ActionScript 3.0 :: Detecting PAUSED_STATE_ENTERED From User Rather Than Buffering

Jun 2, 2010

Much to my chagrin, my FLVPlayback video enters the 'pause' state rather than 'buffered' when the bandwidth forces the player to pause. Unfortunately, that's the same state as when a user presses the skin's pause button. Therefore, I can't detect whether the video is paused based on a user action versus a lack of downloaded video data.
That is, I can trigger an event based on either occurance, but I can't tell which caused the video to enter the paused state.
It sounds like others have had this problem as I've caught a couple discussions outside these forums describing how to code around this problem and, well, the descriptions are too sparce for me to code myself.

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} newUser.text.onEnterFrame = function(){
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display.playPauseButton = play_btn;
function cuePointHandler( event:MetadataEvent ):void


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flvPlayer.contentPath = "";
var cuePt:Object = new Object();


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What's odd is that if I comment out the last two lines of the onID3 function, so that the function only performs the trace command that's highlighted in orange, it works! This tells me that it's loading the ID3 information. So why can't it display the information from the currentSong variable?

EDIT: I'm pulling the MP3 files from the same server as the SWF. I would not be pulling them from a remote location!

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Flash :: Detect When Video Is Buffering?

Dec 7, 2009

my question today deals with Flash AS3 video buffering. (Streaming or Progressive) I want to be able to detect when the video is being buffered, so I can display some sort of animation letting the user know to wait just a little longer.

Currently my video will start up, hold on frame 1 for 3-4 secs then play. Kinda giving the impression that the video is paused or broken :(


NetStatusEvent from livedocs. It seems to me that the key status to be working in is "NetStream.Buffer.Empty" so I added some code in there to see if this would trigger my animation or a trace statement. No luck yet, however when the Buffer is full it will trigger my code :/ Maybe my video is always somewhere between Buffer.Empty and Buffer.Full that's why it won't trigger any code when I test case for Buffer.Empty?

public function netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void
// handles net status events


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Nov 11, 2010

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I have tried putting an image in the background, but i just see white until the flash is fully downloaded...

I would like to see the first image of the flash, or an static image while it is loading?

im just putting it in the direct way

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,28,0" width="899" height="138">


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Flex :: Buffering In Video Display?

Jun 14, 2011

I'm new to Flex and currently working on the Video Component in Flex. The problem is:Buffering starts only after the specified time. So, if i have specified the Buffer Time to be 2 s, then the video buffers for sometime, gets the data for the 2s and then plays it and then again buffers. The point is it is not buffering in parallel to playing. Is there any way of making this possible in Flex 3? Or is it already there in newer versions of Flex?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: VideoOnDemand - Playlist With Buffering?

Feb 28, 2011

I have a VOD application which reads a playlist from an external file and play the video once the previous one is finished. By default, the buffer is set to 2 and once the buffer is full (Netstream.Buffer.FULL) I have another function setting it to 20.

When "Netstream.Buffer.Flush" is triggered I have to set the buffer to 0 and then set it to 2 again.

This application was working fine before I set those buffering stuff. Now the buffer seems to be ok, those videos play suitably but there are some delay when switching between the video which is ending and the video which will begin. I belive there is something wrong when setting the buffer to 0, but if I get it removed, the application does not call the second video..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buffering Movie Player?

Jul 15, 2004

Just wondering if anyone had a good tutorial for making a buffering video player, with scrubber etc that lets the viewer see how much of the video has loaded whilst they watch it. I've been searching for ages but to of no avail!The kind of thing I'm after can be found at on the 'showreel' section in bottom right corner.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading SWF With FLV Movie - Buffering Video?

Jun 10, 2009

I have some videos that are already in FLV format. I embedded them inside a little swf. And I embedded that swf into a bigger swf where everything els is. When a user clicks on a button, it loads the swf with the FLV movie in would you go about buffering a video?

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May 26, 2011

When my streaming videos start they will buffer and begin to play as normal. However, as soon as the vid starts buffering again a problem arises. Basically what is happening is that Flash is buffering the video to a certain point, but instead of resuming playback from the point where the vid paused it now jumps instantly to the end of the newly buffered area without playing the vid portion in between. Which essentially means that it skips merrily through the video and never stops buffering.

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