ActionScript 3.0 :: Automatic Slideshow In Sing Timer Class And Array?

May 11, 2009

I have been trying to create an automatic slideshow at a click of a button. I have tried a few ways using timer class to show images(stored in an array) for a few seconds but i can't seem to get it working. Below is the code that i am trying to get it working..if there is any kind soul out there,


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import flash.utils.Timer;

/*This creates a new timer object, that fires every 1000 milliseconds (each second), and will fire 10 times after it is started, then stop. Next we will create an event listener that will catch the Timer event, and call a function "changeText".*/

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function OneClick (e:MouseEvent) {, 1, {x:254, overwrite:false});myTimelineImages.stop();myTimelineButton.stop();};

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var myTimer: Timer = new Timer(2000);
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, nextPic)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Slideshow With Timer - Once Clicked Timing Off

Jul 18, 2011

I have a AS3 flash slide show that uses the timer method with a wait() function to change slides. So the preloader is on frame one and the first slide is on frame two and the second slide is on frame three and so on. At each slide frame there is a wait(7) statement so that the swf moves ahead to the next frame every seven sec. When I create a nav element that uses the gotoAndPlay function to target each frame.

Everytime the nav is clicked and goes to the corresponding slide the timing of the slides is all messed up. I may be naive but it seems that once the button in the nav is clicked the timer keeps going on the slide the user was on when the nav was clicked. How can I clear the wait() timer on click? When I just add a remove.EventListener to the button the function in the frame is not available to the button though they are both in the same frame.

Below is the wait() I am using in the root stage timeline:
function wait(duration:Number) {
var timer:Timer=new Timer(duration*1000,1);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, onWaitTimerComplete);
} function onWaitTimerComplete(e:TimerEvent):void {, onWaitTimerComplete);
stage.removeEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onStageResize);

Below is the code for the click inside the movieClip button:
b1.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
function onClick( event:MouseEvent):void

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I've been following the "Using the Tween Class Part II". I even looked at the "Applying and Animating Filter Effects". Both of them don't offer much insights to animating a filter effect without the use of rollovers.What I'm hoping to achieve is that the glow filter animates after the object it's attached to finishes its animation.So far, I've got the glow effect to show up. However, I can't get it to animate after the object's motion has finished. The following is how I have the codes set up:

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;


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HTML Code: 1119: Access of possibly undefined property gameTimer through a reference with static type Class.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sing Linkage Names To Call Upon Sounds From Another SWF

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providing linkage which I want to use in an actionscript in the main movie. How do I call upon the sounds from the second movie? The reason why I have two files is that Flash doesn't allow me to choose in which frame the sounds will be exported, it's the first frame or who-knows-when. Would it be a good solution to load the sound swf into the main movie, placing it during the preload of this, and export the sounds with linkage names from this and (later) call upon them from the main movie? Is it possible at all? If it is, how do I do it?

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Nov 2, 2010

I'm currently using two arrays to load a sequence of videos in 2 zones of the Flash movie.
var zoneAarray:Array = new Array("movie1.mp4", "movie2.mp4", "movie3.mp4");
var zoneBarray:Array = new Array("movie4.mp4", "movie5.mp4", "movie6.mp4");
var clipA:String = zoneAarray[0];[code]....

Everything works fine, but I would like to import the list of videos from an XML file instead of hard-coding it in Flash

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Sep 19, 2007

I already have an array set up with a navigation and tween on the MC's when the navigation is pressed. My question is, how would I apply a simple automated play to it. The functions are already there that make the navigation bring up my corresponding MC, i just need some autoplay to it.

Here is my source:
this.scrollIcons = function(p_offset:Number) {
// Scrolls the icon list
this.setIcon(this.currentIcon + p_offset);
[Code] .....

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i need to reconstruct image with this. but not with MOUSE_OVER event but automatic, maybe Timer...And need to do it random...I ,ve got a headache from this...

