ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Add New Text?
Feb 15, 2010
building an application where the user makes their own logo/picture. I have a Logo MC, with a bunch of stuff. Here is my problem: I want the user to be able to add an unlimited amount of textboxes to the logo mc, but also be able to go back and edit those text boxes' color, filters, size, text etc. I don't know exactly how to go about doing this. I have a movieclip that is like a text control:It has a textbox to specify text, a colorpicker for color, etc. When a user clicks, "Add new text", I want to add a new text control movie clip to the end of all the others, and also link it to a textbox that is added in the logo. I thought this up:
function addNewText(){
var randomString:String = String(Math.random());
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What I want to happen is, for each text field that is created, i want the numbers to constantly change based on a timer (they'll all change at the same time, but to random numbers).
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var timer:Timer = new Timer(100,0);//called every Xms, repeated infinately (0);
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Jun 14, 2004
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May 2, 2007
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eventClips[i].url_txt.htmlText = "<a href=""+child.attributes.url+""></a>";
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Sep 16, 2010
I have 3 movieclips on stage (inn0, inn1, inn2), each have a textfield as child. I want to do something like:
for (var i:int = 0; i < arrayWords.length; i++){
"inn"+i.botNewTexto.text= arrayWords[0]
I can do:
inn0.botNewTexto.text= arrayWords[0]
inn1.botNewTexto.text= arrayWords[1]
inn2.botNewTexto.text= arrayWords[2]
But want to do it dynamically.How can I do that assignment?
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Mar 7, 2002
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date1= some text for this date
date2= some text for this date
date3= some text for this date
and so on.
then when they click on the day of the month it'll display the specified line.but for me to be able to do that I would need to be able to change the actual name of the text box i think.
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I have an FLA file with a dynamic text symbol on it.Its a 3 frame movie, 1st frame is the menu, 2nd the game, 3rd the game over screen.
Frame 2 is where I'm trying to dynamically update the text. I have:
scoreDisplay.text = gameScore.toString();
When I do a trace( scoreDisplay.text ), I do see it changing, however on movie, it doesn't change. I don't get any errors, and the game plays fine. I have a class setup. I have the constructor, a function to handle clicking on the cards, and a function to handle updating the dynamic text:
public function showGameScore()
scoreDisplay.text = gameScore.toString();
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Jun 15, 2011
Im working on flashvars to pass data to flash through html. I have tried numerous ways and for some reason can't get it to work. In this example I'm trying to set the text of textLayerBtm dynamically. Here is my AS3 code:
textLayerBottom.text = root.loaderInfo.parameters.txtBtm;
//textLayerBottom.text = "this worked";
The second line was used for test purposes, which worked so it's commented out. Here is the HTML that includes the flashvars:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
The html is the default html that flash created except for the flashvars parameters. The text is not being set on the bottom text layer. Here is a live link with the code exactly how you see it above:
undermountsinkdotcom slash ILM slash DynamicText dot html
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Oct 1, 2011
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importXML = new XML();
importXML.ignoreWhite = true;
importXML.onLoad = function(success)
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Oct 27, 2004
I would like to load text dynamically form my server into my flash movie. That I know how to do. I have 2 frames on 1 layer.
But when I try the same thing within a movie clip, I have trouble getting the text to display. The text box pops up but no text from my content.txt file.
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Apr 15, 2006
One small question how you animate (typewrite) a dynamically loaded text?I have this code:
var str:String = current_home.text;
var sInt = setInterval (writeIt, 1);
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Mar 6, 2007
I have a movie clip with a dynamic text box inside of it. This box is 160 pixels wide and has a font size of 14.I am dynamically loading car names into this box. Something like "2006 Ford Taurus" just fits perfectly in there with the font I am using... another name, such as "2006 Ford Econoline" is too long and the text is cut off... I won't have anything much longer than about 25 characters, but I cannot go over the 160 pixels I have and I cannot multiline it... is there any way I can switch the text size, or "squish" the letters together so that everything will fit?
