWFs On An HTML Page. One Loads Fine And The Other (loaded Externally) Apparently Fails?

Sep 13, 2010

I have two SWFs on an HTML page. One loads fine and the other (loaded externally) apparently fails.

I get this from the server:

Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2036: Load Never Completed.

I get this when testing it locally in Safari:

Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2035: URL Not Found.

I don't really understand where the hick-up is... because my paths are actually quite simple. All my flash files on the website are located in the same folder. The first one loads in fine, but the one being loaded into it does not. When viewing the SWF by itself, everything checks out as well.

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