I fixed the problem I was having with my TextArea - just as I thought, it was the CR characters throwing off the selection position. Stripping them out fixes everything. Now I have a different problem, though.My program needs to save text files as well as open them, and on a Windows machine, linebreaks are indicated with CR+LF: Wordpad is smart enough to recognize lone LFs as linebreaks, but Notepad isn't (and even then, saving the file in Wordpad will reinstate all the missing CRs). Is there any way I can detect what linebreak system is used by the OS so I can save files properly?
I'm having difficulties doing an animation here, all I'd like to do is create 30sec animation for a big screen (without sound). It needs to have an aspect ratio of 16:9 and be exported in the file format of either mov or wmv. Any recommends for settings to do this the best way?
So far I've made my flash document as large as possible at that ratio (36" x 20" ), created the timeline to 30 seconds and started importing my graphics and such. My biggest problem I've had is when I export to mov, the animations are slow and the video time is longer than what I've set. (whereas exported as avi, the animation is normal) Any ideas on how to counter this problem?
s there a possible issue in the way the button is made not coded?I am using Flash CS4. My buttons seem not to work. I do not think issue is in the action script (I am scripting in 3.0).Here is the way I make the button. I add a movie clip on the stage on the over state ( so if you were to double click on that movie clip a new time line would open), at the end of that movie clip there is a simple stop(); code on its own line. I do not add extra frame on the over state.Then I assign the code to the button and of course cross reference its name in the properties and everything is matching up. Just in case here is my code:
floralyte_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickFloraLytePopUp); function onClickFloraLytePopUp(event:MouseEvent) :void { gotoAndStop("61"); }
All of my buttons work fine through the Up, Over, Down, HIt stages without the problem. The functionality works fussy, some of them I have to click twice to go to the specified frame with the UILoader, some do not work at all and some work.I double checked and all of them seem to be done identical.
I am making a flash game. The game starts off running fast and smooth, however 15 minutes into the game it's noticibly slower. I worry that I am causing memory leaks by not removing objects from my game properly. I understand the whole garbage collection idea, but I still need confirmation.
I have a scroll file, taken from a tutorial, which is linked to a class. After having customized my file I did try it and it works fine. The problem is starting when I try to import this file to an empty MCL in my website. When I have imported all the elements they do not respond and act like single pieces (es. the scroll bar is detached from the scroller). What can I do? I am attaching all the codes and I think it is the reason I cannot import a proper classed swf. The function is Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE. the only major thing is that I do not know how to change my loader class to contain this missing bit.
As I understand it if I set the weak reference param to true in my event listeners I don't need to worry about removing the listeners. I'm not really clear what would cause the listener to be set for garbage collection. I would hate to have a situation where the listener was removed before I wanted it to.
I'm wondering if there is a proper way to upgrade from Flash CS4 to CS5. What I did was just open existing CS4 project in CS5 and saved it as CS5. It seems to work but I'm wondering: did I miss something in the transition? Do I need to make additional modifications for project to work better in CS5?
I'm having a bit of a problem with - what I assume to be - a masking issue. Apparently I can't post images. This may hinder my ability to explain the problem. Oh well, I'll try to make do with just words.
I have four "ground" sprites, each one shorter than the last, that are layered on top of each other. References to them are stored in an array groundLayers[], for easy reference. When a new [not ground] sprite is created - it's given a number which tells it which layers it is between. Herein lies the problem: how do I conceal the new sprites properly?
Without doing anything, they wind up all in front, not layered. My initial solution was to just change their indexes with setChildIndex(), but this proved to be disastrous when I tried to add mouseEvents to the objects. I tried to set the objects' masks to these objects, but that didn't seem to work. I also created separate layers which just contained the "sky" parts of each ground layer and setting the object masks to shoe sky layers, but that didn't work, either.
I have created a class to define my main navigation buttons. I would like to handle which button is clicked/pressed as simply and elegantly as possible, and I figured the best way would be to add a static variable to the class that keeps track of the current button pressed. Here's some quick pseudo-code. Code: class MainButton ext MC static var currentButton:MainButton public var sectionToLoad:String public static function getCurrentButton() public function getSection() button.onPress = currentButton = this // other button actions. // then i can check for what the currently clicked button // is and now access its variables. MainButton.getCurrentButton().getSection() etc. etc. etc. I am curious if this is a "proper" way to go about tracking the buttons. I find it is pretty elegant, but i'd rather make sure that this is a good practice of using static class variables. Also, it looks to me that all custom class definitions become a _global object?
