ActionScript 3.0 :: Disable Clicking Every Time Dialog Box Created?

Feb 10, 2010

I have a dialog box object, every time a dialog box is created I want to disable clicking on everything else until it's closed. I was thinking about doing ...mouseChildren = false;, but because the dialog box is a child of that itself it wouldn't work out too well. Is there an easier way to disable mouse events on only certain things? I know I could add this as a separate child directly to my main displayobject, aside from the rest of the GUI, but is that the best way?

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Flash :: JSFL - Suppressing/auto-clicking On Dialog Boxes?

Nov 15, 2010

var tmpDoc = fl.createDocument();
/*..some logic...*/

My JSFL has the above code.And on the 3rd line, I get a dialog box :which has title : "Resolve library conflict"two radio button options : "replace","dont replace"two buttons : "ok","cancel" Due to this dialog box, I have to manually monitorthe script execution and click on a button. want to either :1. Suppress these kind of dialog boxex altogether.2. or programatically provide a default option to these kind of dialogs

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disable A Movieclip After Clicking It?

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home.buttonMode = true;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disable Function - Zoom In And Zoom Out By Clicking Button?

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//button for zoom in
function glassMove(event:MouseEvent):void{[code]..............

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disable Rollover After First Time?

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I want to make them rollover just once.

This is the flash Iïż½m working with: [URL]/

These are the buttons on the left.

on (release){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Intervals Being Created - Need One At A Time?

Aug 12, 2008

Its seems a problem I am having is to do with setIntervals in a while loop. I clear what seems to be the interval but as another interval is started before the last one finish I then have multiple intervals. I can close them all down with this...
for (i= checkImage;i>0;i--){
trace("clearInterval(checkImage) " +i);
But that ofcourse closes the rest down before they have done what I need.

I think my while loop needs to change? Here is the current while loop code....
function loadImages(){
while (imageWidthList[leftPictureNumber+imagesDisplayed] > 0 and xPosition +(imageWidthList[leftPictureNumber+imagesDisplayed]+(borderThickness*3)) < 700) {
var img_mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
linkLayer = this.createEmptyMovieClip("link"+(leftPictureNumbe r+imagesDisplayed), _root.getNextHighestDepth());
[Code] .....

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button.enabled = false

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Time Delay To Disable With Mouse Rollover?

Aug 15, 2010

using this time delay

interval = setInterval(go_next,2000)
function go_next(){

Can any body make this timeline script,, like if there is a mouse rollover then the timer should fail or timer should not work or disable.. 4 frames i am looping with 4button scripts ,, during my mouse rollover on them should disable the timer delay..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scroll One At A Time - Disable The Buttons Until It Has Scrolled 390?

Sep 15, 2005

I've set up a scroller that scrolls an MC up or down with two different buttons (up and down). When you press up, the MC rises 390 and when you press down, it lowers 390. The issue I'm having is that if you hit the button while it is scrolling, it screws up the scroller and scrolls off values. Here is the code that I'm using:

onClipEvent (load) {
_x = 0;
_y = 0;[code]....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disable Buttons For A Length Of Time, Then Enable Them Again?

Sep 21, 2008

I'm using this script to go between sections with a fade out before loading the next section...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Removing A Dynamically Created Movieclip After Time Interval?

Jul 13, 2011

every so often a movieclip is dynamically created using actionscript from the main timeline. It has the instance name of

["spark" + i]

each time one is created "i" goes up 1. so I end up with spark1, spark2, spark3, spark4 etc. etc.What they need to do is play through an animation (about 4 frames) and then destroy themselves.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ConcactenationDearS - Another Dynamic Field Created At Authoring Time In Frame4

Dec 4, 2009

I have made an input text filed in frame 2 (made at authoring time) and populated a variable with it i.e var g_nameEntry: String; g_nameEntry = nameField_txt.text; and now have performed the concactenation with this variable in the Frame 4 i.e loserField_txt.text = "Sorry" +g_nameEntry where loserField_txt is another dynamic field created at authoring time in Frame4. However this is not working.

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Dec 4, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Trace() A Variable Nested Inside Another Clip That Is Created At Run Time By The User?

Dec 21, 2009

on my stage i have 24 instance MC Page created at runtime (when cliked the button execute 24 instance MC Page from the library). Each of those MC Page create an xml  with infos (not important), this variable_XML created is nested inside each MC Page.. From my stage i want to call each XML from each MC Page  for make 1 unic  big xml, then send it to the server.
So from the main stage i created a button that call each xml of each MC Page (there is a definit number of Page only 24, no more, no less). So when the 24 instances of the MC Page are created I push there instance name inside an Array "Page_Array". Now in my function exportxml i use get ChildByName(Page_array[number]) for find them then i can apply my method to the according MCPage.. Until here no problem, trace( work. but when i try to get my variable inside the MC Page : trace(dispObject.my_variableXML), it doesnt work..
here is my function (only 1 page for this example ):
function exportxml(evt:MouseEvent):void {    dispObject=getChildByName(Page_Array[0]);    trace(; //trace  Page1      trace(dispObject.my_variableXML);// here it dont trace the variableXML
normally if i trace(Page1.my_variableXML); , it should trace "my_varableXML"  no ??

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Actionscript 3 :: Change The Color Of One Shape By Clicking On Clicking Another Object Of Sprite?

Aug 30, 2011

I have drawn intersecting lines. The user can click on a region inside the angle formed by the two lines.When the user clicks inside the area, the small region formed by the arc between the two lines showing the angle should change. How can I do that.the region between the intersecting lines is sprite object to dispatch event listener, but the arc is shape object.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: System Resource Use - Flash Created Vs Photoshop Created?

Mar 14, 2009

I have only one question but phrased it 3 ways:

1) Is it better to pre=render things say in photoshop or have flash render them?

2) if I have a field of stars that drift along; is it better to create that Star Field in photoshop as a single picture (say a .png) or to create a star in my library and add it to a movie clip and then have that drift along?

Lets say I have a blur effect on my stars and have an equivalent on the photoshop.

3) I have heard (and experienced) adding effects like blur takes a fair amount of CPU and memory so was wondering if I created the effect in photoshop and then imported the 'blurred' object into my flash if I could cut down on system resources?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keyword "this" - Refer To The Current Instance Variable Being Created When Its The Only One Being Created?

Dec 11, 2009

When an instance variable is constructed by a constructor method, why do you need to refer to the current instance variable being created when its the only one being created? I understand assigning an expression to it but why name it "this." when it is the only object that the constructor is building? Does it have some hing to do with being able to naming that object in the Local Variable? In other words am I creating a generic object that will be named in another class?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Print Without Dialog Box?

Jun 27, 2001

I am wondering if anyone know if I can make a print button and have it print just the frame I am on and NOT pop up the print dialog box? I just want to click the button and have it print my current frame.

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Php :: PHP To Jquery Dialog() Interaction ?

Jan 10, 2012

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This would load flash content:


I want to use the jquery dialog to open this content. Everything passed in seems to be perfect (according to the GET response from firebug) but I still get a jquery error. missing ; before statement jquery.js line 612


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Mar 13, 2009

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Aug 2, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: User Inputs From Dialog Box?

Aug 4, 2010

I need to get user inputs from the user in a popup dialog box. And get the data on the main page.For example a login dialog box. When the user enters the User/Passwd , it should be available on the main page.

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