Flex :: Remote Class Alias In Air?

May 8, 2010

in Flex one can easily define the remote class alias like the following:

package samples.portfolio

But my question is how do you do it in AIR since the client app does not know about the server file structure.

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import flash.net.*;
import flash.display.*;
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package classes.remote {
public class Schedule {
public var id:int;
public var modifydate:Date;
public var startdate:Date;
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b) authenticate with my server (CAKEPHP) to get a valid CAKEPHP Session Cookie, and

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Now what the methods do is to print sth. when they are called, then wait 8 secs and print sth. after that. When clicking each button seperatly, it works, both methods are started in parallel. However, calling both method the same time, leaves one service to wait with its call while until the other is executing. How can I avoid that?

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How can I have the validator wait to return its payload until after we've heard from the DB?

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Java :: Remote Object Flex Not Working?

Feb 8, 2011

I'm building an application using Flex 4 + Spring Blazeds Integration 1.5 + Spring 3.0.5 + Hibernate running on jboss-5.1.0.GA. I create a simple login form, and when a submit a string via remote object it works fine. But when a try to use an Object its simple doesn't work. Funny is that it even don't shows the Alert that a put! Also, if I remove the tag "RemoteClass" it sends to java but an error occur. Bellow is the code and configs.

My java class:

package com.controlefinanceiro.entities;
// imports


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Flex :: Populate ComboBox Using Remote Object?

Mar 8, 2011

I have a remote object returned and I am trying to populate it into combobox.

<s:RemoteObject id="ro" result="result(event)" destination="echoServiceDestination">
private var statesData:ArrayCollection;


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Flex :: Remote Image With Basic Authentication?

Jul 24, 2011

I would like to load a an image from an external domain and I have the below so far:

private function get_coverArt(coverArtID:String):void
var requestString:String = "/rest/getCoverArt.view?v=1.5.0&c=AirSub&id=" + coverArtID;


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Php :: Flex File Upload To Remote Server Using PHP

Oct 10, 2011

I am trying to upload the files to the remote server using PHP with Flex interface. If it's not localhost, it shows the security error. I have already put the crossdomain.xml in the tomcat web app root directory to allow all the domains. However, the security error is still shown when I tried to upload the file.

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Flex :: Deploy A Project In A Remote Webserver

Nov 25, 2011

I have coded my Flex / PHP project in a local machine. I have used AMFphp for remoting and I got to deploy and test this application in a remote server. How could I do this using Flashbuilder 4.5?

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Flex :: Remoting - Extend Remote Object?

Feb 13, 2012

My current coding for remote object declaration is messed up I wanna separate the remote object and the interface

Current Code :
<s:RemoteObject id="ro"


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex : Stop A Remote Call?

Feb 20, 2012

In common case, we keep the token of a remote method call, Flex -> Java for example. But, if the client know that the current call is not needed anymore, how stopping the server processing ?

With an asyncToken, is it possible to stop a remote call ?

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Flex :: Remote Object Multiple Parallel Calls?

Sep 7, 2010

I'm on Flash Builder 4.5 and I'm using remote object with amfphp and when I call two method (method1 and method2) at the same time the response of method2 always arrives after method1's response even though method2 is much more faster to return the result.re's the scenario:I set a remote object which refers to a remote php class "Newletter" which contains the sendNewsletter and getProgress methods.Here's the code:-sendNewsletter() reads the email archive and send the newsletter. After each email has sent it writes a log into the database.-getProgress() reads the log wrote by sendNewsletter, counts how many email have been sent, compares it with the total number of the email that have to be sent and return the progress percentageFrom the flex interface the users select a Newsletter to be sent and click on a "send" button which calls a function that calls the sendNewsletter() and then instantiate a loop of calls to getProgress (as you can see when getProgress returns something it calls the setProgress which updates a progress bar and calls getProgress again until the progress percentage reach 100%.

So right after I call sendNewsletter() I call getProgress() on the same remoteClass().sendNewsletter() can take several minutes to complete (in my tests for sending 4 email it takes about 4 seconds so I think that sending thousands of email will take much more!!) and the trouble I'm encountering here is that getProgress() result arrives only after sendNewsletter() concludes its execution while what I would like to achieve is:

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