ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't See AddChild Mc - Skip An If / Switch At The End Deciding Which Tile To Fetch From The Library?
Feb 21, 2009
I'm loading a bunch of tiles for a tile game and just decided to rewrite the whole game in AS3 instead of AS2. I just want to add my library tiles named from "mc1"-"mc15" to my patch mc and place them on the stage! What am I doing wrong? And can I skip an if/switch at the end deciding which tile to fetch from the library? I'm not getting any error messages.. it's just that nothing shows up Here's the code!
I need to have a spark list that switches between VerticalLayout and TileLayout depending on the user choice. The most obvious way is create two lists with separate layouts and then use States and the "includeIn" attribute. However, this is not a very good solution because I would like to keep the same items in the view when switching (if user scrolled to item 100 in the VerticalLayout and then switches to Tile, I would like item 100 to be visible immediately in the new layout, instead of starting at the first item).So I tried using 2 layouts on the same list and using the "includeIn" solution.[code]
I have a jpg tile that I made into a symbol. What I'd like to do is create a rectangle (this part I know) and fill it not with a color but with the tile symbol from my library repeating it on both x and y (like background-repeat in css).
I'm making a game where you place tiles on a grid. When placing a tile, I need to check the existance of another tile to the left, right, or above and below, otherwise the tile should not be placed.. Here is a function I thought would work, that accepts one variable (the position of the tile just as it is about to be placed) :-
private function checkSurroundingTiles(gridPosition:uint) { var t1 = gridPosition - 12; var t2 = gridPosition - 1; var t3 = gridPosition + 1; var t4 = gridPosition + 12; for(i = 0; i < gridRefArray.length; i++) { var checkTile = gridRefArray[i]; if(checkTile == t1) { return true;
I have created a flash website that looks like this (see below). When you click on any of the menu buttons (home, architecture, etc), the menu bar stays stationary while everything else slides horizontally. The title of the page (black with yellow outer glow) scrolls horizontally as well and stops as you see here to show the next page has "arrived" or loaded. There is no page loading or timeline jumping in Flash. It's all programmed for the menu buttons to trigger the entire site to start moving.
My problem is trying to figure out the best way to show images for the portfolio. Each page will have pics depending on the category, and I am wanting to display them as best as possible. I considered using a Web Gallery made through Bridge, but it makes an HTML file that won't slide like the rest of the site will. I am needing the images to slide as well like the rest. Because of this, the images at some point have to be Movie Clips so the script will move them accordingly.
Is there any way to have the images as MC's, bring them into view, and then somehow make them clickable that starts up LightBox2 or a Bridge-made Web Gallery of those images? Or am I screwed?
I can't access a loaded swfs library and add children from it. My mainContainer.swf loads in index.swf, within index.swf I have a movieclip in my library named page_mc that exports with it.
I want to add page_mc to the index.swf stage from an AS file that I import within my document class of mainContainer.
ActionScript Code:
Actionscript Code: var x = new page_mc(); //page_mc is the class for the mc in index.swfvar mc = path.addChild(x);
I'm trying to simply add an instance of a movieclip from my library onto the stage using AS3 code. I've exported actionscripts for the movieclip in the first frame. Why does it want me to include a class name that is not being used by any other item in the library?
Also I call the library item like so:
What steps am I missing? It keeps saying "1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Class to an unrelated type flash.display:DisplayObject.
Is there anyway in ActionScript 3.0 to assign instance names to movieclips in the library without assigning linkage id? I said that because I have over 1000 movieclips in the library that I need to be able to manipulate at runtime. I hope I don't have to Right Click -> Linkage... a thousand times to assign the linkage IDs. How can I reference to the library movieclips without having to name 1000 times?
I have an .fla file with 1 image in the library and 1 .as file.I have linked the image up with the Class name of libraryImages and Base class is flash.display.BitmapData.This is my AS:
I'm having a problem adding a library clip to my stageI can do no problem if I have a testFLV.fla that has a library clip called test_clip with the linkage set to: com.attach_clips.Clip.
What I'm going for is importing a button from the library using this addChild thing. I've managed to do this with the preset button allready in flash, like this:
ActionScript Code: import fl.controls.Button; var btn:Button = new Button();
I'm having a problem adding a library clip to my stage I can do no problem if I have a testFLV.fla that has a library clip called test_clip with the linkage set to: com.attach_clips.Clip.
import;import com.attach_clips.Clip; public class FLVTest extends Sprite { private var _mediaDisplay:mediaDisplay; public function FLVTest() { this._mediaDisplay = new mediaDisplay(null); var clip_1_mc:Clip=new Clip(); var clip_1_mc:Clip=new Clip(); this.addChild(clip_1_mc); clip_1_mc.x=100; }}
If I use the same concept in my mediaDisplay class, the clip isn't added to the stage. Obviously it's got to be a scope issue since 'this' in the first examplerepresents the .fla itself but in mediaDisplay this doesn't have a stage object.
package { import flash.display.Sprite; import com.attach_clips.Clip; public class mediaDisplay extends Sprite { public function mediaDisplay(attachControls:Sprite) { var clip_1_mc:Clip=new Clip(); this.addChild(clip_1_mc); clip_1_mc.x=100; }; }}
how I could 'attach' test_clip to the stage from mediaDisplay?
I want to add children from the library that are named something like b1, b2, b3 etc. I'd like to add a numeric var to the name so that I can randomly or incrementally reference them. I can't seem to get the syntax/implementation right.
I'm trying to have a class file which can add objects to the stage via addChild; however, when I call addChild from within the class file, I get the error "1180: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild." I've tried importing flash.display.* and that doesn't fix the problem. Does the class file have to extend Sprite or MovieClip to be able to add objects to the stage?
I have downloaded Box2d ([URL]) and created a project that looks like this: [URL]. catalyst is the green cube and it has the base class "", it is inside "world" which has the base class "wck.World". What i want to do is to add another "catalyst" from the library inside "world" when i click on add_btn. I tried to accomplish this by this code:
Symbol 'buttons', Layer 'Actions', Frame 1, Line 41061: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild through a reference with static type Class.
I know how to fetch the data from xml.. but i dont know How to save a data from flash to xml in runtime? example in e learning if a student scores 70% mark it should save in the database using xml and the data should update when he do more and more ..
The newMC doesn't show up.If I add 'parent.' in front of the addChild then it appears.mc_LibItem has a base class of "flash.display.MovieClip" and is exporting for ActionScript and on frame one.For grins I created a new .fla and began messing around with the same addChild idea and it worked.
I wrote a simple web app that record web cam capture over FMS, now I'm trying to find out how can I fetch the recorded file and give the option to download it to a local computer
How to retrive the bulk data from php to Flash? Ex: got a bulk data from php to like this format|(name|age|sex|address|MobNo|TelNo), Need to split and assign the value to proper variables. How to split and assign the value to particular variable.
I have a table (Excel File) about 1000 rows and 3 columns. I want to load this table to the Flash and then be able to fetch data by referring to the first column.