ActionScript 3.0 :: Add And Remove Items By Comparing 2 Arrays

Apr 17, 2011

I have two arrays of objects. Each object has a unique name property besides few others. One of the array is a local copy and the other one is sent from server after regular intervals. The local copy of arrays is then used to add a movieclips into a container.Now, I want that when I receive an array from the server, I compare it with the one which is already with me locally such that the items which were not in the received array but were there in the local array, get removed from the container and the newly added ones only get added. The items which were present in both local and remote array remain as it is.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Comparing 2 Different Arrays

Apr 28, 2010

I've searched everywhere and can't seem to find a clear explanation or basic example. How do you compare the elements of 2 arrays to see if there is a match?

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Comparing Arrays And Loops

Nov 29, 2010

The scenario is to create a lotto game that matches 6 user inputted numbers with 7 randomly generated numbers. The 7th number is a special case (eg bonus ball) WOULD LIKE TO SHOW A KIND HEARTED FALSH GENIUS ALL OF THE SCRIPT IF POSS! (its not tooo long) This code works, but it just outputs the default message: There seems to be a problem with my arrays not comparing? Part of the code is: (prioir to this the user inputs numbers, they are copied to text areas beginning with O, on a button press) On a second button press randomly generated number appear to a timer. //compareResult checks how many numbers match between the two sets of numbers to determine winnings.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Comparing Two Arrays (one With Objects)?

Apr 2, 2011

I'd like to know how to compare one array to another array with objects.

For example:

Array1 = [one, blue, car];
// there will always be only one entry in this array - no Array1[1], no Array1[2], etc.
Array2 = [product.number, product.color, product.type, product.cost, product.qty];

The actual content in Array2 would be something like this:

Array2[0] = [three, green, boat, 100, 5];
Array2[1] = [two, blue, truck, 200, 3];
Array2[2] = [one, red, car, 50, 20];
...and so on, up to about 60.

I'm trying to figure out to go through all of Array2 to determine if there's a match to Array1. Since none of the entries in Array2 are the same, there will always be one match.In this instance, I want to match array1 with product.number, product.color, and product.type. My example has them as the first 3 criteria, though that may not always be the case.

Something along the lines of this:


function findMatch () {
for(i = 0; i < Array2.length; i++) {
if(all 3 Array1 items equals items in Array2[i]) {


Background: I've a combobox search that allows a user to select from drop-downs. After a user selects items from all 3 drop-downs, they click a submit button, and there's a check to see if the criteria in the drop-downs matches anything in the Array2 (which it should, if you can select it, then it's in the array).

After that, the matched information is used to populate a movieclip. There's actually about 20 pieces of information associated with each product. However, I only need to match 3 of them.I've searched and found comparisons for arrays. But I don't see how they'd apply to my issue as I'm using objects and there are more items in array2 than in array1. Of course, they may apply, and I'm just not understanding how. I could create a 3rd array and move only the items needed for a match from the array2 to it. Then I could do a straight comparison between array1 and array3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Comparing Arrays When Both Has The Same Object?

Nov 3, 2009

I want to compare my two arrays.When both has the same object. they will trace out the name i give.This is the code;

var cap_array:Array = new Array(Sugar,Sugar,Milk,Cocoa);

function ingredients(evt:TimerEvent):void {    var ing_mc:MovieClip = null;    timer++;[code]......

There is no error in the code; but it can't trace out "cappuccino". Is it I should take the ingredients in order like in the array of the cap_array?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Comparing The Content Of Two Arrays

Dec 27, 2009

if i have 2 arrays let us say:
array1 = ["a", "d","f","j","g","s","o"];
array2 = ["a","b","n","f","k"];

Let us say i need to check the availability of each item in array2 into array1 and i want to delete it from array1. so if "a" is in array1 and array2, i wanna know that and i wanna delete it from array1.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Populating And Comparing Arrays

Oct 25, 2011

I have a movie clip called "colors" that contains five clips (squares of different colors). I want to see only one of those colored clips at a time and I want them to be chosen at random (which i've accomplished). I would also like to make sure the same clips isn't selected again until all the other clips have been selected. On frame 1, I set up each main clip as a class:

function clipsClass(){}
clipsClass.prototype = new MovieClip;
clipsClass.prototype.onLoad = function(){
Object.registerClass("colors", clipsClass);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Comparing The Order Of Two Arrays

Jan 15, 2012

Im trying to comapre the order and value of two arrays...


