ActionScript 3.0 :: Build Website Using Labels In Flash Cs4?

Mar 30, 2010

I build a web site in flash using lables and one of the lables is video. I put video in the video label. When I click to go to anyother label, the video is still playing. what code I would write when I click off the video label the video would stop playing. It sounds like some if statement.

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Ios :: Build Website In Flash?

Apr 24, 2011

Not sure if this better for stackoverflow or (as there is a programming angle and a apple angle) so hopefully this is the right place. i need to build a website that normally would need to be done in flash (because of the requirements for animation) but the owner wants to run this site on ipad and iphone. i thought that all of the iOS stuff didn't support flash but looking into the adobe flash website here, it says that it has iOS support.

Can someone please clarify if iPad, iPhone will support a website if i create it in flash If it doesn't, then does anyone know what it means on the link that it has support for Apple iOS ??

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Flash :: IDE - Website + Not Recognizing Frame Labels / Stop Action - Plays Through Timeline

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I have built a couple of sites in Flash, however, I have a problem with a current site I'm working on. My client wants various photos to fade out in a "checkerboard" fashion, which I am doing via its own movie clip and adding in the appropriate area on the main timeline. However, when I add a blank keyframe on the following page to add a new movie clip (with the next set of pictures, the timeline starts playing through the entire website, not recognizing stop actions or frame labels.


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Determining Hours To Build Flash Website?

May 2, 2009

use it for my final project to graduate with a CS degree. I did some basic animation type stuff around 5 years ago in school but nothing major. I want to make a website for a non-profit organization for my project. I know what I want to do, but I need to give my advisor an estimate of how many hours it will need to complete it.Here is a general outline of tasks I want on the website:Message boardBlogEmbedded videoPhoto galleryArchived newsE-commercestoreGuestbookCounterPollsApplications - games, instant messenger type thing (if I have time)

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CS3 - How To Build Flash Website With Links And Animations

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Build A Secure Login Area On A Flash Website?

Feb 28, 2012

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1) I know that in PHP I can echo some infos that can be get from AS3. In this case I suppose to echo something like "success" or "failed" to give an answer to the login attempt. Is this way of communication secure? Can anybody sniff this content and force AS3 to behave like if login was successful?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Build A Secure Login Area On A Flash Website

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I'm trying to build a secure login area on a Flash-AS3 website. I've managed to create the login form and pass data to a PHP script which checks them. Now I've got some questions.

1) I know that in PHP I can echo some infos that can be get from AS3. In this case I suppose to echo something like "success" or "failed" to give an answer to the login attempt. Is this way of communication secure? Can anybody sniff this content and force AS3 to behave like if login was successful?

2) Suppose that PHP-AS3 communication has been secured. What should I do now? May I simply show admin pages hidden before? Is it the correct way? Is it secure?

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Flex :: Charts - DataVisualization Charting Components Rendering Labels On Build Server

Apr 6, 2010

I'm having a problem with labels disappearing on Flex's datavisualization.swc charts that are built on our build server via ANT and the Flex 3.3 SDK. I've made sure that our license is applied properly on the build server (hence no water marks), and I've made sure the exact same datavisualization.swc was copied from my dev machine into the Flex3.3SDK/frameworks/libs directory.

Could it be a font problem? (Though we're really only using default fonts.) Here's the problem, missing axis labels on the build server Here's how it's supposed to look with labels (taken on my local development machine)

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Aug 28, 2009

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Apr 15, 2012

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Or maybe a tutorial or code for how I can make a object change by time in flash. And go back to previous frame if you click an button or something (feed it)

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Javascript :: Build A Website Where Words Are Floating In Position And Size And If The Mouse Comes Over One Word?

Sep 23, 2011

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Mar 31, 2011

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Flex :: Creating Ant Build Script To Build Only When A Dependency Was Updated?

Apr 14, 2011

I just started working with ant a few days ago. Right now I have a general buildall.xml which should call each project's build.xml. Because some projects depend on each other, I need to rebuild some other projects which depend on it. This isn't a problem--I'm just setting the depends property of the target. However, ant is always building the dependencies, even when the files haven't changed.Let's say project1 has no dependencies; project2 depends on project1; project3 depends on project1, 2; project4 depends on project1, 2, and 3; and so on.I could hack a solution which looks at project K, and checks if project 1 .. project K have updated files using uptodate. If so, then run the target. This is messy and appears unnecessary.

What is the cleanest way to implement this?EDIT: So I decided to just hack in a bunch of targets, "check_projectK" where it does the uptodate checks on all of its source files, its build file, and the build files of the 1 .. K-1 projects. Due to dependencies, this is always handled correctly. However, this is still a large amount of copy and paste for a large workspace.

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Eclipse :: Retrieve Build Information After Build Completes In FDT?

Jul 30, 2011

Using FDT, when I have a debug configuration with several operations in the launcher chain and the final launcher opens in Flash Player, how can I retrieve the build output from the console once the build is complete and Flash player is running?

It seems that once Flash Player has started the console clears to make way for the application's trace output, but I need to be able to look back over the events and build times for each item in my launch chain while Flash Player is running. Is there a setting I can enable to either log my build output to a file or to preserve it in the console?