//Import TweenLite
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
import flash.utils.*


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bitmap Array On Second Timer Loop

Jan 4, 2011

I have problem with moving bitmap array on second timer loop. I think this problem is related to the loop addchild was in, not sure how to solve it. The current code does create 14 images in a strip, the problem was I couldn't move them with another timer or just outside the completeListener function.

import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.Sprite;
[Code] .....

TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
at alpha_fla::MainTimeline/effectsTime()
at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()
at flash.utils::Timer/tick()

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Cycling Through Slideshow With Next/prev Button Using Array

Aug 26, 2009

I have a simple slideshow with images beside each other with a mask on top of them. I currently have it where I can click on the images and they will move with a switch/case statement. I'm puzzled on how I can do it so simple so I can use a next button so the images will be clickable for other reasons!

Here is my code:
Code: Select all
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.StageAlign;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Made A Script For Slideshow An Array Of Images?

Oct 31, 2005

i've made a script for slideshow an array of images, with fading images. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with my script, why it has small pauses between images.

here is the script, on the first (and only) frame of the movie:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timer In Document Class?

Sep 18, 2009

I have the code here in a Document Class - I'm trying to fade in a logo than after a set time fade it out.he logo fades in but when it starts to fade out I get a repeating error - the logo still fades out but there's obviously something wrong that I can't work out

TypeError: Error #1016: Descendants operator (..) not supported on type Logo.
at Doc/fadeOut()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop Through An Array Of 5 Movie Clips Using A Timer?

Apr 24, 2009

I am trying to loop through an array of 5 movie clips using a timer. Below is the script that plays the first movie clip, then plays the next clip over and over.  
var timer:Timer = new Timer(2000);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimer);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Array Data To Timer Function?

Dec 20, 2010

in a for loop i am passing 60 movieclips to the stage at after that I trigger a function that fires every second.But inside that timer function, i can not trace what items are in my array in other words, every second i want to trigger a movieclip inside the array.(this will later destroy a random ipad or iphone processor :p)

heres my code:

var circle_array:Array;
var seconds_counter:uint = 0;
var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A CrossFading Slideshow Class

Dec 12, 2007

I am trying to make a slideshow class, wich is nearly finished, but I have some problem with setInterval ( just a guess )

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML Slideshow Document Class Improvement

Jul 22, 2009

I'm using the script below to slide pictures read from a XML file. My project got 12 slideshowz like this one loading differents sets of pictures. My question : I was wondering what I could change in every FLA the current location of the XML file to load in order to have only ONE .as script without any needs to duplicate and change a line in it every time. You would save me.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Slideshow - Loading Images Using XML Info From Array

May 25, 2009

I've constructed a dynamic slideshow using ActionScript 2.0 and PHP/MySQL. The reason for this, aside from update purposes, is that the slideshow will eventually display over 200 images. Thus, to save loading time and bandwidth, I decided to use PHP to pull ten images from an SQL database, formatting the output in XML. The slideshow itself works fine. Unfortunately, there are a couple of issues I need to address; my ActionScript is extremely rusty, so much of my work's patchy.

The code's displayed below:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var myShowXML = new XML();
myShowXML.ignoreWhite = true;
[Code] .....

The code in red is my main focus. It's the loop which loads all images as movie clips using the XML information from an array. The loop loads all of the images, making them transparent before the presentation begins. What I would like to do instead, to save loading time, is to load the next image while the current one is displaying. The function "moveSlide" controls the transition of the images, so I'd imaging it'd be best to plade it in there.

There's already an incremental variable being used, with _root.target_mc, for removing transparency from the current slide. The code in blue is also nagging me quite severely. I retrieve the next chain of slides by simply contacting the PHP script again. The only way I could think of doing that was to refresh the slideshow (this is done COMPLETELY in ActionScript, with nothing on the stage). Unfortunately, I could only work out how to reload the whole video.

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