ActionScript 3.0 :: Acces Remote Shared Object From Other Class

Oct 29, 2009

How to acces remote shared object from other class?

I have

package {
import flash.display.*;
public class Main extends Sprite {


I would like to add some data or modify shared object. How can I acces _sharedBoardObject from another class? Or maybe I need to connect to "sharedBoard02" directly?

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var myCookie:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("mySavedData","/")
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var gallerypath:String =;
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level.y = 100;


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[SWF] PRELOADER.swf - 1639 bytes after decompression
[SWF] LeagueOfLolsApp.swf - 19769801 bytes after decompression
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.


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package samples.portfolio

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---this one works
var submenu_so:SharedObject;
submenu_so = SharedObject.getLocal("menu");


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Aug 26, 2009

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faultCode:Server.Processing faultString:'Unable to invoke CFC - Could not find the ColdFusion Component or Interface' faultDetail:'For details, turn on Robust Exception Information in the ColdFusion Administrator'
The path to the cfc's from the webroot is is myProject/cf/main.cfc ...

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Oct 19, 2010

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How can I have the validator wait to return its payload until after we've heard from the DB?

Or perhaps a better question might be (since I think the first question is impossible), how can I set this up differently, so that I don't need to wait, or so that the wait doesn't cause the validation to automaticallly return valid?

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Flex :: Using One Remote Object And Multiple Destinations?

Feb 2, 2011

In my Flex app, I use one remote object and multiple destinations. Is that a bad idea? It seems to be working just fine except for the one or two fringe cases:It's bad design, but we use the same method name on two different destinations and they seem to conflict when they're called at the same time. Logging errors show a method assigned to one destination as being associated with another.

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Feb 8, 2011

I'm building an application using Flex 4 + Spring Blazeds Integration 1.5 + Spring 3.0.5 + Hibernate running on jboss-5.1.0.GA. I create a simple login form, and when a submit a string via remote object it works fine. But when a try to use an Object its simple doesn't work. Funny is that it even don't shows the Alert that a put! Also, if I remove the tag "RemoteClass" it sends to java but an error occur. Bellow is the code and configs.

My java class:

package com.controlefinanceiro.entities;
// imports


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<s:RemoteObject id="ro" result="result(event)" destination="echoServiceDestination">
private var statesData:ArrayCollection;


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Current Code :
<s:RemoteObject id="ro"


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May 28, 2009

I made a shared object whiteboard but I have a stupid problem with removing objects. This is function to clear shared object :

public function clearShape (so:SharedObject):void {


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