The values must be identical by the order and values exp: checkNums[0] == checkBallPress[0]; ps: the array numbers are inputed by user, I typed this values just for the examples sake I tried to do a nested for loop but it doesnt work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Comparing The Contents Of 2 Arrays?

Dec 15, 2009

i cant seem to do this:

firstArray = new Array(item1, item2, item3, item4);
secondArray = new Array (item1, item1, item4, item2);

I basically need to compare the contents of these 2 arrays.

For example when im finished, id like the output to be:


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Actionscript 3 :: Comparing Two Arrays And Returning Index?

Feb 17, 2012

i want to create a function that compares 2 arrays and returns indexes of items found. if for examples my arrays are:

var distances:Array = new Array (0,275,217,385,275,0,251);
var selectedDist:Array = new Array (217,275,251);

i would like it to return 2,4,6

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Comparing Two Arrays For Matching Numbers

Nov 30, 2009

I have this code that's meant to compare two arrays for matching numbers. Depending on how many matches there are, a certain message will be displayed in a dynamic text field. But for some reason it's not working, can anyone figure out why?

ActionScript Code:
var _num:Number = 0;
function compare_Arrays() {
for(var i = 0; i < numbersChosen.length; i++) {
for (var k = 0; k < randomArray.length; k++) {
if (numbersChosen[i] == randomArray[k]) {
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Word Counter - Comparing Arrays

Mar 11, 2009

I'm trying to do a simple word counter that counts only unique words. So every new word in the inputWordArray gets added to a wordBankArray, but words that have been used previously would be ignored. I've got something that feels really close to be done but I think I need some kind of switch or break somewhere to keep it from adding on to the end of the array.

Here's my code and the output so far.
PHP Code:
var inputWordArray:Array=["word1","word2","word3", "word1"];
var wordBankArray:Array=["word1"];
var matches:Boolean = false
for (var i:Number = 0; i < inputWordArray.length; i++) {
trace("In inputWordArray loop with "+inputWordArray[i]);
for (var j:Number = 0; j < wordBankArray.length; j++) {
[Code] .....
//What I'm expecting: "Final wordBankArray: word1,word2,word3"

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Comparing Arrays - Two Groups Of Text Areas

Nov 27, 2010

I have the following set up: 6 text input areas when button 1 is pressed these numbers are copied to 6 text areas these 6 (user input) with text areas appear and when button 2 is pressed a further 7 (result) text areas that appear to a timer and contain randomly generated numbers to string I need to compare these two groups of text areas in a way that treats the 7th text area as a special excluded case:


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Actionscript 3 :: Sorting The Arrays And Comparing The String Values

Jul 12, 2011

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this problem. I have 2 unsorted arrays that need to be compared, array2 must contain all elements of array1 and array2 can any number of extra elements without affecting the result. I don't see any benefits from sorting the arrays and comparing the string values as array2 can have extra information causing noise.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Comparing Arrays - See If An Item Exists In Another Array?

Jan 29, 2009

I have some script which grabs stuff from an xml file. The stuff grabbed from the xml is in a loop to create an automatic menu. This is all fine and dandy. Say there are 9 items in the xml file, I get 9 menu items with their unique id's.What I want to do is define an array for comparison against the info taken from the xml file. Say in the xml file I have nodes set up for Apple, Pear, Banana and Orange. With my current script I would get a menu with these items on it. What I need to do is be able to specify the items I want to appear on the menu. For this example I would want Apple and Banana only.

I have experimented with if statements, and it takes too much code to accomplish what I want I am sure there is a more compact way. My idea is to set an array with the items I want in it,then when the information is taken from the xml file,I need the script to do the function of creating menu items only with the items I have specified in the array. Below I have added the code, which has been modified from Kirupa's own squirrel finder tutorial.I need the code to be as reusable as possible, ie only the array would need to change.In my code the variable featureType would contain the information I need to compare against.

//set limits on the features that need to display
// define array
var featureLimits:Array = ["Apple", "Banana"];[code].....

