ActionScript 3.0 :: CS4 FLVPlayback Listen ForComplete
Jun 2, 2009
How do I write this? This is what I have but does not work...
vidPlayert2.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, isComplete);
function completePlay(e:VideoEvent):void {
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Apr 27, 2010
I have attached a video on a frame of my website in Flash. When I preview the movie the film plays as it should.But when I export the Fla. as a Swf. file it then doesn't have the movie there anymore?It does show this error:
**Warning** The linkage identifier 'FLVPlayback' was already assigned to the symbol 'Video/FLVPlayback', and cannot be assigned to the symbol 'FLVPlayback', since linkage identifiers must be unique.
I really don't know what that refers too.
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Jan 26, 2010
I was searching on google for it, I couldn't find it.
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Apr 17, 2005
if there is a way to listen to a variable for changes? I've seen that you can listen to a change in a component, but I've not found any examples of variables?This is what I have tried, to no avail....
var myVariable:Number = 0;
var myListener = new Object();
myListener.change = function(change) {
trace("variable changed");
I have also tried .onChange instead of just .change but get the same results.
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Jan 31, 2009
if I have a class I load, import com.pixelator;//import explosion class In my movie I want to run a function when it finishes and dispatches the event below. How do I do that? here is the code from the class
PHP Code:
function completeHandler() {
dispatchEvent(new Event("PIXELS_DONE"));
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Jun 9, 2011
I am trying to put a command in one of my movieclips (mc1) that will say: When mc2 is at frame 20 (or has done a function assigned previously), gotoandplay frame 5 (in mc1). I am going to be putting this code inside the mc1. I am trying to design my button (mc1) to dim when mc2 or mc3 is clicked (and mc2 to dim when mc1 or mc3 is clicked, etc.) I have the dim tween on frame 5, and the clicked frame on frame 20, in my example.
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How to listen Mouse Over system tray icon event?
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Mar 15, 2010
How do I listen/respond to a specific cue point by name in AS3?
I have this listener which runs a function as soon as a cue point is reached, but I can't figure out how to run different functions for different cue points.
center_flv.addEventListener(MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT, interactive);
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Mar 25, 2011
I'm working on a game where multiple laptops (16-20) will be playing the same swf file in flash player.
I need to know if there is a way for the flash movie to listen to a mySQL database for a value change.
For example:
The flash movie is stopped and checks the database if a value has change from 0 to 1. Once the value changes to 1, it will play the next frame.
I need a control where all 16-20 laptops play the next frame at the same time. One admin will dictate this action.
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Jun 16, 2011
I am loading rss ( so xml) on a sprite. it's easy to listen to the loding of the rss feed with :
rssLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, rssLoaded);
But the feed contain text + image and I want to listen to the end of the loading of the image on my Sprite
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I am trying to wait for and Event.COMPLETE in another class but my code just jumps through the event listener and executes the following code without waiting for the event to complete so my variable is not being set.[code]
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Oct 5, 2011
I load plenty of feed and want to know witch feed is comletely loaded in order to process it
var arrayDUrlLoader:Array = new Array ;
var arrayRequest : Array = new Array ("", "");
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Nov 1, 2010
Given an instance of MyClass, I want to be notified when someone calls an specific method.
package bar;
public class MyClass {
private var foo:int;
So given a instance of MyClass ( var instance = new MyClass() ) i want to be notified every time getFoo is called. I have tried using reflection+annotations+dynamic classes, to find that in AS3 you can't change seal methods (methods defined in the class). I was wondering if i can subscript to a event in order to be notified when the method is called.
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Dec 23, 2011
Is it possible to listen for when a streaming mp3 actually begins to play?
var snd:Sound = new Sound();
snd.load(new URLRequest("my.mp3"));;
When loading/streaming the mp3 file over wifi or 3G the playback might not begin immediately.
I need to trigger something when the audio actually starts.
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Apr 2, 2012
I try to make have an EventListener in ItemRenderer but its not working. How to listen to an event inside an ItemRenderer?
----In MainHomeView.mxml----
[Event(name="myEvent", type="")]
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Oct 26, 2008
Does anyone know if it's possible to listen for all events fired from an object without having to specifically listen for each one?