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Oct 2, 2008
I have a order form ,that has a option to add text boxes the user can add boxes as they like and enter their details in these text boxes.there are some fixed text boxes are present on this form.I have no problem getting values/data from these text boxes.I set it up to send details from this form to my email address.I'm wondering how can I get data from dynamically text boxes that are add by user.
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Mar 12, 2009
I am dynamically loading data from an XML file into a text box. That part I have. But I would also like to have the TextBox a URL. Is there a way to also load the URL from the XML file?
I tried textbox.url = (MyXMLInfo)xml.node.child.text());
But I get an error in the output, "Cannot create property url on flash.text.TextField"
EDIT:::::: Ok, i remembered the addEventListener, and got that working. Except how can I make it so when the mouse is over the text, it turns into the finger icon instead of the I-Bar?
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Aug 11, 2009
I've followed the tutorial on here on how load text from an XML file into a dynamic text box. I'd like to also automatically adjust the height of my text box based on the imported XML text
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
_root.header = this.firstChild.childNodes[2].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
_root.content1 = this.firstChild.childNodes[2].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
header.text = _root.header;
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Feb 6, 2010
I'm currently working on a project where I need to create a grid of dynamic text boxes each displaying my specified number. I won't go into big specifics, since I can assign the values to each text box, but for some reason I'm having problems creating the grid dynamically. I've used the same method for attaching Movie Clips in a grid, and it works fine, so I can't figure out for the life of me what the problem is.
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Jan 1, 2004
Im having trouble loading text dynamically into a "masked" movie...I followed two tutorials to do put this together...this one for dynamically loading text: http:[url].....
and this for the preloader: http:[url].....I was able to load external movies correctly, BUT each of those movies have dynamic text content. I followed that external data tut to do it in each external movie...when i played that external movie by itself, the text worked..BUT when i loaded the external movie into the container movie -- the text did not show up. It only works when i unmask that content layer.
how can i make the text show up when the content layer is masked. (it needs to be masked for the effects of each external movie that is loaded into the container to work right)
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Oct 27, 2004
I would like to load text dynamically form my server into my flash movie. That I know how to do. I have 2 frames on 1 layer.
But when I try the same thing within a movie clip, I have trouble getting the text to display. The text box pops up but no text from my content.txt file.
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May 21, 2009
I'm having a text box on my stage and I want to change the text dynamically from the actions.What I did was:
1. Create a text box a put it on stage
2. convert it to symbol. It is an instance of volPercent and the name is volPercent_
3. I put this code on the actions for that frame
volPercent_.text = "[100%]";
The error I get is 1120: Access of undefined property volPercent.
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Jun 16, 2009
I want to display text in a textfield which dynamically creating. Also this textField is creating inside a movicelip which is created dynamically. I used the following code. Its not working.
var mainMc:MovieClip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("mainMc",1000);
mainMc.createTextField("my_txt",1,100,100,300,100); my_txt.text = "This is my first test field object text.";
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Aug 31, 2009
I alreay have the symbol (mySymbol) in the library.I want to add some test to it dynamically (to write something on it).So when I call this symbol on the stage (create an instance in AS3), it comes modified with the test.
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Sep 29, 2009
I have a problem with writing arabic text in the TextInput Dynamically. when i run the swf file i can write arabic in the search textinput, but when i try it online it write symbols and mad characters just like these " E - E H / E - E / "
View 6 Replies
Mar 11, 2010
I am trying to make a quiz application. I want to use classes in this project (which I am still learning how to use). I found a sample posted by a user here that I can clearly understand. The issue I am having is that actaul text for the questions is very long. So when I apply my questions it just runs the text off of the stage. How can I have the text field drop to another line so that it doenst go off of the stage? Here is the code that creates the text field (it is on an AS file).
public function QuizQuestion(theQuestion:String, theAnswer:int, ...answers) { //store the supplied arguments in the private variables: question = theQuestion; theCorrectAnswer = theAnswer; choices = answers; //create and position the textfield (question): questionField = new TextField();
I am guessing I need to add something where the text field is created that talks about the width of the text field and allow it to be multiline, I am just not sure how to word it in AS3...
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