I want to dynamically attach a class to a movieClip without using the linkage method. I choose not to because i need to pass constructor vars into it and It can have multiple classes.I want it properly attached so I can reference all the classes functions and variables through the MC. How can I do this?
I've been reading the tutorials about doing a preloader, but I haven't found exactly what I'm looking for. Here it is: I would like to make a preloader in a specific .fla file, then load an external swf into it. How do I tell flash to get the bytesTotal not only for the preloader, but as well for the external file? Is there a special way to load the swf with a preloader?
I have a problem regarding the x, and y coordinates on a flash project of mine. Whenever I set the x and y coordinates for a movieClip: Code: function setPos() { with (mc1) { _x = 400; _y = 300; }} The MovieClip never gets sent to the proper coordinates.
I have a problem and I hope that u can help me out. The thing is that I'm going to have several buttons on my page but I want them all to have the same animation or behavior when clicked on. Is it possible to use variables to label objects?
I just exported a FLA file as a quicktime movie in CS4 using the 'animation' setting, and it produced quirky results. A 'ghost' of each object was left on screen, apparently at the point where a keyframe was present in the original FLA file. Don't know how else to describe it, and I don't think there is a way for me to upload the movie for anyone here to see? Anyone experienced this? or know a way round it? I did manage to get it to play right when exported with the 'DVC PAL' type codecs, but the quality was awful. All the other options produced results at least as bad as the first attempt.
So I'm only 2 months into actionscript, and have been going along as I go. I've been able to figure out everything up until this point, but this is just confusing me. Right now we have games set up and a home screen to get to all the games. I have a background swf that controls the border of the site and that loads the home page in the center as soon as it starts. The way I have it set up, you get a set of movie clips that when you click on them, they unload the current swf and load the game swf.
This is where I hit the problem. In each game I have a menu where you can choose level1, level2, or level3. Clicking on the game in the main menu works fine and the main menu unloads and the game loads. When you're in the game menu and choose a level I get this error:
Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2035: URL Not Found
I'm trying to record an audio/video program and the resulting .flv is in the wrong directory. It always ends up in application/live. I copied the sample application to application/eTutor and have the following code:
private var rtmpPath:String = "rtmp://x.x.x.x/eTutor"; private var rtmpSession:String = "0_738_0_9_6_6_2012_8_00_00_AM"; ... nc2.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS,onFMSNetStatus); nc2.client =
I am writing an ActionScript class and I don't know where the standard place to put it is.In other words, where should I put the package in regards to the hierarchy? In flash.myname.mypackage? What is the standard naming convention? As you can probably tell, I haven't had a lot of experience writing ActionScript classes :)
I'm trying to replace instances created by dragging and dropping into a MovieClip through Flash's IDE with actual classes so I can add them to a game loop and have them as actual entities. In other words, I'm trying to create a streamlined way to allow developers to visually add their entities to a platforming engine I'm working on.
This is my third attempt at it and I'm completely stuck.The code below loops through a movieclip that contains an exported symbol with a class linked to it named MyEntity. However, it loses its extension to BaseClass and thus doesn't move when compiled.
It inherits: MovieClip > BaseClass > MyEntity. However when compiled with the IDE it ignores BaseClass and just does MovieClip > MyEntity.
My code is designed to find and store the position of MyEntity, remove it from the container movieclip, add a brand new instance of it (with the base being proper) then set that new instance to the same position of the original.
for ( var i:int = 0; i < LayerInIDE.numChildren; i++ ) { // first we want to get all the display objects in the layer // these are objects that were placed from within the Flash IDE (ie. dragged and dropped into the MovieClip var original:DisplayObject = LayerInIDE.getChildAt( i );
This does not work.