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Remove The Items In The Combobox Later (without Removing Items In The Dataprovider)?

Feb 6, 2009

im having some dificulties in the combobox of Flex 3, after defining the dataProvider and filling the combobox, how can i remove the items in the combobox later (without removing items in the dataprovider)? if i set the provider to "" or null, the items in the combobox are still there

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Arrays & Grids/Lists - Incrementally Move Items Up And Down?

Dec 20, 2006

This is probably one of several ways to do this..."myData" is an array that contains information displayed in "myDataGrid". "toBeMoved" is a variable containing, um, the item to be moved.

btn_up.onRelease = function() { // this is a button to move items UP in the list

whoseSelected = myDataGrid.selectedIndex; // gets the index # for the selected row/item
if (whoseSelected > 0) { // makes sure you dont have the already top item selected
toBeMoved = myData[myDataGrid.selectedIndex][code]...

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Add And Remove From Arrays?

Sep 16, 2010

I made a little thing that has to do with badges. Theres 6 badges, and they load out with attachMovie. I want to be able to change the badges, so how would I be able to change things in an array? Like adding and removing numbers in it.

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Remove Movie Clips In Arrays?

Nov 23, 2010

I have this code in my Flash file[code]...

I'm wondering, when I remove the movie clips should I also be popping them from the array?

I have an onEnterFrame function that attaches the movie clips and pushes them into the array, so I'm worried that if I don't pop them the array will continue to increase in size and slow down the movie. Is this the case, or will they be automatically removed from the array by the removeMovieClip() method above?

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How To Remove Unused Items From Library?

Aug 13, 2009

Flash CS4 is really good for design and development point of view. But I noticed two things:If library have more item then there is no option on right click "Select Unused Items". How can I get this option "Select Unused Items" on right Click while library have a more items with scrollbar?Some times the actions window's height increased. At this time there is no option to decrease the height of actions window except the Reset option.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove My Items On My Array?

Jun 8, 2010

suppose I have created an Array object with 4 items on it. Now how we can remove that all items without looping process.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Items From Stage Using RemoveChild?

Nov 17, 2008

So, I have a file where I've added 27 movie clips to the stage using a for loop to cycle through items in an XML document. Here's the pertinent part of the code I'm using, it's AS3:

So, I end up with 27 instances of mini_mc, each named 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.

I'm trying to write code to remove them at a certain point in the movie but having problems. Here's what I'm using[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Properly Remove Items From Stage?

Apr 8, 2009

In actionscript 2 if you wanted items on the stage to not appear to the user you would just use the onclipevent(load) and then move them, alpha them and so on. In as 3 I cannot figure out how to get the items off of the stage before the stage renders them. There's always a flash of the stage items and then they disappear. What should I use? I don't like the addChild method because it's impossible to design a site that way. I like all my items on the stage and then go from there...

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Nov 29, 2011

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I have a function that attaches mcs to an array every second but I want only a certain one removed.[code]...

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Mar 4, 2004

How can I simply add or remove Items to/from component - ComboBox?

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Arrays :: Remove Bullets On Collision In Shooter Game?

Nov 24, 2011

I'm trying to create a flash shooter game as my first project. But I can't remove the bullets and enemies when they are hit or off-screen.I've searched for a solution on the problem multiple times and copied about 4 of them (plus I've tried my own ideas) but they are not working.The current method of checking for collisions is:[code]How can I remove the enemies and bullets? removeChild and splice?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remove All Movieclips From The Created Game Arrays?

Apr 7, 2010

i followed this tutorial: http:[url]....and all has work out great however, then i go onto anouther frame how do i remove all movieclips from the created game arrays?

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Flex :: Remove Selected Items From Search Results?

Feb 6, 2012

End-User searches for something and an ArrayCollection is returned with Result objects. This is displayed in a data grid.End-User selects a few of the search results and "moves" it over to another datagrid for use later.End-User does another search.

PROBLEM:Some of the search results might contain something the user already previously selected and moved over to the second datagrid. I want to remove these from the second search result.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Simply Add / Remove Items To / From Component / ComboBox?

Mar 4, 2004

How can I simply add or remove Items to/from component - ComboBox?

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