ActionScript 3.0 :: Control (Play / Stop) Different MC Using OnEnterFrame
Aug 19, 2010
I have a movie clip on the main timeline with an instance name odometer_mc. nested in that mc there are seven movie clips, two are named m100_mc, and km1_mc. I want to get km1_mc to play when m100_mc gets to frame 20.
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Here is my code:
package anim {
import flash.utils.Timer;
I checked that the functions are executed with the trace() and it is the case, so the problem really comes from the play() and stop() functions, and I do not receive any error at compilation or runtime.
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// heres my code
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This is the script I have in frame one of my scene.
playB is the instance of the play button stopB is the instance of the stop button the sound intro is on its own layer and is selected as a streaming sound. My problem is that when I stop and start the sound with the buttons the sound starts from the beginning instead of playing from the frame it is in.
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var snd:Sound = new Sound();
btnHalt.onRelease = function() {
} btnResume.onRelease = function() {
snd.start(snd.position / 1000);
} restartbtn.onRelease = function() {
To say basically if you have pressed the pause btn, then the play btn, play from state pause at, but if you have pressed the stop btn then pressed the play btn, play from start and also if the play btn has been pressed and the audio is playing if pressed again dont play again do nothing.
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Mar 29, 2008
onEnterFrame=null, onEnterFrame=undefined & delete onEnterFrame....
Which one to use??? What are the performance considerations. If all my movieclips on-stage are running a MovieClip.prototype.onEnterFrame = function() {run initial stuff before setting onEnterFrame=null/undefined... }, will there be performance hits? It's sad that delete onEnterFrame doesn't work unless I delete the prototype enterFrame as well, which would make the clips reinitailise itself again once you declare the enterFrame prototype again (i need to do this since there's more movieclips that end up appearing on-stage, and they need to automatically initialises themselves the moment they appear).
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//this._x= this._x+60;
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Jun 18, 2009
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Jan 14, 2010
I'm programming a simple game for school, and now I get the following error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object actionscript::EnemyFighter/onEnteringFrame()
I think this is because the object that calls this function does not exist anymore (it is removed from the stage). However, I did add an event listener for this and let it remove the ENTER_FRAME event listener. Therefore, this function should not be called anymore...
I tried to give the class a variable 'exists', then setting this to 'false' in the function that is called when the object is removed from stage. Also, this onEnteringFrame function first checks whether this 'exists' variable is true before executing any code... This also didn't solve my problem...
So in the end, it seems like the ENTER_FRAME is always called before the REMOVED_FROM_STAGE event. Is there anyway to turn this around?
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Aug 30, 2004
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mcChild.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(mcChild._x < mcParent._width){
mcChild._x += 5;
Now I want to stop the .onEnterFrame check, because it reached the if = false - How??
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Feb 19, 2008
I used kirupas tutorial 'Complex Button RollOver/Rollout Effects' to make a menu that slides down when you roll over it. I have buttons inside that menu_mc - but they dont work.
My question is - does the on enter frame function prevent buttons from working?
Here is the code that is inside my menu_mc:
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(rewind == true){
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Apr 17, 2009
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function onframe(){ var i = 0; onEnterFrame = function() if(i == 10) onframe1(); if(i == 200) onframe2();//delete this.onEnterFrame; i++; }}
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Jan 21, 2008
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Feb 1, 2008
I just got Flash CS3. I'm trying to get my main timeline to stop in the begining, on button press to play and at the end stop again. In AS2, you would just put stop(); on the first keyframe and stop(); on the last key frame and program your buttons accordingly.
The stop(); does not work!!!! It's driving me crazy. What am I missing? I've gone through the tutorials in Flash and they don't work either.Also, if you have MovieClip that contains an animation and you don't want the movie clip to be on a continuous loop how do you stop it from playing. In AS2, I would put a stop(); on the last keyframe of the movieclip's animation. This also does not work in AS3.
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Sep 26, 2008
any consise methods to restart a deleted onEnterFrame that has been deleted?
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Jan 2, 2004
Is it possible to play and stop a number of frames later, without using stop() in the frames? Like when I click a button frame 20 will start playing and it stops 30 frames later, all defined by the actions of the button..
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Jan 2, 2004
Is it possible to play and stop a number of frames later, without using stop() in the frames? Like when I click a button frame 20 will start playing and it stops 30 frames later, all defined by the actions of the button.
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Feb 27, 2012
I have created two buttons for separate audio files. Essentially if you click on the button it will play and stop. This works great! I have also injected a SoundMixer.stopAll(); to ensure if you click between both buttons that it will stop the current audio file to play the next one. My problem is when I select the 2nd button for the first time everything seems to be's when I attempt to click on the first button again, that it will require 2 clicks and then it stops and plays accordingly...anyone know how I could eliminate this annoying two click process?
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Sep 1, 2010
I want a movie clip (let's call it homecontent_MC) with 100 frames play to frame 80 and stop.Then when someone clicks a button on the navigation bar (home, about, services, contact, etc...) homecontent_MC would then begin playing from it's position (frame 80) til it reaches 100, at which point it wouldn't be on screen, and the movie clip that corresponds to the navigation button press (say services_MC...) would start from frame 1 and continue til it stops at it's frame 80...
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Sep 21, 2009
I have modified the original to include more head shots accompanied by audio clips. I have worked out the playing of the clips on release. I realize now that people may not want to listen to entire clip. Each mug shot serves as the button to hear the person talk. I do not know how to modify the button code for it to be a toggle. I guess it would need to be some kind of "play if, stop if" The only part of concern is loading playing the the audio, no changes need to be made to the rollover functionality.
mugWidth = 60; //change these if you change the size of your mugshots
mugHeight = 60; //change to your mugshot height
//instantiate sound and textformat classes
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Jan 6, 2011
how would you play the next 5 frames if the space bar was clicked and then stop the playhead?
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May 4, 2009
I need to turn off/on all the sound for a flash animation. The flash control contains a layer named sounds that has 5 sounds associated with it in keyframes at different time. How can I simply turn on/off everything using a symbol button.
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Aug 16, 2011
i want to control the timeline of a swf loaded with loadClip command. i wrote this code
var loader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
function onLoadComplete(_mc:MovieClip) {
function pause on a button is used to stop the playback of the loaded movieclip.
strange thing is that stop() works when testing the movie by flash application and playing it from the projector. It DOES NOT WORK when running it from swf directly or by html with swf embedded. I checked lot of time and the name of the "container" is resolved, but the command is not working for its timeline.
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