It outputs Game.entities::MyEntity [class MyEntity] false. MyEntity is a proper class and DOES extend from BaseClass. However, the issue is the IDE weirdly removes the reference to the base class - as if MyEntity never had a base class. I cannot seem to recreate it as getting the reference to the class also returns that MyEntity never had a BaseClass. However, if I type in var newEnt = MyEntity(); instead of getting the class name through getDefinitionByName it works normally and extends from BaseClass.I need it to extend from BaseClass as that is the main class all entities in my game engine require to use.
i have created a dialpad kind of application which has a bach button at top which takes u to previous screen, a display text box and buttons. all of them are movieclips.
Now the issue is when i press down button, focus is expected to go from prevBtn->display->oneBtn, but the focus goes like prevBtn->oneBtn. Other thing is that if i press up key after going on the screen, the focus goes like callBtn->zeroBtn->eightBtn->fiveBtn->twoBtn->display->prevBtn.
one more observation is if i take the display down after all the buttons, the behavior is normal and focus goes to display.
What I'm having the problem with is the proper usage of localToGlobal method. I have the hero mc, I put into it another mc called 'weapon'. Now, in the game, I want to fire a projectile and set it at the x and y of the weapon. The question is, how can I access the absolute x and y of the weapon.
I'm trying to call a function in my main class's .as file from a sub-one.However, the function (in the main class called "makeTurret") needs to add it as a child to the main class. However, to access it from the sub-function it needs to be a static public function (to my knowledge).Because of this, I can't use this for the root.UNWORKING code (Specifically the makeTurret function at the bottom):
I used a "GlobalVarContainer" thing as suggested in this blog post: greenethumb.com/article/11/global-variables-in-as3 which seems pretty handy and I'll definitely use it for other things such as level number and health and so on. However, I still can't use the .this function, so I'm unsure how to actually assign anything to the MovieClip stage, so that things can be added to it as children.
There is a main movie with button "b1" .Loading external movie in it we have movieclip "b2". Now I add two the SAME listeners on "b1" and "b2" with function deleting from memory.But works only from b1.
I didn't see anything posted on this, hopefully these questions aren't repeats. So, in the tutorial, it shows how to define globals, import XML, import CSS, and load some external files into movieclips. My questions are:
1. How do you control the play order of the imported .swfs? For example, if I load my movie border/bg and it has action, then the menu with action then the main image which also has an action, how do I set up the movie clips to play in order?
2. When I import my bg swf, how do I scale it to 100% but leave the rest of the items unscaled?
3. Can certain parameters of the DropShadowFilter that gets assigned to "filtersArray" be accessed to alter the distance (as an example) so specific params can be altered for different movie clips?
I will probably add to this. The tutorial was so useful that I am trying to relearn my methodology, but there are some gaps.
I am apparently having problem loading a swf onto the proper level. Anyways, the short of it is that I now need to create all my movieclips on their proper layers and when they are needed call them to the screen.My main screen is on the first level/layer. I then created a movieclip on layer two. I then try to load the swf into that MC on layer 2 and it doesn't display.
How do you properly set a public variable or property in a construct? I'm pretty sure this is the wrong way of going about it: Code: private var subNavLoader:Loader = new Loader(); public var type:String; public var w:Number; public var h:Number; public var path:String; [Code] .....
The thing is, this feels so basic, and Flash Developer Tool 3 is just giving me this nonsense error! I know, it's probably not really nonsense but... I want to create a simple video object and let it play a local flv. okay, here's the error:"call to a possible undefined method attachNetStream through through a reference with 'static' type Video"What does it means? Does it means the object Video is static, and it's not supposed to be? Or does it mean the attachNetStream is static? here's the function
Code: private function showVideo(e:MouseEvent):void { var videoConnection:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
I would like to improove the behavior of my buttons in this way: i have 3 buttons (pix1, 2, 3)when you roll over each button the color is grey.how can i do to let the color grey when my mouse roll out off each button? for exemple I roll over on pix1 the color become grey and after I roll out of pix1. the color stay grey. It is just when I roll over on pix2 or pix3 that pix1 become back black and pix2 or pix3 become grey.for the moment it is like this : http:[url]......
I wrote this code: // size of the stagevar largeurScene:uint = stage.stageWidth;var hauteurScene:uint = stage.stageHeight;
//bt01 is a button called btserie01. I have juste written pix01var bt01:btserie01 = new btserie01();bt01.x = 90;bt01.y = 150;addChild(bt01);[code].........