ActionScript 3.0 :: Avoiding Delay In Flv Player While Switching To Other File

May 25, 2009

I am working on a project where basically dealing with flv player and videos, am trying to play multiple flv videos of a 3d human character who is speaking out a number like 3550.Here we are using multiple video files and joining them like videos where character says 3 then 1000 then  5 then 50.The issue here is after every video there is a fraction of second where the character is disappearing from the stage which we can't afford because all the numbers have to be played at once to show it as one single digit.I know that this is not a script error but this is how the flv player plays, after one file there will be a delay to play the other.What can I do to achieve  my goal and also can how we can download all the required flv files from  server to client machine to avoid a streaming delay (All the videos are of 50 to 60 kb files).

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Javascript :: Switching A Flash Video Player's Color Scheme Based On Set Cookie

May 3, 2011

I've got a web site up and running that allows the user to choose a dark or light color scheme

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//Switches color of Flash Video player on detail pages
function updateColor(color) {


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Professional :: Switching FLV Source File Mid-playback

Nov 22, 2010

I have a number of different videos (all of the same duration and resolution) encoded with almost the same content - however they have different colour schemes, etc., and I require my FLV player to be able to switch seamlessly between them.

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I used to have a server-side solution that could fake this, but that isn't a long-term solution. Might I ask how you experts would handle something like this?
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May 30, 2011

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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
framePos = int(_xmouse / 100 * _parent._totalframes);
if (framePos < 0) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Avoiding Nested Functions In A Class?

Nov 9, 2004

I have run into this problem twice now, for two different reasons. Technically the more recent time it isn't a roadblock, but rather I just want to avoid memory waste by not using nested functions for my event handlers.[URL]

The reason I've come to this forum is that I always went on my merry way, defining event handler functions on movieclips within functions, until today, I read "I really didn't like the idea of defining an event handling function within a method of a class. I don't think nested functions are a really good practice." in the archives of the BIT-101 blog. So I decided to try to extract these and assign only a reference to each movieclip that needs the function. The problem is, it's in a class - and I need access to the properties of the movieclip from within the function. I figured I might be able to extend MovieClip, but I don't want anything in the library, so I run into the problem of how I would use my new movieclip-extending class - I read something about using the Linkage name of "__Packages."+[classname] - is that really proper? Either way, my final question is - if it's not good practice to use nested functions within the class, where do I create my event handler functions?

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P.S. If I order to reproduce the movieclip on 100, it starts as it should.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Avoiding Registering Events With Multiple MovieClips

Jan 3, 2011

Imagine that you have a lots and lots of the same library item on stage - movieclips - and you want each of them to be clickable. Normally, you would iterate through each of these and register an event listener on MouseEvent.CLICK for each one. It seems to me that if there are large quantities of these items this could be quite inefficient - on memory mostly - to have all these event listeners. I'm trying to figure out if there's a more "central" way to do this, where your main document class just registers once with some kind of central dispatcher using a custom event? Any time ANY of the movieclips are clicked, that fires this custom event and you can just query the event to figure out which clip was clicked.

Each movieclip that is clickable extends an AS class through its linkage, and when clicked, dispatches a custom event. If I'm using the IDE to put a lot of objects on stage, and these objects have linkages to their own custom classes, I don't want to ALSO have to go into the main document class and have it iterate through these objects to register event listeners on each one. I don't really want the document class to have that much knowledge about these objects (loose coupling). I'd rather the objects "communicate" through this mediator and not really worry about knowing more about each other than what you can access through the custom event.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Avoiding: Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object Reference

Jan 26, 2010

I've a line of code for example:

var l_text:String = class.getXMLObject().getNodeOfName("hello").getText()

but of course if there is no node of name "hello" I get this error.this is part of a massive application and I really don;t want to be adding if statements in everywhere

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Parameters To Function And Avoiding Duplicate Variable Definitions

Jun 18, 2009

I have shortened this example to keep it simple, otherwise I wouldnt be doint this

I need to pass different variables to function inForLoop each time.

function someFunction():void {
for (var i:int = 0; i < columns; i++) {
for (var j:int = 0; j < rows; j++) {


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Dec 4, 2010

for example:

var mc:MovieClip=new MovieClip();,0.5);,0,100,100);


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Aug 17, 2010

i want to know how i can put a flash file inside a flash wbsite. i have found a tutorial (search on google for 4906532_within-another-flash-swf-file.htm since i cant add links) that says something like that but in this tutorial if i understand correctly it creates a new flash project and add another swf inside. i have my website created and i just want to add video gallery, image gallery etc that are already swf.

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Professional :: Add Player To FLV Or SWF File Resulting In One File?

Sep 13, 2011

I have CS5.5, know very little about Flash, and can't find the answer to this anywhere. I know how to go into Flash, create an ActionScript 3 project, save it, imort a video, add a skin and export it.  However, the result is two files.  Not what I want.
Is there a way to combine a video file and player skin into one file?

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FLV Player Menu Without Xml File?

Sep 1, 2010

I am trying to control the content of an flv player (from the same swf) but don't wish to go down the xml it possible with on each button?Code: Select allthis.mc_video.contentPath = "Spain.flv";

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ActionScript 2.0 :: F8 Single File Mp3 Player?

May 20, 2010

I'm trying to get my hands on an open source mp3 player with a volume control and progression bar but all the ones I've found are for use on webpages.. What I want, however, is to insert such an mp3 player into a projector file that I've created.I've got 10 keyframes, each with a different slide. I want an mp3 player on each slide, but it will play a different track.Does anyone know of a customizable mp3 player like that?

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