Edit: I know I can still read the info when building normally, this question is specifically for building with the debugger.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Link To A Scene / Frame From A Flash Website To Flash Website?

Nov 17, 2010

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Php :: Html - Flash Website Preloader For PHP Website?

Apr 14, 2011

I want to use a flash preloader for my php website. I have seen some javascript examples; but I want something attractive and cool. So I want use flash preloader which will show the percentage of the website loaded.My website is kinda heavy(with lot of images). It looks bad when the contents load. So I want to show a flash preloader while the site loads.

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Flash - Link To Frame Labels

Apr 21, 2010

I have a mainMovie clip that consist of different movie clips. Inside of my mainMovi I have another movie clip that is called "Menus" this where all my navigation is but the frame labels are inside the mainMovie.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Access Flash Labels Through XML

Jun 19, 2009

I'm working in Flash with a XML menu.

The idea is: when you click on a button from the XML menu it should take me to a Label in Flash.

I'm using the following CS3 code to call on the XML;

//The path for the XML file
var xmlPath:String = "menu.xml";
//We will store the loaded XML to this variable


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Looping Between Labels?

May 26, 2011

I have a problem with the animation of my main character. What i've set up is one MovieClip. Within that movieclip there are different animations, such as idle, walking, jumping. All of those start points are marked with a label. I'm coding everything using classes, so no code on the frames.

how do I loop it? Is it necessary to place code on the frames, at the end of each animation?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Why Flash Does Not Want To Read Labels

Jun 2, 2004

i don't understand why flash does not want to read the labels. i couldn't attached the file because it's too big...can anyone tell me how i can attach the file? the file size is 688kb.

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Flash :: How To Avoid Overposting (overlapping) Labels

May 18, 2011

I have to display a multitude of labels on-screen without overlap.The label positions should be as close as possible to the features they describe. The features may be points, lines, or polygons on-screen (imagine any variety of map).I have to satisfy the following requirements in my application:labels must be positioned to avoid overposting (overlap) with other labels..labels must be positioned to avoid overlapping with other features (polygons and line segments) optimum position for a label is above and to the right of the feature they describe below and to the right is less acceptable least acceptable positions are to the left.I need to come up with a method for doing this.Before I just start attempting to do this at random, I am hoping someone here may have already done this and be able to give me some advice as to where to start.Basically, with the labels, I could use bounding boxes to compare them to each other. Although I don't know a good way to do this. With the line segments and polygons onscreen that they are labeling, I really don't have a clue what I should do to avoid overlap. I am hoping it won't require much more effort on top of avoiding the overlap of the labels themselves.

I think repulsion would work if I only had to deal with labels overlapping other labels. But if I have a line segment drawn across half the screen, I don't know how I can avoid overlap with that using the repulsion technique.The language I am using is Actionscript 3 and the Flex framework. I don't believe Flex has any layout manager classes like there are in Java Spring that can do this work for me.Anyway, links or suggestions would be welcome. I can allow for some brute force; I don't see how I can accomplish this otherwise.

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Professional :: Created Button For Website But "getURL" Only Works When Test In Flash, NOT Website?

Feb 12, 2010

am i publishing the movie incorrectly? It works great when I preview the flash file (cntrl+enter), but after I publish it and insert it into the html (in dreamweaver), the file shows up and animates perfectly, but when clicked, no link... It doesn't do anything

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Actionscript 3 :: Dynamically Change Button Labels In Flash?

Apr 30, 2011

I can run the code below, where the answers are dynamic text boxes hovering over the buttons. However, the user can't click the button where the textbox overlaps it. I need a way to either assign button labels like the 4 text boxes below or make it so the textboxes do not interfere with clicking the button?

var myXML:XML = new XML();
var XML_URL:String = "http://localhost/connect.php";
var myXMLURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest(XML_URL);


Update: I found the following to change the label, however I am confused as how I do this to buttons I have already created, perhaps using the instance name?

var myButton:Button = new Button();
myButton.label = "Click me";

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Flash CS5-Disappearing Labels On Rotated Components

Sep 24, 2010

I have a list component that has hard-coded labels on it (for testing). I then rotate the list component 90-degrees and notice the text disappears(during design time).

I test the file and the labels do not show up also during runtime.

I can get the labels to show if I rotate the component back to its' original state.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - How To Mark Frames With Labels On Same Timeline

Jul 9, 2010

I am working on a game and would like to put code for different levels on the same timeline layer, mark the frames with labels (level1, level2...) and add different action script to it. Can this be done, and are there some limits. It is a small tetris like game, and each code would be mainly adding children to a stage, from an array and checking for a collision with objects added on a different layer on the same frame as the label. Also it would change score and so on.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - CS5-Disappearing Labels On Rotated Components?

Sep 23, 2010

I have a list component that has hard-coded labels on it (for testing). I then rotate the list component 90-degrees and notice the text disappears(during design time).I test the file and the labels do not show up also during runtime.I can get the labels to show if I rotate the component back to its' original state.

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