ActionScript 3.0 :: Collection Event Event.items.length Does Not Match # Of Items
Feb 10, 2009
how to get my CollectionEvent to work, and I seem to be able to see the problem, but I am not sure how to get it to work properly.
In my actionscript, it seems to only tell that event.items.length is 1, while I am calling my array collection from the HTTPService, and I have tested the length of my Array Collection, which seems to be accurate. What I tried to do is to use that number in the CollectionEvent function, but that does not work at all.
Attach Code
private function onChange(event:CollectionEvent):void{
for (var i:int=0; i< event.items.length; i++) {; //This always gives me 1 when I have 12 items
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my_cb.addEventListener( CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE, getMyStuff );
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import fl.controls.TileList; import; import flash.display.Sprite; import;
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Aug 22, 2011
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In my opinion The custom event is dispatched in listener2, which triggers listener1. Why event flow sequence is not listener2, listener1?
In component.
icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, iconClickHandler);
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Mar 9, 2011
I want to compare one value against all values in the other array and extact a match. These are different in length.
Imagine one column of unsorted ID's and one column of ID's and names. I came up with this, but it doesn't work.
private function mergeCollections():void
for (var k:int = 0;k <= idArray.length;k++)
my arraycollections arrive from database.
The real thing I'm doing here is recieve values from a table full of ids and a table full of those ides, plus the name (they are separate because, normalization dude!) And I want to put them inside a datagrid that will only display the name.
I say possibly unsorted because the second column might reach a point of several deletes and inserts and might end up unsorted. But for this case I have one unsorted column against one sorted column.
My current output is just one name printed, and the rest dismissed completely.
NOTE: Also take in account that the nameArray has always MORE or EQUAL values to the ID table. and the Id table will always have values that match the names table.
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Jul 24, 2003
I've completed the Hover Caption tutorial at [URL] successfully. What I'd like to do in addition, is to resize the caption box to match the caption text's length.
I've tried giving the background box a name (box) and turning it into a button and then doing: = * 8;
But the box never aligns with the text properly after that. don't know what methods to call in order to get the bottom corner of the text and bottom corner of the box and align them properly.
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Apr 12, 2009
I am having trouble using a custom event in flex. I need to dispatch an event from inside two nested components and receive it in the main application file. The basic set up is a main application file importing a custom "gallery" component.
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Oct 26, 2010
If I have a Global Variable Globalvars.vars.noLoaded which is in many classes How do I create an event where i detect to see if it reaches a certain number.
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Jan 3, 2010
The app I want to build is an interactive map for a site I'm designing. In a nut shell, students looking to enter an exchange program should be able to use the map-image (as in, an actual 'map of the world') to preview possible destinations (I've attached an image of the two basic states to clarify).
After an introductory animation, I want a mouse-over to trigger a function that populates the map-image with a series of buttons. I need the buttons to be distributed according to information in an XML file (ie. x/y coords, some information text, and an animation to load upon being clicked). I want each button to call a mouse-over function that loads info data from an XML field and place it in a dynamic text field at the top. Then, I want each button, when clicked, to call a function that animates replacing the map-image with an image of the corresponding travel destination. Finally, I want a button on each image that will clear that image from the stage and call the function that populates the map so the process can start again.
I'm working out of a couple of books on AS3, but I'm a little hazy on how I ought to be constructing this thing. So here's the first place I've run aground: After the intro animation, I want the user to mouse-over the stage and have a second animation play (clearing away the introductory text), and I want the conclusion of the clearing animation to immediately call the map-populate function; but I don't want a mouse-over to have any effect until the introductory animation is finished. Is there an event dispatched automatically at the end of an animation? What is the event listener class?
I'm not sure if I should be storing each of these animations in an independent .fla file or if I should create them on all one timeline and have the program redirect to specific frames.
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Mar 10, 2012
I know the difference between the two, but I never felt the need to use the bubbling feature. If I want to listen to an event from a deeply nested children, I always use the capture phase. Could someone explain to me why I should rather use bubbling, its advantages, and maybe show me a situation in which bubbling would be the only solution?
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Nov 1, 2009
i have a question to ask about asynchronous key controls This was what i did
and i checked with [URL]...?newspage=6249 and it looked more or less the same, so why is it that when i move my character and when i hold down a key, it just keeps on listerning to that keypress event listener, instead of just executing the other event. So say, i tap left and after which i tap right, it will work just fine, but if i hold left and tap right, the event listerner will still be listening to the left key. So, i was wondering could anyone point me in a direction as to how should i make my code stop listening to an event as soon as another event has been dispatched?
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