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Dec 17, 2009
I've got the code
ActionScript Code:
var musicOn:soundOn = new soundOn();
var musicOff:soundOff = new soundOff();
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Aug 6, 2011
I have an SWF that has been provided to me that I need to load. Inside that SWF are two buttons ("cancelButton" and "proceedButton"). Is there any way that I can add event listeners to these buttons from within my action script after I have loaded the SWF or do I need to get the SWF creator to create event listeners on the buttons that can bubble to me?
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Jan 28, 2006
i'm trying to determine whether the value of a certain variable has changed...basically the code is something like this:
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (loaded != filesize) {
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Mar 19, 2009
I have two buttons that listeners for the same event that have identical instance names?For example, I have two buttons which have the same instance name: imageOne.Can those identical buttons listen for the same event? I tried, but only one button responds to the event listener .why do I need two buttons with the same instance name that listens for the same event?because I have a looping scrolling panel of thumbnails, and when you have scrolling panels, we all have duplicate panels inside for looping since I have to have two identical panels grouped together to do the loop, I have multiple buttons with the same instance name.and these buttons listen for of course I can rename the other half of the identical buttons with different instance nams, but a problem arises when i want to use an if statement to check to see if that image is already loaded.for example, say I image1 is already loaded, and someone clicks identical thumbnail that has a different instance name, ti would be too complex to write an if statemen to determine whats loaded.
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Dec 18, 2009
The question is pretty straightforward: can multiple swfs listen to one swf on the same connection channel? Here's my code:SWF A in AS3:
sendToTest.send("sendToTest", "resetForm");
SWF B in AS2:
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Sep 13, 2010
A swf (my game framework) loads another swf (a game). The game is loaded into a child domain which seems to be the default domain for loaded swfs.
The framework listens for custom events bubbling up from the game. However, the framework only receives events dispatched directly from the games document class but not from any of the games children.
Bubbling is set to true on everything, but it's not working? Is it only possible to dispatch events from the document class of the loaded swf.
swf(Framework -> listen) -> swf(game document root -> child) = no go!
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Feb 24, 2011
I know there's been quite a few posts about events, but I've run into a problem that I haven't really encountered before, and I've kind of confused myself with all the talk of "bubbles" and "capture" and various complexities of creating custom events, etc...Anyway, I'm trying to figure out how to dispatch a global broadcast style of event.1) If I have a custom class that resides in the Display List (the DispatcherClass), how do I set up this class to broadcast a "global" event?Actionscript Code:1b) If I have another custom class that also resides in the Display List (but in a completely unrelated heirarchy), how do I get this ListenerClass to "hear" the event WITHOUT explicitly referencing the instance of the DispatcherClass like so:
Actionscript Code:DispatcherClassInstance.addEventListener("DispatcherClassEvent", handler, false, 0, true);Is this even possible?2) What if the DispatcherClass DOES NOT reside in the DisplayList?Is it possible to dispatch a "global" style event since there is nothing to "bubble" up through?2b) How would I get a ListenerClass, maybe on the DisplayList, maybe not, to "hear" this event?
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Oct 27, 2011
check this code: [URL]
Try to record more than 2-3 seconds and then listen saved mix. Mixed sound is distorted after couple of seconds of recording Wav encoder is working ok...
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Apr 15, 2009
I am trying to create a text effect using a custom class. The class receives refferences to the TextFields that I want to apply the effect to, an the effect should take place whenever the text is changed in these TextFields. The problem is that Flash doesn`t seem to provide a way of listening for the TextField.text event of a Dynamic TextField... Or does it? Just to clarify: On the stage I have a dynamic TextField named tText. I create a new instance of my class and call MyClass.addTarget = tText, which is supposed to tell my text effect class that it should apply the effect to tText, whenever the .text property changes.
PS: What I have tryied was TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, but apparently that`s for Input TextFields, whenever the user inputs some text. I change my text through code. I have also tryied Event.CHANGE, but that doesn`t seem to work either...
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Nov 3, 2009
I am facing a scenario where I would like the user of my page record their voices from their login where they will purchase certain minutes for recording and as well as for listening. How do I manage the audio frames sent back to the server? Is that possible to only stream audio for a length of 10 minutes, while actual length of audio is 1 hour?
- Do I have to write or develop a flash player completely?
- Is there any already developed solution?
- Do I have to use Media Server in this scenario
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